Chapter 384

The two armies faced each other in formation, but the distance was only a few hundred meters away.Tuo Muxiong continued to send a small number of soldiers and horses to test, trying to find out the weaknesses of the Hengshan Army formation and familiarize themselves with the Hengshan Army's combat methods.

It's a pity that although he kept sending troops to attack the army formation, the Hengshan Army never dispatched gunpowder, which made Tuo Muxiong's heart heavy all the time, and his eyes faintly showed anxiety.He didn't know how much gunpowder the Hengshan Army had, when, and how to use it.Once the entire army of the Eternal Army is engaged in battle, the situation is no longer within his control.A battle of tens of thousands of people can only rely on the command of the generals at all levels below, and can only rely on the blood and courage of the soldiers.If the Hengshan Army suddenly uses gunpowder on a large scale, the Eternal Army will inevitably fall into chaos. At that time, he has no choice but to escape.

The Hengshan Army entrenched in the army formation, dealing with the harassment of the Eternal Army in an orderly and calm manner.Everyone knew that this was a temptation by the enemy.But isn't this an opportunity to learn about the Eternal Army, its combat methods and combat effectiveness?Hou Mingfeng kept collecting all kinds of information about the Eternal Army from the generals at all levels below, and analyzed the opponent's strengths and weaknesses together with the staff.

Lin Yifan just listened to opinions and hardly interfered with Hou Mingfeng's decision.However, when he heard that the Eternal Army sent people to Dingxi City to escort the captives, he couldn't help feeling a little worried. At this moment, the Dingxi Army should have arrived in Dingxi City, but, can they really take Dingxi City?

At this time, Dingxi City had been surrounded by the Dingxi Army, and the Eternal Army with only [-] troops had no choice but to close the gates of the city and stand guard in front of the [-] Dingxi Army.

Geri Lang, who was staying behind, looked at the enemy army below with a gloomy face, and asked the guard next to him seriously, "Grero, has the news been sent?"

"Deputy Prime Minister Qi, the military information has been sent out, and the Dingxi Army has not caught up with us." Gu Leluo quickly replied, "It's just that we only have more than 1 people now, and there are still thousands of guards left. Those slaves, the troops defending the city are seriously insufficient, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand the enemy's attack."

"I know that." Geri Lang frowned deeply, helpless, "General, please defend the city well. As long as you stick to it for a few days, our army will come to help. When the time comes, the enemy below will definitely be wiped out."

"This?" Guerrero said with a distressed face, "I will do my best."

"Not only must we try our best, but we must hold on to it." Geri Lang looked at him with a gloomy face, "Once Dingxi City is captured by them, the food and supplies our army hoarded here will fall into the enemy's hands. Without the supplies, Our army will not be able to gain a foothold in Shazhou, and at that time, even if we want to retreat, we will not be able to."

"Yes, the slave must guard the city and never let the enemy invade." Under Geri Langsen's cold gaze, Gu Leluo promised with a stern face.

"Very good, as long as you guard Dingxi City, the truth can be guaranteed, and I will definitely ask His Majesty the God Emperor for your credit and give you a fertile territory." Geri Lang nodded in satisfaction, taking advantage of the situation to lure him.

Sure enough, upon hearing this promise, Gullero immediately showed excitement, and immediately patted his chest again to confirm the promise.

Under the city at this time, the various factions of the Murong family were arguing over who would be in charge of the siege battle.

Among them, Murong Kang and Murong De have the biggest differences, they each have the most troops in their hands, therefore, no one is willing to submit to the other, and they must compete to compete.

In the end, after some persuasion from everyone, they decided to lead their troops to attack one of the gates. Whoever invades Dingxi City first will depend on their own means.Therefore, Murong Kang led more than 1 troops to the west gate, Murong De followed more than [-] soldiers and horses to the east gate, and the rest of the parties went to the other two gates.The [-] Dingxi Army was divided into four groups and surrounded Dingxi City.

