Chapter 670

Next is the rewards for the chief officials of the twelve ministries. In addition to maintaining their original official positions, they are also awarded the title of Marquis.In addition to the previous eight chief officials, the other four new chief officials are all living in the second-class marquis.At the same time, the original eight chief officials were all able to be listed in the Xingchen Pavilion.

After the appointment of the chief officials of the Twelve Departments, Mr. Bian Ji was also named Tai Tuo, a second-class Marquis, and ranked in Xingchen Pavilion.Zhang Zhongliang and Pei Yan were led Yanzhou Shepherd and Huazhou Shepherd respectively, and were given the title of second-class marquis and ranked in Xingchen Pavilion.Wumu Manda was conferred the title of appeasement envoy to Zhenbei and received a second-class title, but he did not enter the Xingchen Pavilion.

Then there are the awards of the commanders of the divisions and the sub-officials of the various ministries. Under the condition that the original official positions remain unchanged, they are granted as the last waiting, and they have not entered the Xingchen Pavilion.

As for the civil and military officials below, they all received their due rewards, and everyone was sincerely convinced.

After the etiquette officer finished reading, all the ministers bowed loudly: "I thank the emperor for his kindness!"

After the end of this award, various complicated affairs will be handled by the relevant departments.For those civil and military officials who are far away from the border and cannot come here to accept the award, the imperial court will send a fast horse to deliver the imperial edict of the award, the ribbon seal and other things to their hands.

After the rewards for the officials were over, it was the turn of the envoys from the Western Regions to come to worship.

As the vassal states of the Tianhua Empire, the countries of the Western Regions immediately bowed three times and kowtowed nine times after entering the main hall, and greeted the Emperor Tianhua as courtiers.

After Lin Yifan inquired about the situation of the countries in the Western Regions with concern, he issued them the imperial seal of the Tianhua Empire.From then on, the new kings of the countries in the Western Regions must obtain the royal seal of the Tianhua Emperor before they can become kings. Otherwise, they will violate the system and belong to hypocrisy, and will be sanctioned by the Tianhua Empire.If Emperor Tianhua withdraws the seal of a certain country's monarch, then this country will no longer be a country, and will be forced to change to Tianhua county.

Under such a high-pressure policy, the monarchs of various countries have long been panicked, for fear that if Tianhua is dissatisfied, a state that has been in existence for hundreds of years will be wiped out in ashes.Therefore, in order to keep Guozuo, he had to be more submissive.

The first morning court of the new dynasty finally came to an end.Lin Yifan breathed a sigh of relief, wearing the crown weighing several kilograms all morning made him miserable.After the court was over, he immediately took the prince's hand and hurried back to the harem.

The ministers also left the hall with unsatisfactory intentions, and most of them were still immersed in the joy of being rewarded and couldn't extricate themselves.To them, an ordinary commoner has become a big man with a title in this way. When they think about it, they feel like they are dreaming.

Now there are only two dukes in the country. According to the new system, the highest limit for the rewards of the ministers is the duke, and this will become the goal that everyone strives to climb.But fortunately, the world is not yet unified, and everyone has a lot of opportunities to surpass their current titles.

The reason why everyone cares so much about titles is actually related to Tianhua's new system.This title is not a false position, but has real benefits.Although there is no enfeoffment, the title also represents a generous salary, and the title can be passed on to the next generation, although every time it is passed on to a generation, a rank will be cut off.The most important thing is that with a title, you can enjoy various privileges. Although you can't use this to exploit the people, you can have various rights that the people don't have.For example, tax reduction and exemption, the priority of becoming an official, the expansion of the scale of land ownership, and so on.

For example, a small baron can obtain the right to use [-] acres of land.Participate in the official assessment, and among equally outstanding competitors, you can be hired first.Taxes are reduced by half compared to ordinary people.

As for the highest duke, not only can he get [-] mu of fertile land, but all the children he recommends to become officials will be eligible to become officials, and as for taxes, they will be completely exempted.

