Chapter 370

Because of Lin Chang's arrival, the originally peaceful presidential palace became lively.As an elder, he was very concerned about the affairs of the younger generation, and when he had nothing to do, he dragged Lin Yifan to tell him what to do, and what he said was to let him spread more branches and leaves for the Lin family and multiply them.It was also an extremely subtle reminder to him that it was time to take a concubine.For Lin Shuwan, he was both angry and loving, just such a precious daughter, but she was so self-willed, and he was not at all sorry for giving her a name.

The mid-autumn festival in August is the annual harvest season, and the whole of Hengshan is in a busy time of farming.Due to the drought this year, Hengshan Agriculture has suffered a lot of losses, at least [-]% of the losses.However, because the planting scale has doubled compared to previous years, this year's harvest has still achieved good results.

But outside Hengshan, the whole world can be said to be filled with mourning.Under the double blow of drought locusts in the hardest-hit areas of Jinshang and Shangzhou, almost no crops were harvested.And the people's grain reserves have also run out, and some grain merchants have raised prices on the ground, driving up the market price of grain, so that the grain that was originally only [-] cents a catty has risen to [-] cents a catty in just a few months. .This is not only unaffordable for farmers, but also for the people in the city.

The 100 million shi of grain allocated by the imperial court also began to be sold at a low price in the market, but only 100 million shi of grain was of no avail. Sold out inside.And those profiteers and rich families continued to sell the relief food bought by the court at a low price at a high price.

At this time, the people who had nothing to eat became angry, and there were riots in various places where people attacked grain stores and looted food.As a result, in order to protect themselves, the noble merchants closed their shops one after another, collected food and grass, and hired a large number of guards to guard the manor.Without food, the common people had to abandon their homes and began to eat out, gradually forming a wave of refugees.

And all kinds of bandits and bandits also prospered rapidly, robbing houses, looting and looting, doing all kinds of evil.The rural villages without the protection of the city became the biggest victims. Not only the little food and belongings left in the family were looted, but even life could not be guaranteed.

The Tianli Sect began to stir up trouble, taking out the food in the teaching to help the victims, and then bewitching them to join the teaching and become heavenly soldiers.People who have no food, whether they like it or not, can't refuse their request. As long as someone stutters, even their lives can be sold.

The 10 troops stationed in the two prefectures of Jinshang had no choice but to send troops to suppress the riots and thieves. The various troops were scattered among Jinshang's various places, and it was difficult to eliminate hidden dangers.

At this moment, Tianli Sect broke out.Hidden congregations all over the place suddenly rioted, and they seized many counties and towns of gold merchants together from inside and outside, shouting, "The world is turbid, the laws of heaven cannot be tolerated, the king of heaven comes to the world, wipe out all evil species, the kingdom of heaven will be peaceful, and the world will be in harmony." In addition to cleaning and opening warehouses to release grain, it attracted countless people to join in for a while.The Tianli Sect, which originally had only tens of thousands of believers, suddenly expanded into a force with tens of thousands of soldiers, although these so-called tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers are basically a group of mobs.

Upon hearing the news, the soldiers and horses stationed in the imperial court had to stop killing the thieves and began to gather to prepare for the rebellion of the Tianli Sect.And the thieves who were beaten to death by the imperial soldiers and horses turned to Tianli Sect one after another like rain after a long drought, which made Tianli Sect quickly absorb a group of soldiers and leaders who could fight.

The news of the turmoil in the Central Plains soon spread to the capital. Cao Ji was already prepared for this, and strictly ordered the main roads connecting the Jin and Shang states to the outer states to be heavily guarded, in an attempt to limit the rebellion to the two states.Then dispatched [-] soldiers and horses into the two states again to suppress the Tianli Sect rebellion as quickly as possible.

After the autumn harvest, the harvests in other states and counties controlled by the imperial court were dismal. Due to the raging drought, large areas of crops withered and the loss reached nearly [-]%.What made the people even more desperate was that instead of lowering taxes as appropriate, the imperial court had to raise half of the taxes.If it's only half-finished, the common people may endure it and pass.But the local landlords and gentry don't think so, and the land rent and land tax levied remains unchanged.The local government is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The imperial court increases half of the income, and in their mouths, it becomes a [-]% increase in taxes.At the same time, it is even under the guise of a name to collect all kinds of exorbitant taxes from the people. The euphemistic name is to take it from the people and use it for the people.

