The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 645 Descendants of the Ancient Royal Family

Chapter 645 Descendants of the Ancient Royal Family
After the meeting ended, Pei Yan returned to the mansion, hesitating again and again.The matter discussed today has pushed the gentry to a desperate situation.The gentry who did not have much foundation in the Hengshan system could not resist the will of the entire Hengshan.Even if he wanted to intercede, he couldn't resist the princes in the hall.What's more, because of my identity, I have not been accepted by Hengshan's high-level officials. It can be said that it is very embarrassing to be in it.If he hadn't been useful to Hengshan to stabilize Huazhou, he might have been demoted to the center already.

At the same time, Pei Yan was also angry at what these gentry had done.Originally, through his efforts, the living space of Huazhou gentry has been quite loose. As long as he gradually influences the princes, Hengshan may not be able to accept the gentry.In his view, the rise of Hengshan's upstarts will inevitably slowly evolve into a new gentry.As long as time passes, the thoughts of these upstarts will gradually approach the gentry.After all, the philosophy upheld by the gentry is naturally beneficial to the existence of the gentry.If the Hengshan upstart wanted to maintain their power and interests, they had to seek the gentry idea to consolidate their own interests.But now, all of this has been ruined by these gentry.In the entire Hengshan under the rage, the gentry could only end in blood.

"Well, no matter what, it's self-inflicted, and the sky is hard to save, so let this bloody lesson be a warning to everyone." Pei Yan sighed deeply, and then stopped thinking about it.

However, within a few days, a piece of news quickly spread throughout Huayuan City, and then continued to spread outward.The lord of Hengshan, Lin Yifan, Lord of the Hua Kingdom, was actually of the blood of an ancient king, a descendant of the Duke of the Ancient Hua Kingdom.

Just when everyone was dubious, Mr. Bian Ji stood up and spoke, proving the authenticity of the news.For Mr. Bian Ji, many scholars have great trust in him. Since even Mr. Bian Ji has spoken, the news is almost inseparable.

For this, the people of Huazhou were very excited. They always claimed to be the descendants of the ancient Huaguo and the orthodox place of the Central Plains.Now that I know that my lord is a descendant of the orthodox Huaguo family, I can't help but feel a little more close. In addition, my lord is originally from Huazhou. For a while, various rumors spread.Some warlocks said that 30 years ago, the emperor star loomed over Huazhou, and there was an image of a unicorn volleying in the sky.The elders in Lin Yifan's hometown also recalled that when he was born, there was heavy rain, lightning and thunder, and there seemed to be dragons patrolling the sky.Some people even said that Lin Yifan was very intelligent when he was a child, he could speak from birth, he wrote poems at the age of three, and wrote articles at the age of five. . . . . .

When these rumors reached Lin Yifan's ears, he couldn't help showing embarrassment, and thought in his heart, "This Dong Zhongqing must have used too much force to make up such rumors. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if people see through them?"

However, in this era, the common people like to hear such strange stories, and many people believe in them.Otherwise, they would not be able to explain at all how the sage kings of the past generations stood out and became saints and kings.

For this kind of strange theory, the kings of all dynasties were happy to see it succeed, and even secretly dominated it. After all, through these legends, they can set off their own legitimacy and make the people of the world willing to accept his rule.Lin Yifan was no exception to this.

After a few days of fermentation, the story about King Qilin began to spread in Hengshan.Its focus is to promote Queen Yu, the queen of the king of Qilin, and tell the story of how Queen Yu went to fight for her husband and guarded the border.Thus pointing out that in ancient times, the wise king Tilin appointed women as officials and generals to protect the country and the people.

At this time, the gentry with ulterior motives realized that all this was a strategy adopted by Hengshan to protect the Women's Administration.

As a result, the gentry, not to be outdone, began to mobilize public opinion to question the appointment of the queen as a general by King Qilin.Because there is no relevant record in the history books, they are very confident about it.As for Lin Yifan's bloodline from the ancient kings, they were not foolish enough to question it, and the measure in the middle was very precise.

However, what the gentry did not expect was that.This attack on the Women's Administration not only did not force the Duke to suspend the operation of the Women's Administration, but officially announced that the Women's Administration will be upgraded to the Women's Secretary, and its jurisdiction has been further expanded.

The gentry immediately became even more angry, and immediately stepped up the offensive of public opinion, pouring dirty water on the new female political secretary everywhere.

More than a month passed in the blink of an eye, because Lin Yifan had no evidence to prove the precedent of female officials, the Cultural and Propaganda Department and the gentry were on par with each other.The Cultural and Propaganda Department relies on the means of years of operation of the Propaganda Department to carry out publicity in many ways.The gentry relied on their reputation and background in Huazhou to slander the Women's Administration everywhere.

During this period of time, the common people and the scholars have been confused by both sides and do not know who to trust.

At this moment, Mr. Bian Ji finally stood up and showed everyone an ancient book in his hand, as well as Mr. Han Tong's handwriting, personally confirming the fact that Queen Yu had served as a female official.

With the confirmation of two Confucianism masters in the world, almost everyone no longer doubts it.If neither of these two masters can be trusted, there will be no one in the world who can be trusted. This is the reputation of the master of Neo Confucianism in the eyes of the world.

The gentry were suddenly speechless. They never expected that Mr. Bian Ji and Mr. Han Tong would stand up and speak for Duke Hua.If they are questioning, then they are questioning the scholars of science in the world.

But this is not over yet, just when the gentry thought that the plan had failed, their flags died down.Hengshan finally started to fight back.

The Ministry of Taxation took the lead in issuing a decree banning unused land.All registered acres of land, if they are placed in the wild, will be fined at the rate of [-]% of the tax amount per mu.That is to say, if there is a tax of three taels per mu of land, then a fine of one tael will also be levied as tax for one mu of land left unused.

As soon as this order came out, many gentry could not help complaining.Over the past few years, Hengshan has recruited farmers from all over Huazhou to migrate to Shibian, and the population loss has been quite large.As a result, the fields in many gentry's homes were underpopulated.As a last resort, a lot of land can only be left idle.But now, the government actually wants to collect taxes on those barren fields. Doesn't this make the gentry pay more taxes for no reason?

Many gentry immediately thought that Hengshan's move must be to retaliate against the previous slander of the female political secretary, so he took up the decree that had been idle for many years to punish them.For a time, many people regretted it.Some of the gentry who did not participate in this matter complained incessantly, saying that they had suffered a catastrophe.

But now that they have no resistance, how can they resist Hengshan's tyranny?No, now I can only find a way to recruit farmers and cultivate their unused land so as not to suffer losses.

For a while, many news about rent reductions were publicized to attract farmers to rent their land.

(End of this chapter)

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