The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 465 Negotiation on the Western Regions

Chapter 465 Negotiation on the Western Regions

This year's Spring Conference, after summarizing the development of the past year, began to discuss the overall plan for this year.

Because they had just sent away the missions of the Western Regions, everyone inevitably discussed the matter of the Western Regions.After intensive talks in the past few days, many preliminary intentions have been reached.

Among them, the most important business agreement has reached a series of cooperation intentions with various countries.Hengshan will open its market to the countries of the Western Regions, allowing them to freely travel to and from Hengshan to do business and trade.But the condition is that the tariffs are unified, and the two sides do not set up checkpoints. From Hengshan to Tianjiguan, they only need to pay a one-time tariff at Tianmenguan, and the whole journey can be unimpeded, without paying other tariffs.

As for commercial taxation, the Department of Commerce and Taxation was set up by the Protectorate’s Office, with officials dispatched by the Ministry of Commerce as the chief executives, and a group of deacons was set up under it. Representatives from 46 countries served as deacons, responsible for formulating commercial tax rates and monitoring market order.The commercial taxes and tariffs collected will be allocated according to the amount of tariffs collected from merchants in various countries.That is to say, if the merchants in this country manage well and pay more business tax, the more business tax paid will be allocated to this country.If a businessman in another country does poorly, or even loses money, then the commercial tax he can get will be reduced.

Doing so, although it seems very fair, is actually completely beneficial to Hengshan.Without the restrictions of many checkpoints and various types of taxes, Hengshan businessmen can make more profits and go further.

The second is to allow Hengshan merchants to buy shops, land, forest land and other industries in the Western Regions, and to establish workshops, mines, settle down, etc. in the countries of the Western Regions.Correspondingly, Hengshan also agreed that merchants from various countries enjoy equal treatment in Hengshan.

Then, in order to strengthen exchanges, Hengshan asked the countries in the Western Regions to send princes to Hengshan to learn the culture of the Central Plains. At the same time, he also welcomed the countries to send envoys to study in the Central Plains.This is done to allow the culture of the Central Plains to penetrate into the Western Regions and subtly influence the civilization of the Western Regions.

In addition, in addition to using soft means such as business culture to control the Western Regions, in terms of military affairs, Lin Yifan required all the countries in the Western Regions to send a group of soldiers to join the Duhufu according to their own national strength, to receive unified training from the Duhufu, and to go out to fight at any time. obligation.Now it seems that there are 20 troops in the Western Regions, but in fact there are only [-] elite soldiers in Hengshan.The rest of the militia will be mainly responsible for farming, so that Hengshan can truly take root in the Western Regions.Therefore, it is necessary to deploy some troops from the countries of the Western Regions to participate in maintaining the rule of the Western Regions. Once a strong enemy invades, the vast majority of the Western Regions can be assembled to counterbalance.The envoys from the countries in the Western Regions had no objection to this. After all, this was much more lenient than what the Western Gold werewolves had done before.

However, although the Western Regions are still in a stable state, the crisis in them is not small.Among them, what worries Lin Yifan the most is the counterattack of the Western Golden Wolf Country. After all, this country is the most powerful in the Western Regions.Therefore, the biggest task of the current establishment of the Protectorate's Mansion is to prevent the Xijin werewolves from going south.As for the Eternal Kingdom, its vitality is seriously injured now, and it won't recover in a few years. Hengshan doesn't have much worry about it.Another hidden worry is that the two major western powers to the west of Tianji Pass, will they take the opportunity to invade east when they learn that Tianji Pass has changed hands and the Xijin werewolves have retreated to Beiyuan?In the face of these two powerful countries, can Tianjiguan be able to hold on until reinforcements arrive?
With all kinds of worries, everyone in Hengshan had to shift their focus more to the Western Regions. Facing the situation in the Central Plains, they could only choose to sit back and watch the changes, at most they would only disturb the situation.

Now that we are talking about the troubles in the Western Regions, we have to talk about the envoys of the Three Kingdoms who are now hanging in Hengshan.Although they really wanted to find out the purpose of the envoys from the Three Kingdoms, the three envoys kept their mouths very tight and refused to reveal a word. They just asked to meet Lin Yifan and discuss privately in person.

Regarding this, everyone was also very helpless, so they had to guess the intention of the three parties in the venue.

