Chapter 660
The turmoil of establishing a country has not stopped so far. With the spread of businessmen, a powerful country named Tianhua will rise in the east.The news passed through the endless plateau of the Ukaner Sultanate and penetrated to the southern countries.Across the vast grasslands of the Shayier Khanate, it was brought to the western countries.

At this time, Hengshan is completing various plans for the founding of the country in an orderly manner.The founding of the country is imminent, and the hearts of the people are surging. Whether it is officials or the common people, there will always be endless topics for chatting about the founding of the country.Among them, Tianhua's name was constantly mentioned by everyone, over and over again, and gradually became popular among the people.So much so that many people no longer call themselves Hengshan people, but call themselves Chinese.

Even the Golden Werewolves and Donghu people who have already joined, whether they are forced by the situation or because they agree with each other, have abandoned their previous titles and changed them to Chinese.In order to integrate into the future Tianhua Empire, they even changed their surnames into single characters and took a Central Plains name.If it weren't for his appearance being slightly different from that of Central Plains people, and his speech with a strong accent, his behavior and behavior would have been no different from ordinary Central Plains people.

Regarding this situation, among the Hengshan scholars, they quickly divided into two groups. One group believed that the title of the Chinese was an exclusive title for the people of the Central Plains. How could it be the turn of the barbarians to use it?It must be ordered to prohibit them from calling themselves Chinese and restore their original title.

But the other faction believes that since those alien races who belong to us are willing to accept our culture, language, and clothing, why can't they be recognized as one of us?The ancient sages also said that when the barbarians enter China, the principle is the Central Plains, and when the Central Plains enters the barbarians, the barbarians will follow.Now that all barbarians have a heart for Tianhua, they naturally want to make Tianhua shine. After a hundred years, they will blend with each other, and there will be no distinction between Huayi and Yihua.

The two factions quarreled fiercely, which immediately led to discussions among many people.In the eyes of the people of the Huaming and Yan states, those barbarians invaded our Central Plains all the year round and killed countless compatriots, how could they be classified as one.Especially the Ming and Yan prefectures were deeply invaded and plundered by the Hu people in the north, and many of them were burdened with blood feuds.When they learned of the dispute between the two factions, most of them sided with the Qiuyi faction and clamored to expel the Yidi and kill them all.

However, the Xia'ansha three states, which were also abused by foreign races back then, did not hate foreign races like the people in the three places.Now, in these three places, many foreign races who were sentenced to hard labor because they were captured back then, some of them were released because of their good performance, and finally integrated into the three places.The rest of the people who committed serious crimes are still doing hard labor in the dark mines to this day, and the dead are counted every year.

There are also those foreign races who have joined Hengshan, whether they are forced or voluntary, have already integrated into the Central Plains culture, speak the same language, wear the same clothes, eat the same food, and the people of the three places have become accustomed to their existence.

Therefore, under the turmoil in Hengshan, the three places were surprisingly calm.

But these did not make the people of other races in Hengshan feel at ease. They looked at the people who spoke fiercely with trepidation, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be beaten to death by them.

This matter broke out for no reason, and before the founding of Hengshan, it broke the peace and tranquility of the people.

Officials from all over the country did not dare to ignore this, and immediately reported the matter to the cabinet.Han Song didn't dare to be careless, and quickly reported the matter to Lin Yifan.

Lin Yifan frowned as he looked at the information sent from various places.After reading it, he threw the information on the table, "This matter is a bit strange. The assimilation of different races has been steadily advancing. Why is it happening at this time, but it is causing controversy among the people?"

"My lord, are you saying that this matter was instigated by someone behind the scenes?" Han Song said in a deep voice, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I can't rule out this possibility." Lin Yifan said calmly, "But we don't have any evidence yet. In any case, the cause of this matter must be found out. If there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, then let me find out."

"Yes, I must order you to go down." Han Song replied quickly.

Lin Yifan nodded slightly, and continued, "However, the most important thing now is to resolve this dispute, so as not to further expand the situation and hurt innocent people."

"My lord, please show me." Han Song hurriedly asked after hearing the words.

Lin Yifan pondered for a while, "I have three strategies. First, order Dong Zhongqing to mobilize the Cultural and Propaganda Department to take various measures to dominate the public opinion. Second, invite Mr. Bian Ji to represent the academic circles to express his position and resolve conflicts. Third , the cabinet drafted a "Naturalization Law", stipulating that anyone who has obtained Tianhua nationality, regardless of their ethnicity, is a citizen of Tianhua, and should be treated equally without discrimination."

Han Song quickly wrote down these three points, then raised his head and smiled wryly: "Sir, these three strategies may have temporary effects, but they can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause."

Lin Yifan nodded solemnly, "That's right, the root cause cannot be solved in a short period of time, we must take it slowly. And use these three strategies to restrain the subjects."

"I obey." Upon seeing this, Han Song had no choice but to nod in agreement.

In the next few days, the Newspaper Bureau under the Hengshan Cultural and Propaganda Department began to publish and publicize the theory of the unity of Hua and Yi, pointing out that the civilization of the Central Plains, in ancient times, was full of thousands of races, and finally the Huaxu clan conquered and merged all the races. Order the Central Plains to be the master of the world.Subsequent dynasties, through continuous expansion of territory and gathering all ethnic groups as subjects, only then did the land of the Central Plains today have thousands of miles.And among the billions of subjects in the Central Plains, apart from the descendants of the Huaxu family, how many people's ancestors belonged to the barbarians back then?Now, why are the Central Plains people called Central Plains people?Without him, after thousands of years of assimilation and integration, there is already me in you and you in me, regardless of each other.What Hengshan is doing today is to imitate the sages, embrace the hearts of all races in the world, establish the axis of Chinese civilization, and converge all nations to their hearts.

Later, Mr. Bian Ji expressed his attitude in public through a discussion meeting.In the past, the sages and sages of Neo-Confucianism, Fang Shi, were originally descendants of Dongyi, and people at that time did not regard him as contemptuous or contemptuous.There are many people who travel around the country and follow them, and the kings respect them very much, and dare not treat them lightly.We scholars of Neo-Confucianism take a Dongyi person as our first teacher, who would dislike him?Why do we admire this foreigner so much?There is no other, only because Master Fang has entered the Central Plains, he is a native of the Central Plains.If Fang Shi is a foreigner and abandons the way of Neo-Confucianism, then the general ethics, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness adhered to by the people of the world are not all fallacies.If there is no Dao of Confucianism, is the Central Plains still the Central Plains?
Mr. Bian Ji's remarks.Immediately set off a big discussion in the academic world, there are those who agree with it, and those who disagree.But the dissidents could not get around the fact that Fang Yun was from Dongyi. If they insisted on their own views, they had to admit that they did not regard Master Fang as a native of the Central Plains.Since Neo Confucianism was created by a Dongyi person, should I abandon the truth that I have insisted on all my life?These dissenters were involuntarily silenced.

(End of this chapter)

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