The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 446 3 Fang Controls the Western Regions

Chapter 446 Three Parties Control the Western Regions

Negotiations fell into a stalemate from the very beginning, and Thaad still insisted on the previous conditions and refused to budge.But Jin Jiuyuan demanded that the entire Western Region be ceded to Hengshan, and Xi Jinlang must withdraw from the Western Region.

When the dispute failed, Jin Jiuyuan threatened aggressively. If King Khan refused to agree, the Xizheng Army would stick to it and never back down.

Sade was furious when he heard the words, and wanted to draw his knife and chop Jin Jiuyuan off.But when he thought of the critical situation in the country, he had to suppress his anger and compromise again, willing to cede the east of Chasha Kingdom to Hengshan.

Jin Jiuyuan was unmoved by this, but secretly pleased in his heart.It seems that a lot of turmoil has indeed occurred within the West Golden Wolf country, forcing it to hurry up to negotiate and reach an agreement with itself, so that it can return to the north urgently to counter the rebellion.

Seeing that the other party refused to compromise at all, Sade couldn't help being really angry. He knew that this was the last condition he could achieve.If the other party still refuses to compromise, then there is only one battle left.

"Messenger Jin, if you insist on asking Ben Khan to cede the entire Western Regions, then please go back." Sade looked at him resolutely, "The Western Regions are the source of wealth for our Khanate, and it is absolutely impossible for Ben Khan to cede the entire Western Regions." Ceded to you. Since you want to fight, fight over there."

Jin Jiuyuan's face changed slightly, and he took a closer look at Sade. Seeing his determination, he knew that there was no room for bargaining.So he changed his words and said: "Your Majesty Khan, please think again. I, Hengshan, will never give up the land of the Western Regions. If you and our armies fight to the death, wouldn't it be cheaper for others. Otherwise, the area north of the Western Regions, It is still owned by your country, and the central part of the Western Regions, from Yilan Kingdom to Loulan Kingdom, is all owned by me in Hengshan. I wonder what King Khan wants?"

Sade raised his eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously: "Gold Messenger, what about the southern part of the Western Regions?"

Jin Jiuyuan chuckled, "I, Hengshan, have negotiated with the Eternal Kingdom, and the south of the Western Region will be owned by it. From then on, the Western Region will be divided into three, and we will coexist with the three parties."

"What?" Sade's face changed, and he slapped the table angrily, "You, you are luring a tiger into the house, and you will surely reap the consequences."

Originally, he was surprised by Hengshan's sudden big concession, thinking that they were just threatening him.Unexpectedly, the other party actually pulled another powerful country into the Western Regions.The Eternal Kingdom, the Xijinlang Kingdom suffered a big loss from them the year before last, and until now, they are still afraid of them.

Jin Jiuyuan sneered, "If not, how could King Khan be willing to give up the Western Regions? Since you are not willing to part with the Western Regions, and I, Hengshan, am unable to swallow the entire Western Regions, then it is better to help me to persuade you His Majesty."

Sade looked at him with an ugly face, "You will regret it sooner or later. After the Eternal Kingdom has tasted the benefits of the Western Regions, how can it be peacefully entrenched in the South? If Ben Khan is allied with it, how will your army gain a foothold in the Western Regions?" ?”

"Your Majesty will not bother you to worry about this matter." Jin Jiuyuan replied lightly, "If in the future, both of you feel that you are strong, you can give it a try, and I will accompany you Hengshan."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Sade sneered, "In this case, Ben Khan can agree to you. However, in Loulan, there are also my khanate troops stationed in Loulan to resist the invasion from the west. If your army forces Loulan to resist The responsibility of foreign enemies falls on you."

"Resisting the foreign race in the West, I, Hengshan, naturally have a duty to do so." Jin Jiuyuan didn't take it seriously, but was overjoyed in his heart.

Sade looked at Jin Jiuyuan, both angry and secretly happy.It seemed that the other party didn't know what kind of world it was to the west of Loulan Kingdom.This place borders the Ukaner Sultanate and the Sayeyir Khanate.If it weren't for the [-] troops of the Khanate stationed here, I'm afraid the Western Regions would have been ravaged by these two countries for a long time.Now that the Loulan Kingdom is ceded, the [-] troops can be transferred to the country to suppress the rebellion.And the Western Expeditionary Army needs to send at least [-] troops to garrison Loulan, so the number of troops it can mobilize in the Western Regions will be less than [-].As long as he quells the domestic rebellion, he can immediately go south and defeat them one by one.