Countless people were forced to sell their fields, their children and their daughters to repay the land rent and taxes they owed.All of a sudden, the court was raging, and the situation was on the verge of breaking out.

In addition to the areas controlled by the imperial court, the spheres of influence under the jurisdiction of the major forces are not very easy.Relying on the fertile land of the plains and the supplement of coastal fisheries, Yanzhou suffered the least loss during the drought except for Hengshan.Therefore, during this drought, he began to extend his tentacles to Qingzhou in the south, recruiting a large number of refugees from Qingzhou, spreading porridge sheds, and helping the people, which made the name of Yanzhou Qirui spread rapidly in Qingzhou and established a huge reputation.

Although Mingzhou is not the place with the worst drought, its own fragile agricultural foundation makes it impossible to withstand such a natural disaster.For this reason, Yang Mingyuan had to seek help everywhere.In order not to be controlled by others, Yang Mingyuan began to set his sights on Jiangbei County, the fertile plain north of Longjiang River, in the southern part of Mingzhou.

The Li family forces occupying the north-central part of Huazhou also suffered heavy losses in this drought.The rebels who had been beaten back to the deep mountains and old forests revived again in this natural disaster.The people who had no source of food, under the unrestrained exploitation of the Li family, had no choice but to become bandits and join forces with the rebels, forming a large force again to continue to contend with the Li family's forces.

While dealing with the rebels, Li Yuan secretly concentrated his troops, directing his troops to the south of Huazhou.He hoped to unify the entire territory of Huazhou in one fell swoop while the imperial court was exhausted.At the same time, it is also because the south has the least loss in this drought, and if it can be taken down, it will be able to survive this crisis safely.

On the northern grasslands, after half a year of recuperation, the Golden Werewolves and the Donghu people fought again.With the outbreak of this battle, the Gein Grassland was also affected by the drought. Except for the grasslands within the river basin to maintain their vitality, the grasslands in other areas were withered and yellow, and a large number of livestock died due to lack of water and forage.In order to compete for water sources, the tribes broke out one after another, constantly weakening the internal strength of both sides.For this reason, they are forced to start a war and transfer the internal consumption to the outside.At the same time, the outbreak of this war was also because the Central Plains was restrained by internal turmoil and had no time to take care of the grassland.Therefore, both sides want to unify the grassland during this period of time, and then send troops to the south and step into the Central Plains.

But no one expected that a tragic battle had already started in the west of Shazhou.The Eternal Kingdom of God, which almost came out in full force, mobilized an army of 30 to go northward to the plateau. Emperor Tuo Muxiong personally led an army to invade the Western Regions, and fierce confrontations broke out with the Western Golden Wolf Khanate, the suzerain of the Western Regions.

When the Xijin werewolves conquered the grasslands, they lost nearly 10 people.During the subsequent Western Expedition, after fighting with the Ukaner Sultanate, it ended in a disastrous victory.Before he could recuperate, he was invaded from the plateau.For a while, he was beaten back by the fierce plateau people, and had to temporarily abandon the countries in the Western Regions and strengthen the local defense.

However, what the Western Golden Wolf people did not expect was that the Eternal Army did not attack their homeland. After occupying the Western Regions, they stopped their aggression and sent envoys to Yekesha City, the capital of the Western Golden Wolf Khanate, to negotiate.

The Eternal Messenger put forward a condition to the Western Golden Werewolf, the Eternal Army can stop the war, but the eastern part of the Western Regions must be ceded to the Eternal Kingdom.And the prosperous western region of the Western Regions can be returned to the Western Golden Werewolves.The Western Gold werewolf who was already at a disadvantage heard the words and immediately agreed without hesitation. After all, the countries in the Western Regions are only vassal states and can be abandoned at any time, not to mention that they can take back most of the area now.

Soon, the two countries immediately reached an agreement to cede all the land within a thousand miles of the eastern part of the Western Region to the Eternal Kingdom, and the two sides reached a truce and lived in harmony.

After Tuo Muxiong took over the armistice agreement, he tore it into pieces without even looking at it.Pull out the saber and swing it to the east, "Eastern March!"

P.S. Finally got to write about war.

(End of this chapter)

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