Ye Hongyu, who has always been thoughtful, took the lead in analyzing: "According to the information, the Western Golden Wolf people have now been divided into two courts, the North and the South, and Sadhan is trying his best to kill the Northern New Court, so the purpose of the Western Golden Wolf envoy is very clear. Come and make peace with me in Hengshan, so that we can concentrate on dealing with the north."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded with a smile on their faces. Everyone knew this well, and it was not difficult to guess.

"As for the Eternal Kingdom, my subordinates think that this visit should be to thank the countries in the southern part of the Western Regions that we donated, and at the same time deepen the alliance with Hengshan, so as to warn the Tianyun Kingdom." Ye Hongyu smiled slightly, "The Eternal Messenger There is nothing to worry about here, now they are the only ones begging for our share, but we are kind to them, maybe I, Hengshan, can reap the benefits of this trip."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing, and they could roughly guess the meaning of Eternity's visit.

"It's just that this Tianyun Kingdom, my subordinates have spent a lot of time thinking about it." Ye Hongyu said this, frowning slightly, hesitating a little, "Since that battle that year, I, Hengshan, and Tianyun have not had much contact. Secondly, it was too coincidental that the envoys came at the same time as the countries of the Western Regions came to court. The subordinates feel that Tianyun sent the envoys this time, there must be a conspiracy, but the purpose, and the subordinates dare not assertion."

"Oh? Master Ye, but it's okay to say!" Lin Yifan smiled and said with a glint in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, I have three guesses." Ye Hongyu nodded and continued, "First, Tianyun came here to buy my Hengshan gunpowder formula. Since Cao Jun's northern expedition to Yanzhou, the use of gunpowder Afterwards, Tianyun couldn't be unaware of all the way to attack the city and pull out the strongholds. Tianyun and Tianwu are incompatible. Now that Cao Jun has mastered the gunpowder technology, I am afraid that Tianyun Kingdom is the most feared among them. In this way, It also makes sense why he sent envoys here at this time. It's just that the gunpowder is no longer owned by my Hengshan family, so why would it be better to negotiate directly with the forces in the three southern states? The second is that my Hengshan foundation has been established, and After returning from the expedition to the Western Regions, Tianyun was afraid that my next goal in Hengshan would be to go south to Tianyun, so he sent envoys here to be good neighbors and friends. However, this seems too simple to be believed."

"As for the third." Ye Hongyu's face darkened, and he said rather worriedly: "Perhaps Tianyun Kingdom has already made preparations for the westward expedition to Eternity, and the reason for coming here this time is to persuade us to give up our covenant with Eternity, and even You want to join us in destroying the Eternal Kingdom."

"What? How is this possible?" Everyone couldn't help screaming, how could Hengshan cooperate with Tianyun to attack Eternity, and Hengshan's strategy now is to unite with Eternity to contain Tianyun.If eternal destruction, then who will check and balance Tian Yun?
"Lord Ye, that's impossible." Han Song shook his head and said, "Tianyun is strong but Eternal is weak. It is impossible for us to support Tianyun to attack Eternity, let alone join hands with him to deal with Eternity."

"What if it is a condition that we cannot refuse?" Ye Hongyu asked calmly.

"What offer does Tianyun have that we can't refuse?" Not only Han Song, but everyone was also at a loss.

"For example, how about ceding Fengzhou in the northern part of Tianyun Kingdom to Hengshan?"

As soon as Ye Hongyu said this, everyone was taken aback, and then shook their heads and laughed: "This is impossible, Tianyun only has four prefectures in total, which are the four prefectures of Yunxue Cangfeng. Although Feng prefecture is the least populated among them, It is the smallest prefecture, but it has a population of two to three million, with a radius of 300 miles. More importantly, this Fengzhou is a key point leading to the hinterland of Tianyun. How can it be ceded to us? If so, I'm afraid it's not far away from Tianyun's demise."

Lin Yifan also found it inconceivable that the Tianyun Kingdom would put the mainland in danger for the sake of eternity?Is there any hidden secret in this?
"This is just a guess at the next moment, so it can't be accurate." Ye Hongyu couldn't help but smiled wryly in the face of doubts from everyone.

"No, what Master Ye said is not impossible." Lin Yifan suddenly said: "We must take this matter seriously. If Tianyun is really willing to give up Fengzhou, how should I choose Hengshan?"

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, yes, between Fengzhou and Eternity, how should Hengshan choose?
(End of this chapter)

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