Next, the two sides discussed some other terms and confirmed them.Subsequently, Sade stamped the seal on the duplicate documents, officially acknowledging Hengshan's ownership of the central region of the Western Regions.

Originally, Jin Jiuyuan wanted to continue to discuss the trade between the two parties, but Sade had the intention of tearing up the agreement at any time, so he didn't care about it, so he had to let it go.

Not long after the agreement was signed, the West Golden Wolf army began to leave camp.After slowly leaving for dozens of miles, seeing that there was no Western Expeditionary Army chasing after them, the whole army immediately accelerated and rushed to Yekesha City in a hurry.

At this time, the Western Expeditionary Army also began to follow the agreement, and began to prepare to move out of the camp after the Western Golden Wolf Army left for a few days.At this time, the scouts finally found out the whereabouts of the cavalry that went north.

A day later, I saw a mighty army coming slowly from the west, and it was Meng Tong's [-] cavalrymen who came.At this time, thousands of horse-drawn carriages and nearly ten thousand Xijin werewolves followed in their team, which greatly surprised everyone.

After entering the city, Meng Tong couldn't wait to report to Hou Mingfeng the results of his trip to the north, and at the same time praised Murong Tan's wit and courage without hesitation.It turned out that the reason why Yekesha City was able to take down this time was Murong Tan's suggestion. After breaking through the cities of Xijinlang, he drove the people out of the city to the north, and at the same time contacted the hidden rebels in the city.In the end, these rebels contacted Orgret, the guard who was stationed in the eastern desert at that time, and joined forces with Mengtong's [-] cavalry, and finally they were able to take the capital in one fell swoop.

Everyone listened to Meng Tong's report with great interest, and their hearts were agitated. Unexpectedly, Meng Tong broke through the capital of Xijinlang in one fell swoop, which is really enviable.On the other hand, Murong Kang was grinning from ear to ear. Not only did his son make suggestions, but he also took the lead in breaking the city.No, everyone's eyes fell on the reserved Murong Tan, and they praised him greatly.From time to time, people came to praise him for being such a young talent, which made him even more gratified.

After listening to Meng Tong's words, Hou Mingfeng was overjoyed.The cavalry went north this time, not only breaking through the capital in one fell swoop, but also sparking civil strife in Xijinlang, allowing the army to achieve its strategic goal with minimal casualties.It also swept away supplies worth more than several million taels, as well as nearly [-] craftsmen and their families in the West Golden Wolf.This is enough to provide great help for the army to gain a foothold in the Western Regions.

After that, the army stayed in Izzy City for two days before heading south.At the same time, under the arrangement of Jin Jiuyuan, the news that the Western Golden Wolf people ceded the central part of the Western Regions to the Hengshan Army was spread, so as to drive a wedge between the countries of the Western Regions and the Western Golden Wolf.

By the time the army returned to Ilan Country, the entire Western Regions had already fallen into panic.At this time, Jin Jiuyuan began to send envoys, formally as Hengshan, to various countries.

The 20 troops under the command of Hou Mingfeng also started to mobilize, pushing westward from Ilan Kingdom.The time he gave to the nations was not long, but those who did not make up their minds to surrender when the army came to the city would destroy the country and destroy the clan.

In the north, the rebels who besieged the Khan Court were still unable to capture the Khan Court after more than ten days of continuous attacks.At this time, the scouts came to report that King Khan's army was on their way.In desperation, Orgrit wrapped the captured Eighth Prince into the army, ordered the army to drive out the people, searched the city, then set fire to the houses, and finally the whole army retreated and fled to the north.

The remaining defenders immediately took control of the city wall after the rebels retreated, and at the same time organized their staff to fight the fire with all their strength.When all the fires were extinguished, Rui Ge Rui looked at the ruins of the city and couldn't help crying.Even though the army and civilians worked together to put out the fire, most of the houses in the city were still burned down.What worries him even more is that the grain and grass in the city have been looted and burned, and hundreds of thousands of people will face the pain of hunger and cold.

"The eighth brother is taken away, and the Khanate will inevitably have civil strife. If the rebels take the eighth brother as the new Khan, the Khanate will be divided. God, is it true that our Golden Wolf Khanate is really coming to an end? Is it?" Pasia leaned weakly against the railing, closing his eyes in pain.

 Please recommend!I sent the signing contract today, hoping to succeed!Here, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Bank of Warcraft for its suggestion, which finally made this book dawn.


(End of this chapter)

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