Chapter 349

Another year is approaching, Hengshan is generally stable throughout the year, and various policies are being carried out in an orderly manner.Under this year's governance, Anzhou has gradually regained its vitality and began to feed back to Hengshan.After one year of governance by Ye Hongyu, people's livelihood in Anzhou has been greatly restored.Because of this, Ye Hongyu was promoted to the head of the Ministry of Civil Affairs due to his meritorious service, and Anzhou immediately abolished the post of appeasement envoy, and governed it by counties and counties.

And after signing the agreement with Golden Wolf Khan this time, Jiang Yunchuan, the deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made great efforts to rectify the situation, and was promoted to the chief officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At the same time, Chen Dengke, who had just returned from Huazhou not long ago, formally joined the Overwatch Council, and the Investigation Division was restructured. Some of them filled the Overwatch Council as supervisors, and some independently became blood guards and shadow guards, directly responsible to Lin Yifan.

These personnel adjustments did not cause any shock in Hengshan. At this time, the people of Hengshan were already attracted by one thing.After several months of hard work, Luo Qing'er became pregnant again. To celebrate this event, the entire Hengshan Mountain was closed for one day and gathered in the square to pray for Luo Qing'er, mother and son.For Luo Qing'er, all the people in Hengshan are very grateful. If she hadn't been sitting in Xiayang Pass regardless of her pregnancy, the whole Hengshan would have been devastated by now.It was also because of that war that she had a miscarriage and caused the President to lose his heir. For this reason, the people of Hengshan felt sorry for it.This time she was pregnant again, which made everyone feel relieved and excited.

Lin Yifan couldn't help being overjoyed to become a father again, he immediately summoned the doctor Li Jisheng, and asked him to take good care of Luo Qing'er wholeheartedly.At the same time, he personally assigned Niu Dali to lead a team to Huazhou to bring Lin Shuwan's father and his uncle to Hengshan.Now, his uncle is the head of the Lin family, his only elder in this world.He hoped that after Luo Qing'er gave birth in the future, the child would be named by the elder and entered into the Lin family's genealogy.

After a month of planning, Hengshan joined forces with the Yang and Li families to put pressure on the imperial court, and launched a wave of public opinion to the people all over the world, denouncing the imperial court for abandoning their ancestors and blatantly violating the three ancestral precepts.Ask the court to immediately withdraw the order of peace and sever the alliance with eternity.

During this period of time, the world's public opinion was boiling, and the public sentiment was raging.During this period, the imperial court was under pressure and had to start a battle for public opinion with Hengshan and other forces, trying to occupy the highest point of public opinion.The two parties come and go, causing the people to divide into two factions, one faction opposes the peace, hoping that the imperial court will take back the order and restore the dignity of the big country.One faction is in favor of a marriage, and believes that now that Tianwu's strength has been frustrated, foreign aid must be sought, and the marriage is a last resort, but it is imperative.It is very cost-effective to sacrifice a princess in exchange for a strong support.

Facing the current situation, Lin Yifan was quite disappointed.Now that public opinion is stalemate, and the firepower is offset by both sides, the pressure on the court has dropped sharply, and the marriage is unshakable.However, the Yang and Li families had a negative attitude towards this, and they did not work hard and tried their best to perfunctory.On the contrary, Qi Rui from Yanzhou has a firm attitude towards this, and is very opposed to the marriage.It's just that he is restrained by the Donghu people now, and he is powerless to put pressure on the court.The power of Hengshan alone cannot shake the court's decision.

In this regard, Lin Yifan had no choice but to order the blood guards and shadow guards to deploy manpower along the way. If there was an opportunity, they would wait for the opportunity to rescue the princess and destroy the alliance between the court and eternity.

At this time, the imperial court, facing the offensive of Hengshan and Tianyun's public opinion, is still standing firm, and the strategy of marriage is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Three months later, it will be the time when the princess gets married. Reconciling with relatives has become the most urgent task of the imperial court.As a married couple, it is naturally impossible to just marry a princess.Among them, various materials in the name of dowry also went to eternity with the pro team, as the most sincere sincerity of this alliance.

