Chapter 703
At this time, the Wukaner army, who had never dared to show their heads, was about to take advantage of the Tianhua army's attack on the wall to deal a thunderous blow.Unexpectedly, just as he stood up, he heard a whistling sound from below, several rockets were stabbed into his body, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

Dozens of rockets fired continuously, pouring arrows towards the city, suppressing the Wukaner army's offensive.Under the protection of the shield soldiers, the blasters rushed to the pass and began to bury the explosives.

Not long after, after the explosives were arranged, everyone evacuated and shut down, leaving only a twisted rope with sparks running towards the explosion.

"Boom!" Hearing a loud noise, Xiaguan was immediately submerged in huge thick smoke.When the gunpowder smoke cleared, a gap had been opened in the wall, exposing the dark Wukaner army on the opposite side.

Although the wall was broken, the Wukaner army still insisted on not retreating. Relying on the broken wall, they still wanted to delay the pace of the Tianhua army.

Relying on the advantage of the narrow canyon, the Wukaner army suffered huge casualties and desperately withstood the Tianhua army's offensive.Under such terrain, cavalry cannot play a role.Relying on the broken wall, the advantage of gunpowder has also been weakened by more than half.If you want to defeat the enemy army, it will be impossible to do it for a while.

At this time, it had been nearly three hours since Wukaner's army evacuated. If they did not break through this barrier as soon as possible, the enemy would be able to cross the Kemir Heights and escape.And this is something that Lin Yifan cannot tolerate. Anyone who offends my brilliance will be punished no matter how far away, it's not just talking.Now, only by keeping the Wukaner army within the Kemir Heights can this goal be achieved at the lowest cost.Otherwise, once the Wukaner army escaped from Kemir, Tianhua could only choose to retreat, because there was another enemy army on the side in the Western Region, and they could not continue to pursue this Wukaner army.

"The Musketeers are ready." After thinking for a moment, Lin Yifan immediately ordered, "Take the Xia Pass for me."

"Follow the order!" I saw a general shouted loudly behind me, and then turned around and ran to the rear.

After a while, I saw a group of cavalry rushing towards the formation. Before and after arriving at the formation, the cavalry on top dismounted suddenly.On their backs, they carried a long musket on their backs, and a cloth pocket full of ammunition and a short sword were pinned to their waists and hips.

"Assemble all." The general shouted loudly.A thousand musketeers quickly assembled and lined up in dozens of queues.

"Unlock the gun."

The whole regiment untied the muskets from their backs one after another and held them in their hands.


Everyone immediately took out a pack of cardboard ammunition from their cloth pockets and put them into a groove on the top of the gun.Then pull an iron piece next to it to cover the groove and lock it.There is a sharp iron nail on the iron plate. After the cover is closed, the nail will penetrate into the paper shell, pull out the gunpowder, and scatter it in the gun chamber.

"go ahead!"

The Musketeers marched forward in unison, heading for Xiaguan.

When it was close to 50 meters, only the sword and shield soldiers held shields and stood in front of the musketeers to guard against the enemy's cold arrows.

After approaching 30 meters, the shield soldier suddenly squatted down, exposing the musketeer behind him.


With an order, the musketeers in the first row immediately raised their spears and pulled the trigger at the gorge pass.

Just hearing the sound of "boom!", the Wukaner army who closed the gorge fell down immediately.The Musketeers in the first row immediately squatted down and loaded ammunition.At the same time, the Musketeers of the second row also opened fire.

After only a few rounds of shooting, the enemy troops in Xiaguan were completely empty.Taking advantage of this brief gap, the shield soldiers in front immediately held their shields and continued to move forward.

At 20 meters, there was another round of shooting, and there was wailing around the gorge pass. Countless Wukaner soldiers who had been shot were struggling painfully on their belts.

Ten meters, another round of shooting, no one dared to go up the gorge pass.

The shield soldiers took the opportunity to occupy the Xia Pass and blocked the Wukaner army in front.The musketeers quickly assembled behind the shield soldiers.When ready, shoot in sections immediately, harvesting lives non-stop.

30 meters has almost become an insurmountable gap for the Wukaner army. Anyone who crosses this gap and rushes up a few steps will be killed by the strange weapons on the opposite side, and no one is spared.As the musketeers moved forward slowly, the number of casualties continued to rise, and in front of everyone, corpses littered the field.

The Wukaner army does not lack courage, but under the attack of this weapon, they have no room to resist at all.In this narrow space, bows and arrows could not form a large-scale rain of arrows, and the damage to the Tianhua Army was minimal.As for the Musketeers of the Tianhua Army, their speed and continuous attack were so important that they had no time to react, so they could only keep retreating.

When Tianhua Musketeers stepped on the corpses all over the ground, they continued to attack unswervingly.The troops in the front row of the Wukaner army collapsed immediately. They really didn't want to be corpses lying on the ground and being trampled on.As a result, countless people and horses rolled backwards to the soldiers and horses behind, desperately trying to escape from the Shura field here.The people behind had no idea of ​​the situation ahead and were still moving forward.The army collided together, causing chaos immediately.

Finally, the cavalry who had assembled in the rear suddenly launched an attack.Tens of thousands of cavalry were like a flood, rushing towards the defeated Wukaner army, like a flood sweeping away fine sand.In just a moment, the Wukaner army was submerged in the torrential flood.

After retreating for four hours, Homur finally came to the Kemir Highlands. Looking to the west, they could vaguely see the peaks belonging to their Wukaner border.It only takes more than a day for them to enter the country smoothly.

In order to boost morale, Homur immediately informed the whole army of the good news.For a moment, the whole army cheered up and cheered with joy.

"Let's go, let's go home!" Homur shouted vigorously, and immediately, the army seemed to generate infinite power, and the speed increased a lot.

However, not long after, when they reached a mountainside, they heard a loud noise erupting from the mountain.

I saw that the snow mountain above suddenly cracked, and a huge snow block slid down from the mountain.

"It's an avalanche, run!"

The army suddenly huddled together and made a mess.The rumbling avalanche didn't wait for anyone. With a bang, it instantly submerged the large group of people marching on the mountainside.

Hormur reined in his horse in fear, and stared at what happened in front of him in a daze.This avalanche alone took away nearly [-] people ahead of them, and their lives and deaths are unknown.What made him even more desperate was that Xue Beng suddenly cut off the road leading to the country.It will take at least several days to get through the snow.But the question is, do they still have this time?
No, Homur suddenly remembered that he seemed to have heard a huge explosion on the mountain just now, and then caused an avalanche.In other words, this avalanche was premeditated, not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster.

Sure enough, at this moment, a low-pitched horn sounded from behind.Homur looked back with a pale face, and saw a dark crowd moving towards them down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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