Chapter 452

When Murong Tan returned to Buro City with King Shasha's body, the people along the way looked at King Shasha who was tied to the horse with complicated expressions, with hatred and sadness in their eyes.For this king who abandoned the country and the people, he has paid so much blood, but he actually betrayed the people who trusted him and respected him during the war.

So, I don't know who was the first to pick up a stone and throw it at King Shasha's body. Immediately afterwards, countless people rushed up and smashed the things in their hands.The hatred was still not resolved, and soon, the horses carrying the corpses were submerged by the angry crowd. When the cavalry saw this, they did not dare to drive the crowd away, so they quickly withdrew, allowing the people to vent their anger.

After a while, on the original ground, there was only a large lump of rotting flesh and blood left.

Because of King Shasha's betrayal, many soldiers and civilians hated him more than the Western Expeditionary Army.Under Hou Mingfeng's strict order, the soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army did not commit any crimes in the city, which made the people in the city not have a bad sense of these intruders.In order to stabilize the situation in the city as soon as possible, Hou Mingfeng asked Bo'an, who led the soldiers and civilians to surrender, and other former Chasha officials to perform their duties in order to appease them.Under the appeasement of Bo'an and others, Buluo City gradually restored its calm.

At the same time, the army dispatched various ministries to join forces and go to other cities and tribes in various oases to encircle and suppress or recruit their people. In just a few days, the entire territory of the original Chasha Kingdom was occupied by the Western Expeditionary Army.

When the situation stabilized, it was natural to start to check the population and the treasury.Finally, with the assistance of Bo'an and others, the situation of Chasha Kingdom was finally understood. Only then did Hou Mingfeng know that Chasha Kingdom has more than 20 people, 10 soldiers, and four cities, all of which are located here. Around Luohu, the rest of the tribes are scattered in various oases.Among them, Buro City has a population of nearly 3, which is close to half of the citizens.After this battle, there are only more than [-] Chasha troops who have surrendered.

After checking, the treasury inventory surprised everyone. According to statistics, if the wealth is converted into silver, it is worth at least 1000 million taels.It turns out that since the founding of Shasha Kingdom more than 50 years ago, the ravaging sand bandits in the desert have been eliminated, making the entire desert dangerous roads accessible. Business travelers from the East and the West are willing to pass here without having to go thousands of miles away. the distance.Because of this, in the past few decades, Shasha Kingdom has accumulated a lot of wealth from collecting business travel tolls.

Everyone was frightened by this huge amount of wealth, and they couldn't help secretly praising their lord's wise decision in their hearts, sending out public opinion, and persisting in the Western Expedition.Originally, he wanted to open up business routes in the Western Regions so that Shazhou could develop, but he really didn't expect to get such a huge wealth in the Western Regions.Especially Jin Jiuyuan, whose face could not help showing ecstasy. If this huge amount of wealth was transported to Hengshan, there would be no financial worries for two or three years.Thinking of this, I couldn't hold back anymore, and urged to take a look.

Hou Mingfeng was also extremely excited. With this wealth, it will be easier for the Western Expeditionary Army to gain a foothold in the Western Regions.Although most of them had to be transported back to Hengshan, the rest could be reserved for the finances of the Protectorate of the Western Regions.At the same time, his gaze also shifted to the west, and he heard that the Loulan Kingdom guards the western frontier, which is the place where business must pass.Presumably the wealth among them is even more astonishing. If you take it, you can not only take away all the wealth, but also guard the western regions and collect taxes for business travel.In this way, the Protectorate's Mansion will no longer be a burden for Hengshan, but another source of income.Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help beating violently, and he wished he could lead his army straight to Loulan.

Next, Hou Mingfeng asked Jin Jiuyuan to serve as the city lord of Buluo City temporarily, and Bo'an assisted in governance.On the other hand, he formally built the Western Region Protectorate's Mansion here, centering on a small town west of Buluo Lake, wantonly expanding the barracks, preparing to use this as the resident of the Protectorate's Mansion.