After finalizing the marriage affairs, the last problem remains, who will act as the marriage envoy and escort the princess to marry Eternity?This is a hard job, and everyone understands that Tianyun Kingdom will never sit back and watch the princess be delivered to Eternal hands, and there will definitely be many troubles along the way.This road will pass through the south of Huazhou, enter Shazhou, and reach Tianmen Pass. The road is more than 3000 miles. Who can guarantee that there will be no mistakes?What's more, now the public opinion in the world is boiling, and there are many people who oppose the marriage. If you serve as a peace envoy, you will be cursed by the subjects of the world and your reputation will be ruined.They may even become scapegoats and kill them to vent public anger.

Faced with such a problem, Cao Ji naturally would not send his confidantes to die. He should even appoint Tang Rong, the son of Tang Tianhao, as the marriage envoy to escort the princess to the marriage and hand it over to Eternity.

This conspiracy can be described as extremely vicious, and the Tang family was easily blamed for this grievance.Tang Tianhao, as a royalist faction, has been deeply suppressed by Cao Ji, constantly weakening his power, so that the old General Tang can control less than 1 soldiers and horses, and he cannot fight against Cao Ji at all.

Now, Cao Ji has handed over the marriage to Tang Tianhao's son. No matter whether the marriage is successful or not, he will bear the responsibility.In this way, eliminating the influence of the Tang family can follow the trend. At this point, the imperial court will be completely controlled by the Cao family, and it will be closer to that step.

Everyone's heart is like a mirror, and they are very clear about Cao Ji's plan. Those who are happy are secretly happy, and those who hate are sad.As the Tang family in the center of the whirlpool, they had no choice.If you don't obey the order, you will be punished for disobeying the order, and the whole family will suffer; if you obey the order, you will be sent to the tiger's mouth, and you will still die.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Tang Rong accepted the will without hesitation, even though he knew that the so-called will was not the emperor's intention at all, but Cao Ji's intention.But for the sake of his family, he had to stand up and take the blame.Only in this way, the guilt can only fall on him alone, and will not harm the whole family.

Tang Tianhao did not stop his son's decision, he knew that this was already the best result.Sacrificing one son to save the whole family, this is a microcosm of the aristocratic family's preservation of the family and the survival of the tail.

In the Yunyang Pavilion, Yunyang silently packed his jewelry and clothes.On the side, the queen's eyes were red from crying, and instead of comforting her, she made herself cry, so she had to comfort the queen in turn.

However, facing Yunyang's abnormal attitude made the queen even more worried.She constantly guides Yunyang to open his heart and confides to her the misery in his heart.But Yunyang kept silent about this, and he always refused to reveal anything.The queen had no choice but to get up and go back, reporting the situation here to the anxious emperor.

After the queen left, Yunyang finally couldn't help but shed tears. How could her heart be so indifferent?Ever since she learned that she was going to marry Eternity, she froze, and then became cold, her whole heart went cold.But she can't show it, she doesn't want people to see her weak side.On the surface, he looked calm and breezy, but secretly wept bitterly and wailed endlessly.She was also afraid that the coming home would be a cold world of ignorant and rude barbarians.She also hates, why is she a princess, why does she have to bear this shame?

But she has no choice. Although she has a noble status, her fate is not in control.You can't control your own destiny, you can only let others manipulate it.But she is not reconciled, even if she dies, she doesn't want to be manipulated by others.

Taking out the clothes belt from the secret cabinet, Yunyang held it tightly in his hands.She knew how much shock it would cause if this thing appeared in front of the world.The world that has finally calmed down will fall into chaos again.

But she knew that this was the last chance for Brother Huang to bring down Cao Bandit, and it was also the last time for her to fulfill her royal responsibilities.

PS: Ahhh!It feels like writing is getting worse!
(End of this chapter)

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