After a day of preparation, the Sifang Dingxi Army launched an all-out attack on the second day.Gellert had to divide his troops to resist desperately.

The sound of fighting outside quickly attracted the attention of the prisoners in the city. Many people immediately thought that it was reinforcements coming to rescue them, which caused a commotion.

Seeing this, the general of the Eternal Army who was in charge of guarding the slaves couldn't help but order to shoot arrows, and the arrows rained down on the crowded slaves. Many people were shot by the arrows and fell to the ground in pain, and there was a sound of wailing.

The temporary suppression made all the prisoners completely quiet, and only then did they realize that they are still in prison and their lives are not in their hands.

Seeing that the slaves had calmed down, the guarding general let go of the big stone in his heart.Now he is literally sitting on the crater of a volcano, with only a few thousand of his own, yet he has to guard 20 slaves.Fortunately, these slaves had been hungry for several days and had no strength to resist.Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be completely overwhelmed by these slaves.For this reason, he had to act decisively when the slaves were about to cause riots to deter them.

At this moment, among the slaves, several old men gathered together, secretly looking at the movement around them.Then he quietly pulled out the arrow from the body shot by the arrow and hid it in the clothes behind him.

"Boss, can we succeed with just a few of us?" A tall and strong bearded old man asked in a low voice.

The old man with gray temples looked around calmly, and said softly: "Don't worry, there is a sound of fighting outside now, it must be our Dingxi Army or Hengshan Army fighting over. At this time, the city is empty of troops, and it is we who secretly rose up." Things, the timing of echoing with the outside world.”

"Of course, it's impossible for us old fellows alone to beat the guard's Eternal Army." The old man continued with a slight sneer, "But now there are 20 people gathered around us. Once activated, How can we resist those 3000 people alone? What we have to do now is to contact the remaining mercenaries as soon as possible. As the president of the Xiongfeng Mercenary Union, they must be willing to join me in rebellion."

"It's not easy to do. There are 20 people in a huge crowd. It's hard to find them." A skinny old man next to him shook his head and said, "Boss, since the outsiders can call over, they must be Our soldiers and horses have the upper hand, as long as we wait for them to attack the city, won't we be saved too, why bother?"

"Have the upper hand? I don't think so." Xiong Feng frowned, and said with a wry smile, "The Eternal Army has more than 20 soldiers and horses. How can it be defeated overnight? If I expected it to be true, the soldiers and horses outside the city , it must be a group of surprise soldiers, the purpose is to go around to the back of the Eternal Army and capture Dingxi City. As long as I take Dingxi City, the supplies of the Eternal Army will be mine. At that time, the Eternal Army will have no other way to go except to retreat. However, We still don't know how many soldiers and horses there are outside, and whether we can take this city. This is a dangerous move. If you win, you will be defeated forever. If you lose, our army will be in a critical situation. It will not be long before the entire Shazhou falls. Therefore, In any case, we must prepare for the worst and gather a group of warriors in the city as soon as possible to help our army regain Dingxi City."

"What the boss said makes sense. Since that's the case, let's split up and try our best to recruit people." The skinny old man nodded and immediately suggested.

"Well, then let's act now." Xiong Feng waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Remember, we only have two days, and the Eternal Army has no time to feed us. By then, we will all be starving." Weary and unable to resist anymore. Therefore, we can find as many people as we can, and we must help our army take down Dingxi City before the reinforcements of the Eternal Army arrive."

However, what Xiong Feng and the Dingxi Army outside the city did not expect was that the eternal reinforcements arrived in Dingxi City a day earlier because of a temporary idea of ​​Tuo Muxiong.

At this time Angkui was leading [-] cavalry to Dingxi City.Unexpectedly, on the way, they encountered messenger cavalry who came to ask for help.When he learned that the [-] Dingxi Army was besieging Dingxi City, he was frightened immediately, and immediately sent someone to the camp to inform the Emperor, and he himself led the cavalry to rush to the rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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