Chapter 495 Stealing the Wanren Pass

Lin Yifan's three gentry reform strategies were unanimously approved by everyone, and after some discussion, it was decided to fully implement them in Huazhou in due course.

During the meeting, Lin Yifan made a series of adjustments to the appointment and positions of officials.Chen Dengke will step down as the comfort envoy of Shazhou and return to the center to take up the post of director of the Overwatch Council.Wu Ming was transferred from Anzhou Jing'an County Governor to Shazhou to serve as the State Shepherd.Dong Zhongqing, governor of Weiyuan County, served as the shepherd of Xizhou.As for the three prefectures of Xia Anhua, which are important places in Hengshan, there will be no prefectural animal husbandry for the time being, and they will be directly managed by the central government.

After the spring meeting is over, Chen Dengke will stay in Huazhou and establish a supervisory branch.Han Song and the others left Huazhou and returned to Hengshan to handle government affairs.

At the beginning of April, two urgent military reports were sent to Lin Yifan's desk one after another.

One was the information sent by the grassland. A few days ago, the Donghu people returned triumphantly from the crusade against the rebels. They assembled an army of 30 in Sirius City and rushed towards Wanren Pass in Yanzhou.

This information was transmitted by carrier pigeons. At this time, Lin Yifan received the information, and it is very likely that the two states of Yanming and Mingzhou have not yet received the information.If the Donghu people took advantage of Yanzhou's unpreparedness and raided Wanren Pass, once the pass was broken, millions of people in Yanzhou would suffer cruel catastrophe.Although Hengshan and Yanming prefectures had enmity at this time, Lin Yifan still chose righteousness before the big right and wrong. He could not just sit back and watch the Yanzhou compatriots be massacred by aliens.

Therefore, Lin Yifan immediately sent this information to Yanzhou. However, after going through this for several days, it is unknown whether Yanzhou can prepare in advance.

The other letter came from the Western Regions. Because the distance was too far, it took several transfers on the way, and it took more than ten days to arrive here.Just in early March, more than 50 Western troops gathered at Tianji Pass.They are composed of 20 troops from the Wukaner Sultanate and 30 troops from the Shayyer Khanate.

Today, Tianjiguan has begun to be attacked by two major western powers. The [-] Hengshan Army led by Shi Shouyi in Tianjiguan alone may not be able to resist for too long.At this time, the Protectorate of the Western Regions should have sent troops to support.It's just that the Western Regions still need to retain troops to garrison to guard against the Western Golden Wolf Khanate.I am afraid that there will not be too many troops who can rush to help the urgent situation.

Regarding this, Lin Yifan felt solemn.If the sky cannot be guarded, the Western Regions will become a hell on earth.Hengshan's previous arrangements in the Western Regions will be in vain.More importantly, the 20 Hengshan Army stationed in the Western Regions will be put to death. Once the entire army is wiped out, it will be a serious blow to Hengshan.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yifan immediately wrote a letter to Xizhou Hou Mingfeng, ordering him to lead [-] Xizhou garrison troops to the Western Regions to help.At the same time, Luo Yi was ordered to quickly assemble [-] Xiazhou cavalry and [-] reserve cavalry to rush to the Western Regions to accept the command of Hou Mingfeng.He also ordered Han Song to immediately prepare grain and grass materials and organize manpower to transport them to the Western Regions.

After the order was sent, Lin Yifan drew a rough map on the white paper, marking the major forces from the Western Regions to Yanzhou on it.At the Hengshan location, points are circled, indicating the strength of troops in various parts of Hengshan.

After finishing writing, Lin Yifan stared blankly at the map, feeling bitter in his heart.Now that Huazhou is preliminarily established, a large number of Hengshan's troops are restrained here, and nearly half of Hengshan's troops are gathered in the Western Regions.There are not many soldiers and horses that can be recruited in other places.This time, most of the soldiers and horses were withdrawn from Xiazhou. So far, the troops in Xia'an and Xia'an states are less than [-], and the interior can be said to be very empty.

Now that the western region is facing a strong enemy, Hengshan is not enough to take care of himself, let alone support Yanzhou.Even if Lin Yifan wanted to harass Donghu's rear, there was nothing he could do.

"I hope that Yanzhou can make preparations as soon as possible to keep the Donghu people out." Lin Yifan looked at the picture and sighed heavily.

A few days later, the information that Lin Yifan sent to Yanzhou was finally delivered to Qi Rui.However, Qi Rui didn't believe it, thinking it was Hengshan's plot to get the Yanzhou Army to withdraw from Mingzhou.He didn't pay much attention to this information.But for the sake of caution, he still sent someone to Wanren Pass to find out.

