Chapter 668 Imperial City Review

Immediately afterwards, there is the third formation, which is a square formation composed of fifty carriages.These carriages don't look much different from ordinary carriages, but compared to ordinary carriages, these carriages appear wider, and the carriages are pulled by three horses at the same time.However, according to the official's introduction, this carriage has three functions. First, it can carry troops. Each cart can carry 20 people. The continuous speed is much faster than walking. fighting.Second, loaded with luggage, each vehicle can transport more than ten stones of supplies, which can minimize the pressure on logistical supplies.Third, build a simple line of defense.There are concave and convex grooves on all sides of the carriage that can be connected. When the enemy comes to attack, the carriages can be temporarily pieced together to form a blocking formation.Soldiers could climb on top of the wagons and fight back against enemy troops.

Following the introduction of the Tianhua official, everyone's expressions changed drastically. This kind of carriage undoubtedly increased the possibility of the Tianhua Army's long-distance raid.Once this carriage is put into use on a large scale, wouldn't it be like a moving castle?During the march, the soldiers sat in the carriage talking and laughing happily, without having to go through the hardships of a long journey.When attacking the city, sufficient supplies allow them to move slowly, exhausting the city's stamina first.When on defense, the connected chariots surround the army, blocking and thrashing the incoming enemy.However, the enemy army was unable to break through the formation of vehicles in a hurry, and could only retreat hastily in the rain of arrows.

As a result, many big countries have begun to plan, and after returning to the country, they will also advise the king to make a large number of such carriages for future contingencies.

But they never thought that such a carriage could be successful by simply imitating it?In order to develop a military carriage capable of long-distance transportation, Tianhua spent five years researching and experimenting.Moreover, many of the materials and devices used are unique to Hengshan, such as the steel used to build the frame, the ingenious running device of the axle, which can make the horse pull more effortlessly, and the maintenance and lubrication of the wheels, etc. What the others didn't know was that if they wanted to imitate Tianhua in making carriages, they would end up with nothing but nothing.

The next fourth square is an impressive swarm.But when everyone saw it, they couldn't help but frown. Why is this different from the kind of weapon they encountered before?

After the introduction, everyone suddenly realized that the swarm of bees displayed today was not the type they had seen before.The swarm of bees referred to this time has been renamed Burst Rocket.A large box was abolished, and dozens of rockets were placed in it.Instead, a three-hole shooting tube is used, which is fired using a runner. On the top of the bursting device, there is a long slot.As long as the rocket fixed on the iron hoop is inserted into the slot, and the operator turns the wrench, the rocket can be snapped into a shooting tube.

At the same time, the fire pocket at the bottom ignites a very short fuze, and the rocket can be shot out in an instant.Even better, a turntable is installed at the bottom of the repeating device, and the operator can adjust the position according to the direction of the enemy.The rocket has also been specially developed. After the launch, the deviation distance is greatly reduced, and the range reaches more than 50 meters.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Although the burst of rockets is of average power, if enough numbers are set up on the position, they can seal off the attacking path. Whether it is infantry or cavalry, they will all fall 50 meters away.

After the firing rocket phalanx left, the next fifth phalanx was the bed crossbow phalanx. A bed crossbow lay on its back on a simple carriage. There was a burst of coldness.What frightened them even more was that there was a raised bag on the arrow shaft under the arrowhead of the giant crossbow.According to Tianhua officials, a pack of explosives is placed in this raised position, and a brand-new ignition method is adopted. The huge impact generated by the impact of the arrow will trigger the flint placed inside, and the impact will generate sparks, thus igniting the gunpowder. .When the giant crossbow shoots at the enemy or the city wall, it will explode, sweeping away the enemy in a radius of ten meters.In this way, the throwing distance of explosives will reach 300 meters in the future, and the enemy army will be defeated before it approaches.

Everyone trembled when they heard the words, Tianhua only needs to rely on this sharp weapon, who else is his opponent in this world?In fact, they don't know that Tianhua doesn't produce too many weapons of this kind, because making this kind of crossbow bolts is very laborious and costly.Tianhua is currently only planning to use it as a deterrent, not a main weapon.The idea of ​​this kind of crossbow is derived from Lin Yifan's inspiration for modern rocket launchers.The power of this giant crossbow is actually no longer inferior to artillery, but due to the lack of existing conditions, it cannot replace the status of artillery for the time being.

Next is the master, the artillery phalanx.However, the artillery of this team is quite petite, only more than half a meter high, and the muzzle is only the size of a fist.Everyone couldn't help wondering, how powerful can such a small artillery be?
But after the introduction, everyone was not calm.This kind of artillery was named mortar by the emperor. Although the attack range is only about 200 meters, it has a powerful feature, that is, it uses a flintlock device like the previous crossbow bolts.The shell has a long conical shape with a fuze at the tail. As long as the artilleryman draws the shell into the barrel, it will hit the flint inside, trigger the fuze, ignite the propulsion device under the shell, and push the shell out.But that's not a big deal. The head of the cannonball is also equipped with a flintlock device. Once it falls to the ground, a strong impact will trigger the explosive device inside, causing an explosion.

However, this kind of artillery road has only been produced in small quantities so far, and it cannot be expanded.The reason is the same as that of the crossbow, it is also newly developed, complicated to make, and high in cost.Especially the trigger probability of flint, the success rate is still relatively low, and it cannot be mass-produced and put into the army. It is currently being pulled out to deter the ambitions of various countries.

After the mortar phalanx passed by, the artillery phalanx that made everyone terrified finally ushered in. These artillery are the style used on a large scale by the Chinese army today. Holes are average.

This needs no introduction, and everyone understands its power.

When the artillery phalanx passed by, they heard a huge creaking sound from a distance, and when they walked in, everyone's eyes couldn't help but widen.What appeared in front of them was something bigger than a cannon, or a cannon.But the cannon was too big, and it had to be dragged slowly by four horses. The huge weight pressed the ground of the school yard into a deep rut.The mouth of the cannon was as big as a person surrounded by it, and it was three meters long.

(End of this chapter)

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