Chapter 682 War Control
In early March, Tianjingguan had been besieged for nearly a month.Hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides gathered here to start repeated contests.In order to guard against the Tianhua army, after Cao Ziyan's expansion and repairs in the past few years, the Tianjing Pass has already changed its appearance.In the tens of miles long Tianjingshan Canyon, layers of checkpoints were arranged, and countless supplies and weapons were hoarded.Even if the Tianhua army broke through several outer walls, they still couldn't get through the canyon smoothly.He could only press harder and harder, squeezing Cao Jun inside bit by bit.At this time, the difficulty of the attack is also increasing little by little.

In a month of fierce fighting, the Tianhua Army suffered more than 5 casualties, and countless ammunition was consumed.What's more, the army was dragged here tightly and was not allowed to enter, which seriously interfered with the plan of the Southern Expedition.If there were no attacks from Tian Yun and the Mobei people, this time would really be nothing.But now, the Tianhua army must pacify the Central Plains as soon as possible before they can deal with these two countries.

However, misfortunes never come singly. The news from the Western Regions finally reached Lin Yifan. When he saw that the four countries in the Western Regions were rebelling against China and their military strength reached one million, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Sure enough, these countries really colluded with Cao Ziyan.Lin Yifan tore the information into pieces with a look of anger on his face.The Seven Kingdoms turned against China, hehe, Cao Ziyan is really generous, he actually handed over the gunpowder formula to those foreigners.

Anger turned into anger, after Lin Yifan calmed down, he had to think about how to deal with it.According to the size of the troops of the two sides, the combined strength of the seven-nation coalition forces has reached as many as 220 million.As for the strength of one's own side, it is now full of battles and calculations, and it can be pieced together, which is only a million or so.Even counting the ally of the Eternal Kingdom, the military strength is less than half of the Seven Kingdoms.What's more, the current eternity, whether it can stand on my side, or two.

Disadvantages in military strength can only be made up for in other ways.What Tianhua can be proud of is its superior combat power and advanced weaponry compared to other countries.However, as Cao Ziyan spread the gunpowder technology to the public, the gap between the various countries and Tianhua in terms of weaponry was further narrowed.

Today, the weather is not on his side, but he still has the convenience of the location. Whether it is Tianji Pass, Shasha Desert, Quyang Pass, or the depth of the grassland, they all play a great role in blocking the enemy's offensive.But as for Renhe, Lin Yifan couldn't help but feel a little worried. If it was Xia'an and Sha Sanzhou, he would be absolutely at ease, but once Huaming and Yan Sanzhou learned that the Seven Kingdoms had attacked China, it would probably cause panic among the people. , It is bound to cause chaos secretly, causing internal turmoil in Tianhua.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Yifan finally took up a pen and issued an edict to the cabinet.He ordered Han Song to immediately implement wartime control on all parts of Tianhua.

The edict was quickly sent to the cabinet. After Han Song received the order, his face suddenly became serious, and he immediately summoned the chief officials of the twelve ministries to assign tasks to each of them.

After the crowd dispersed, a wartime control law was promulgated in all parts of Tianhua.

The inspectors under the Ministry of Public Security in various places immediately went door-to-door to notify them, ordering them not to go out and wander around at will for a while.If you want to go out, you must report to the inspection station.Township and county patrols and police officers began to conduct round-the-clock patrols to closely monitor local changes.

The people were panicked and didn't know what happened.Why did the always kind government officials become so strange.

Immediately afterwards, the Ministry of Military Affairs began to issue a call-up order to recruit young and strong men from townships and counties in various places for a three-month training.All the militiamen from all over the country went to the state capitals to gather and wait for orders.

Then, many workshops received orders from the Ministry of Public Works to stop or reduce the production of livelihood materials, and make every effort to produce military supplies designated by the Ministry of Public Works.

The Ministry of Commerce ordered all merchants to stop trading, and all the hoarded goods were purchased by the government and distributed uniformly.

Even the most stupid people would know that something serious must have happened for these successive major moves. Otherwise, how could the government go against the grain and adopt such a policy of depleting national strength.

However, the government is currently blocking the news very strictly, and those who know the truth have also been issued a gag order.

Finally, after launching a series of control measures internally, the government finally announced the news to the outside world.As soon as the news came out, the whole country was in an uproar. They never expected that today's Hua Empire would be attacked by the Seven Kingdoms, and the situation was at stake.

Some people panicked, some people were angry.The common people in the three prefectures of Xia'ansha joined the army enthusiastically, hoping to defend their families and the country.Some of Hua Mingyan's gentry began to spread rumors, saying that Tianhua was good at using swords and weapons, causing anger and resentment, and being punished by all countries.After some rumors, some people immediately panicked and felt even more dissatisfied with Tianhua.

In this regard, the Overwatch Council, together with the Blood and Shadow Guards, secretly investigated the source of the rumors, and once they found out, they immediately killed their entire clan, so as to deter those with evil intentions.

When those gentry saw the government adopting such harsh measures, they couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts, and quickly went into hibernation.The Overwatch Council severely frightened a group of people, but there was nothing they could do about the people's growing panic.

At this moment, the Cultural and Propaganda Department finally made a move.They first told the people about the past when Hengshan resisted the invasion of Shazhou by the Three Kingdoms.Back then, Hengshan was so weak that it was able to repel the attacks of the three major powers.Today, the country is established by Tianhua, with tens of millions of people under its rule, millions of elite soldiers, strong armor and weapons, and well-trained, is it not as good as it was back then?

Then he told them that today's temporary control is just to prevent Xiaoxiao rebellious people from launching an internal rebellion.As long as the army has pacified the Central Plains, it can immediately send troops to pacify the enemies from all directions.

Under the appeasement of the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda using various methods, the people all over the country finally felt at ease, and could only silently accept the war control, praying for the end of the war as soon as possible.

In order to boost morale, Guo Huaili and Mr. Bian Ji began to appeal in the academic circles that all students are the pillars of the country. When the country is in crisis, it is time to throw pens into the army and defend the country.As a result, students from all over the country rushed to the conscription office with swords and horses, demanding to join the army.Naturally, the Tianhua government will not really let them fight on the battlefield. After all, they are the pillars of the future country, and they are reluctant to let their blood spill on the battlefield.As long as this move is to inspire the patriotism of the people of the country, and it is driven by scholars, it will make the people feel more responsible and responsible.

These scholars will be recruited into the army to serve as staff and staff officers. They will not be on the front line, but they will be able to sharpen their minds and kill two birds with one stone.

At this time, the female political secretary called on women from all over the country to sew clothes and make dry food for the frontline soldiers, to do their bit.For this reason, Empress Luo Qing'er took the lead and led a group of officials' wives to make clothes for frontline soldiers in the palace day and night.Women from all over the world are deeply impressed by the Tianhua system, and are very grateful for the care they take for them. They immediately received fabrics from the workshops and rushed to work at home.

At this time, the entire interior of Tianhua began to operate efficiently, and almost no one was idle.The whole people are integrated into the military system and become a part of the war machine.

(End of this chapter)

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