In mid-April, before Wanren Pass.

Because before, Donghu insisted on making friends with Yanzhou, and the trade between the two sides was very prosperous.In addition, Donghu is now in civil strife and can't take care of himself.So much so that the Yanzhou Army stationed at Wanren Pass has relaxed.Relying on the hoarding of a large amount of gunpowder in Guanzhong, the soldiers were not afraid of the Donghu people going south to invade.

At this time, in a market not far to the north of Wanren Pass, Yanzhou people and Donghu people were bustling with transactions.In this market, five hundred Yanzhou troops were also stationed to maintain order.

When night fell, many business travelers who hadn't returned with a full load chose to rest in this market, waiting for the business to continue tomorrow.

At midnight, many Donghu merchants did not fall asleep.Instead, he quietly summoned his guards and gathered them together.At this time, they are not like merchants at all, but more like warriors.

There were more than a few hundred people gathered, all holding short knives, they quietly passed by tents, stabbing all the Yanzhou businessmen and guards inside to death.

After the merchants were successfully dealt with, hundreds of people gathered together again and aimed directly at a small military camp stationed south of the market.

This place is too close to Wanren Pass. Once it is exposed, or if there is a fire, it is very easy for the defenders who pass the pass to notice.The Donghu people were dressed in black and slowly approached the barracks.

The Yanzhou army on the sentry post stood listlessly, their eyelids dozing off from time to time.He didn't notice the looming figure not far in front of him at all.

At this time, the Donghu people were no more than 30 meters away from the sentry post, and there were more than ten sentry posts blocking them.

A Donghu man carefully observed the situation on the sentry post, smiled coldly, and immediately gave an order in a low voice to mobilize more than a dozen sharp archers, arrange them under each sentry post, and shoot and kill these sentries at the same time.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" More than ten weak voices sounded in the silent night sky, and above the sentry post, all the sentrymen were crying bitterly and clutching their throats, with a long arrow sticking out of it.

"Plop!" There was a muffled sound of falling to the ground, and everyone's faces were slightly gloomy, watching the movement in the barracks nervously.

After a while, there was no movement in the barracks.Everyone was overjoyed, and immediately passed through the sentry post and entered the barracks.What they didn't expect was that there was a lot of snoring in the barracks at this time.When I smell it carefully, there is even a faint fragrance of wine.

What are you waiting for?The Donghu people immediately split up, rushed into the barracks, and killed the Yanzhou army silently.

But for a moment, the five hundred Yanzhou army died in their sleep like this.Donghu people looked at these corpses with contempt, but when they thought of the scene after going south, their eyes were full of eagerness.Just relying on these wine bags and rice bags, how can I withstand the crushing of my hundreds of thousands of cavalry?
After the success here, the news spread back, and soon after, a group of Donghu people dressed in Central Plains costumes came, and quickly changed into the costumes of Yanzhou merchants and Yanzhou army.

After the dawn of the day, several caravans set off one after another. Under the escort of the Yanzhou Army, hundreds of people came to Wanren Pass, handed over the road guide, and asked to open the gate and enter the city.

After confirming that there was no problem with the guide, the defenders didn't check carefully, and even opened the door to let the caravan enter the city.

At this moment, after the caravan delivered the carriage to the door, they immediately killed the horses and placed the carriage across the door.Afterwards, everyone took out their weapons from the bottom of the car and rushed towards the gatekeeper garrison.

The situation changed suddenly, and the Yanzhou army was stunned for a while.When he came back to his senses, he immediately organized troops to counterattack.At this time, they also thought that these people who lied to open the city gate must be Donghu people, and the Donghu people are about to be closed.

After all, the Donghu people were few in number, so they were quickly killed and retreated.It's just that there is a pile of scattered carriages across the door, and the Donghu people use this to obstruct and resist the Yanzhou army's strangulation with difficulty.

At this time, a fierce roar was heard from the ground, and on the ground level, an endless black torrent swept towards Wanren Pass.

"Donghu people, a lot of Donghu people!" The defenders who closed the gate soon discovered this huge iron stream, and couldn't help but let out a desperate roar.

"Hold on, the explosives will be brought up quickly."

"Hurry up and take back the city gate, block the city gate, hurry up!". . . .

The generals of the defending army shouted eagerly while deploying their troops.

However, it was too late at this time.Endless iron hoofs rolled in, braved the constant rain of arrows and explosives from the defenders, quickly rushed into the gate of the city, pulled the carriage away in one fell swoop, and countless torrents poured into the pass in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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