Chapter 677
At this time, the navy of Tianhua Army, with only more than 300 warships left, surrounded Cao Jun's water village, but did not attack.Instead, the more than one hundred warships captured were incorporated into the naval officers and soldiers who lost their warships due to damage to the ships, and were reorganized into the battle ranks.Collect more than 400 warships and launch a fierce attack on the water village.

Now that the offensive and defensive situation is changing, and the strength is very different, Cao Jun's navy can only hide in the water village, resisting the attack of Tianhua Army with difficulty.Fortunately, there are artillery brought from the shore, which can be erected on various high grounds to block the entry of the Tianhua Navy, otherwise, their strength alone would not be able to last for too long.

At this time, on the south bank, Cao Jun's sentry posts were stationed everywhere to prevent the enemy from crossing the river quietly.After the Tianhua navy cruised for many days, they had to report the situation to Luo Yi.

When Luo Yi heard the words, he didn't say anything, but let them continue to patrol and investigate.

But the generals were a little anxious. Now the navy's battle has lasted for several days. They are eager to fight, but they have no way to cross the river. They have already been aggrieved and panicked.

Therefore, some generals tentatively said that they should adopt the method of forced crossing and just send their troops south.Now that there are 20 troops in the middle, can the opponent stop them all?
Regarding this, Luo Yi was noncommittal, and just warned him lightly, that it is true that compassion does not command soldiers, but such a person is not worthy of being a general if he ignores the lives of soldiers and makes unnecessary sacrifices.

The general who said this hastily apologized and retracted his previous arrogant words.

At this time, Cao Jun's water village had less than a hundred warships left, and the forts on the nearby high ground were also removed one by one.The Tianhua Army Navy has already occupied most of the water village, completely blocking the Cao Jun Navy inside the water village.

Less than a hundred ships were crowded into a small corner, and could only let the Tianhua army attack fiercely.As a last resort, Gan Zongwang, the commander of the Zhongzhou Army, had to order the navy to abandon the warship and go ashore.Then he ordered the army to deploy defenses along the river and closely monitored the movements of the Tianhua Army.

After completely destroying the Longjiang water village, the Tianhua Navy finally took full control of Longjiang.

At this moment, Luo Yi finally gave the order for the whole army to cross the river.

Numerous rafts and ferries that had already been prepared were all put into the river, and naval warships also came to load a large number of soldiers and slowly approached south.About one mile after reaching the south bank, the artillery on the warship began to fire, and countless shells fell into the south bank, destroying countless defense lines arranged by Cao Jun.At this time, Cao Jun was unable to launch a counterattack against the Tianhua Army, so he could only silently endure the devastation and persist until the opponent approached.

At this moment, tens of thousands of raft ferries passed the warships in the rear and flocked to the south bank like locusts.

Cao Jun was waiting for this opportunity, and immediately launched a counterattack against the rushing enemy.Countless shells, crossbow arrows, and catapults hit the river again, or pierced the boats, or set off waves and overturned the raft.For a while, the number of Tianhua soldiers who fell into the water was unknown.It was February at this time, and the weather was still cold. The soldiers who fell into the water were picked up by their comrades, shivering from the cold, and temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

With Cao Jun's counterattack, more targets were exposed in the eyes of Tianhua Navy.The shells smashed desperately towards the opponent's defense line. Finally, after approaching hundreds of meters, the catapult on the ship finally played a role, and cans of kerosene were thrown into Cao's formation, setting off a sea of ​​​​flames.Cao Jun's offensive was immediately slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Tianhua army took a raft and quickly approached the shore. The soldiers of the Tianhua army jumped off the raft immediately, and built a line of defense on the shore to stabilize their foothold.

The raft immediately returned to the north bank and continued to load troops.While the Tianhua warship approached the south bank, while unloading troops and supplies, it continued to use fire attacks to prevent Cao's counterattack.

Time passed little by little, and at this time the Tianhua Army based on the south bank already numbered tens of thousands.With the unloaded artillery, they began to advance slowly.

At this time, Cao Jun, who was blocked by the fire attack, had already panicked. Facing the fire, they could not see the situation on the other side at all. If they could not counterattack as soon as possible, the opponent's troops would pour in continuously. , Offensive and defensive changes, only with their 15 horses, it is impossible to defend Zhongzhou.

Gan Zongwang knew that it was impossible to stop the enemy from crossing the river, so he ordered the whole army to enter Longyang City.

As the capital of Tianwu for 300 years, Longyang City has high walls and strong walls. Even if it is attacked with artillery, it cannot break through the walls.It was precisely because of this that Gan Zongwang thought of withdrawing his defense from the city.As long as Longyang City is defended, the enemy army will not be able to continue going south.

It was already planned in the court before. In this battle, Cao Jun will focus on defense, and try to hold back the Tianhua Army as much as possible, so that they can neither attack nor retreat.When the remaining six countries officially launched an attack, it was time for Cao Jun to counterattack.

When Cao Jun retreated before the fire was extinguished, Luo Yi couldn't help showing a trace of doubt. This crossing of the river seemed to be too smooth.Could it be that Cao Jun is preparing to occupy the city and start an offensive and defensive war with himself?Not quite right, not quite right.

Thinking this way in his heart, Luo Yi did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the whole army to cross the river quickly.But in one day, all the 20 troops finally arrived on the south bank.Then he rushed to Longyang City and blocked Cao Jun in the city.

In addition to leaving some ships behind, the navy will continue to go eastward, preparing to join another Yanzhou navy, and attack Cao Jun's Qingzhou navy back and forth.

Surrounding Longyang City, Luo Yi ordered the launch of artillery to bombard the city wall to test the opponent's reality.

Under the fierce bombardment of the artillery, the walls of Longyang City were only smashed to pieces on the surface, but the rammed earth inside was hard to break. The inherent flexibility of the soil offset most of the power of the shells.

Seeing that the artillery attack failed, Luo Yi knew that it might not be easy to take down this city.But if this city is not taken, this army will be wiped out.Then his own 20 army cannot leave half a step away, after all, there is a strong army of 15 soldiers and horses in the opponent's city.Once the troops are divided, they may be divided and wiped out by the opponent at any time.

If you want to break through the city, you can only use the cannon that breaks the city.But the city-breaking cannons have now all been transferred to Tianjing Pass for breaking the pass.Is it time to start using a new type of hot air balloon?

Before setting off, Lin Yifan specially sent three hot air balloons to their Central Route Army, originally for future investigation and warning.But now, Longyang City is difficult to break, so we must use a hot air balloon to take off to check the situation in the city.When necessary, explosives will be carried to bomb the enemy general or a weapon for city defense.

Although this method can indeed achieve miraculous effects, Luo Yi doesn't really want to use it, because this hot air balloon is too difficult to control, and there is a risk of crashing when it is moved. aim at the target.Or its function is only to deter.

(End of this chapter)

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