The reason why the Protectorate was set up here is because there is a large desert as a barrier here, making it difficult to march and easy to defend but difficult to attack.If the Duhu Mansion occupies this place, it can stand in an invincible position. It can advance to frighten the countries, retreat to defend the powerful enemies in all directions, wait for work at leisure, and annihilate the invading enemies.At the same time, there is this huge lake on the side, and the surrounding large areas of land are fertile, which is very conducive to military settlements.In this way, the grain and grass do not need to be transported thousands of miles, which greatly reduces the danger of the enemy blocking the way back.Therefore, Hou Mingfeng planned to dispatch the 20 army, except for the [-] regular army, and the rest of the militias accompanying the army to garrison the fields for self-support on the spot.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve self-sufficiency by relying on these militia military bases alone.Now that the Chasha Kingdom has no owner, after the Western Expeditionary Army occupies this place, it can be formally brought under the rule of Hengshan and become an enclave of the Western Regions in Hengshan.Its 20 citizens also began to register their household registration and become a part of Hengshan.Then he granted his fields and opened up rice fields, making this place a major grain-producing area in the Western Regions.

After ten days of appeasement, after the war was initially decided, Hou Mingfeng was able to meet the anxious representatives of the Western Regions soldiers.Because the war finally ended with the surrender of Bro City, the Western Regions soldiers could not wantonly enter the city to plunder, which has caused dissatisfaction among many people.They came here with the intention of looting, but now they are left alone and ignored.If it weren't for the powerful strength of the Western Expeditionary Army, they would have looted the Quartet regardless.

Regarding this, Hou Mingfeng also had a headache. He originally thought that the environment of Chasha Kingdom was bad, so he led the soldiers from the Western Regions to attack and destroy the country, plundered it and left.But when he saw this huge lake, he couldn't bear to give up.How could such a good place be allowed to be destroyed by soldiers from the Western Regions?So, there was the idea of ​​not wanting to use soldiers from the Western Regions as a pioneer.He was afraid that once the soldiers of the Western Regions broke through the city of Buluo, they would wantonly destroy and loot, and it would take a lot of effort for him to establish the Protectorate of the Western Regions here.

Therefore, Hou Mingfeng was not stingy at the submissive suggestion of the representatives of the soldiers from the Western Regions, and directly raised 200 million taels from the bank of Bro City, and let the soldiers from the Western Regions divide it among themselves.Regarding this, although the representatives of some medium-sized countries were very dissatisfied, they felt that the Western Expeditionary Army's income in Buro City must be much more than the 200 million.But in the face of such a behemoth, even if they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to protest again.What's more, in this war, I didn't have any strength to use, and I was embarrassed to ask for it.On the contrary, some small countries immediately smiled when they saw so much money.After distributing it to everyone, he hurriedly took the money to his own military camp.Although 200 million is not too much in Hengshan's eyes.But in the eyes of the countries in the Western Regions, it is a huge wealth, and the entire net worth of many small countries is even less than this 200 million.

The Western Expeditionary Army stayed in Buluo City for half a month before the rest of the troops stationed outside the desert arrived.At this time, more than 20 troops crowded around the city of Buro, and the number was comparable to that of the people of the country of Shasha.This made the people in the city of Buluo feel amazed when they saw it. The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the strength of a Western Expeditionary Army and the number of people in a country.If you resist, I'm afraid everyone will be turned into ashes, right?As a result, the people who were still harboring resentment suddenly disappeared after seeing such a mighty army.

On the contrary, some far-sighted aristocratic officials, seeing this huge army, yearned even more for the Hengshan that the Western Expeditionary Army kept saying. Now that they have become their subjects, who else would dare to provoke themselves in the Western Regions? ?A sense of pride suddenly arose in my heart, and when I looked at those people from the Western Regions, my eyes unconsciously showed contempt.

Hou Mingfeng didn't have time to pay attention to the inner activities of those people. Now that the army was gathered, after the city of Buluo was settled, they were ready to march westward again, towards Loulan Kingdom.Therefore, after reorganizing the 25 Chasha Army that surrendered, they were quickly added to the army.As a result, the number of troops on the Western Expedition finally reached [-].

After discussing with everyone, Hou Mingfeng decided to appoint Murong Kang to lead 20 troops to garrison Buluo City, and the remaining [-] troops went out of the desert and continued westward.

(End of this chapter)

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