With these many benefits, everyone's hearts have long been hot, and this is a benefit that can be passed on for generations.

The founding ceremony of the Tianhua Empire was successfully completed so far, but the envoys from various countries did not rush back, but went to visit various places in Hengshan, in fact to investigate Tianhua's reality.In this regard, Lin Yifan did not strictly prohibit it. Except for some forbidden areas, the rest of the places were allowed to be visited by envoys from various countries.He wanted to use this move to let them feel Tianhua's strength more intuitively, lest these countries still covet him.

However, what everyone didn't know was that when Tianhua founded the country, the envoys secretly sent by Cao Ziyan had already arrived or were on their way to their destination.

And the first stop they arrived at first was Tianyun Kingdom.

When the envoys of the Cao family arrived in Tianyun, they secretly visited Hu Chengjing, the prime minister of Tianyun, and finally got to meet Emperor Tianyun.

After explaining the purpose of coming, Bai Yunting couldn't help being greatly surprised.He never expected that the Cao family would be so afraid of Tianhua that even Leizhou would be willing to give up.At the same time, he was greatly moved by God's will. Before discussing with the ministers how to win Leizhou, the Cao family took the initiative to surrender Leizhou.

Regarding this matter, Bai Yunting did not dare to make a decision immediately, and immediately let the envoy go down to rest.Then he summoned Prime Minister Hu Chengjing to discuss.

Facing this sudden situation, Hu Chengjing also frowned slightly, constantly predicting the risks and opportunities involved.

After a long time, Hu Chengjing said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, this move may be feasible. If Hua is so powerful today, if according to what the Cao family envoy said, he will contact all countries to attack Tianhua together, then Tianhua will be unstoppable. Once Tianhua fails , we can not only get Leizhou, but also take advantage of the trend to win Shazhou, and even the land of Tianhua Anxia."

"Is Aiqing underestimating Tianhua too much?" Bai Yunting frowned and said worriedly: "Not to mention whether the countries are really willing to attack Tianhua together, even if they really unite, can they really defeat them? Ai Qing, don’t forget that the Three Kingdoms came one after another in the battle of Shazhou, and Hengshan suppressed it all, which greatly damaged the strength of the Three Kingdoms, and it took several years to slow down. In addition, Eternity is now Heaven Chinese Allied Forces, once we attack Shazhou with the whole country, how will the rear resist the Eternal Army?"

"Your Majesty, if other countries attack China, our country only needs to contain it in Shazhou." Hu Chengjing said with a smile, "If Tianhua is declining, our army will attack it with all our strength. If the situation is strong, we will secretly reconcile with it and turn to a surprise attack Leizhou attacked the hinterland of Cao's army. At that time, Cao's army was attacking Tianhua with all its strength, and the land in its heart must be empty. This is a good opportunity for our country to take control of the Central Plains."

"You mean, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?" Bai Yunting's eyes flashed, "If Tianhua is not supported, our army will take advantage of the situation to take Shazhou. If the Allied forces are frustrated, our army will immediately advance eastward, occupy Leizhou, and attract troops Central Plains? In fact, the prime minister is more inclined to go east, right?"

"Yes, the old minister really hopes to be able to take over the Central Plains. Only by obtaining a large amount of manpower and material resources from the Central Plains can our Tianhua grow rapidly." Hu Chengjing nodded solemnly, "If we defeat Tianhua, our army will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Even if we get Sha The state is just a sparsely populated place, far less prosperous than the Central Plains. More importantly, if our army suffers heavy losses when attacking Tianhua, then the Eternal Kingdom will definitely take the opportunity to enter, and we have to guard against it. .”

"Good, I know." Bai Yunting laughed loudly, "Then we promise the Cao family's alliance and make good use of this opportunity. Haha!"

 In chapter 660, Hu Chengjing's mission to Tianhua has now been changed to Ma Kuiming's mission, which can be regarded as repairing the loopholes in this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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