Chapter 321
Just as Lin Yifan was busy negotiating and awarding rewards, a piece of information suddenly came from the investigation department.The imperial envoy sent by the imperial court to Hengshan was killed in Anzhou, and the body was only found a few days ago.The things found on him contained an imperial decree, which said that Lin Yifan was going to be appointed as Anzhou Defense Envoy and North General.Chen Dengke was very worried about this. The imperial envoy died in Anzhou, and the Hengshan Army would not be able to clean up even if they jumped into the Longjiang River.The imperial court will definitely not compromise with Hengshan again, and the situation is very unfavorable to him.Now the investigation department is trying its best to find the real culprit, hoping to make the truth known to the world.

Lin Yifan was also quite annoyed by this, he didn't expect that someone would dare to plot against him at this time.Killing the imperial envoy in Anzhou made me, Hengshan, have to face the anger of the imperial court alone.Who on earth dared to frame me like this?

Several factions flashed through Lin Yifan's mind, and he always felt that they all had motives for doing so, but it was impossible to be sure who they really were.His face was gloomy for a while, and finally he showed a sneer, "No matter who wants to plot against me, what effect will your tricks have on me? Hengshan has no border with the imperial court at all, and it is nothing to be hostile to the imperial court. Instead, it cut off the connection with the imperial court. The people under the rule will have higher and higher recognition of Hengshan, and they will be less likely to be influenced by the court. What is a mere pompous official title worth?"

After thinking clearly in his mind, Lin Yifan no longer worried about this matter.At this time, the reward plan has been formulated. After the Northern Expedition and the Xiayang Pass Battle, the soldiers have gone through one battle after another, accumulating very strong military exploits.Fortunately, this time the land of Anzhou has doubled, and the number of people has nearly doubled. It is time to expand the army again.

This time, Lin Yifan decided to recruit an additional 3 soldiers to garrison all parts of Anzhou after the rewards.Moreover, he planned to recruit the 1 people on the spot in Anzhou, and would no longer draw them from Hengshan.As for the rebels brought from Huazhou, he planned to abolish most of them, and turn them into reserves and militias to cultivate fields. The [-] rebels only kept [-] horses and mixed them into the [-] recruits.

With these 2 new recruits, the soldiers who have made meritorious service recently will have soldiers to lead, so that they will not have official positions without real power.The cavalry troops in particular had made countless contributions in these two battles. In order to accommodate these newly promoted cavalry officers, Lin Yifan had to increase the size of the cavalry again, planning to increase the number of cavalry by 1 on the basis of [-].At the same time, his eyes turned to those captured golden werewolves.These golden werewolves were natural cavalry, as long as they could use them for themselves, they could get an elite cavalry for nothing.However, Lin Yifan was very cautious about using these golden werewolves, not daring to use them lightly.The cavalry is Hengshan's core combat force, and anyone who is not loyal and reliable must not enter, let alone a foreign race like Jinlang?
Now, the cavalry went north to sweep and harvested a lot, and countless golden werewolves, cattle and sheep were sent into the pass in an endless stream.Hundreds of thousands of golden werewolves went south, immediately causing various departments to be overwhelmed, and the placement and diversion alone was a huge workload.Throughout the winter, officials at all levels in Hengshan had to keep busy.

Negotiations have not progressed very smoothly, and the demands of all parties have not been able to reach an agreement.The Li family of Huazhou came to negotiate with Hengshan this time, mainly to establish an offensive and defensive alliance and gain a firm foothold in Huazhou with the help of the Hengshan Army.Today's Li Yuan can no longer expand after occupying the central and northern parts of Huazhou.The prepared court defended the southern counties and stubbornly resisted the invasion of the Li family army.

However, when the imperial court went to Huazhou to Zhao'an Li Yuan, Li Yuan got the official position of Huazhou defense envoy, the attitude of the Li family envoy changed, and there was no urgency for the offensive and defensive alliance.The most important requirement now is to hand over Hengshan to Jishan Pass as soon as possible, and to hold the pass for the Hengshan army going south in his own hands.However, it was said earlier that the Li family had to gather the money, food and materials required by Hengshan before they could transfer them to this gate.But now the Huazhou territory they occupy has been searched by Luo Feng southward.In addition, they also need to continue to expand their strength, and they are trying their best to squeeze Huazhou's oil and water. How can there be anything left for Hengshan?

Therefore, the conflict between the two sides is now concentrated on this point. Li Yuan hoped that Hengshan could lower his requirements, and the Li family was willing to offer 100 million taels of silver and 20 shi of grain and grass in exchange.Naturally, Hengshan would not agree to this condition. The two sides have been arguing endlessly on this issue for more than half a month, and they have been unable to reach a compromise.As for other agreements such as commerce and trade, neither side has much objection.

The negotiation with Murong's family of the Dingxi Army also came to an impasse. Murongjing took the initiative to make some compromises on the business agreement because of his own mistakes, but he refused to give up the interests of the long corridor and ancient road.This corridor is the source of wealth for the Dingxi Army to survive. Otherwise, with the barren land of Shazhou, how can they support one hundred thousand Dingxi Army?Hengshan wants to get involved in the long corridor and ancient road, which is tantamount to taking food from the mouth of the Dingxi army, how can they easily compromise.

Another contradiction is the ownership of the two counties in the west of Anzhou. Now that Hengshan has annihilated the Northern Expeditionary Army and gained all the land of Anzhou, if the two counties are left under the control of the Dingxi Army, it is tantamount to being nailed to the side of the Hengshan Army. A nail, if there is a change, the Dingxi army may drive straight in and cut off Hengshan.

Regarding Hengshan's request to return the two counties of Anzhou, the Dingxi Army was also reluctant to abandon these two counties.Although these two counties belong to remote places in Anju, with sparse population and harsh environment.But compared to Shazhou, it is much better. The Dingxi Army is preparing to use these two counties as food producing areas to make up for the lack of food and grass in Shazhou.What's more, these two counties are also the passages from the east of Shazhou. As long as troops are stationed here, they can threaten the hinterland of Anzhou, and it is also a rare strategic location.

As for the representatives of the remaining small forces in Anzhou, they came here only to preserve their territory and power.Now most of Anzhou fell into the hands of the Hengshan Army, and their strength was extremely terrifying, which made them worried, fearing that the Hengshan Army would take advantage of the situation and wipe them out.Therefore, they came here hoping to exchange the condition of surrendering to Hengshan in exchange for the requirement of preserving their interests.It's just that the surrender they mentioned is only in name, Hengshan is the main one, and they listen to the instructions but not the propaganda. The ruling power of their respective territories still belongs to them, but they just donate a batch of rich property every year.

Regarding this condition, Hengshan rejected it without even thinking about it, and demanded that they surrender completely and hand over the two counties and their soldiers. Hengshan can guarantee their future prosperity and wealth. If they want to leave, Hengshan will also grant them Enough wealth for their lifetime.But if they want to continue to resist, once the Hengshan Army invades the two counties, they will never show mercy, and it will be too late to regret.

The representatives of the small powers, after arguing with each other, found out in despair that Hengshan didn't take them seriously at all. The current negotiations are just to buy time for the preparations for the war, and there will be no results if the talks continue.After deliberation, the representatives decided to return early and leave this deadly friendship to their lord to decide, or follow Hengshan's request to give up power and status, and keep their lives safe and wealthy.Either fight desperately, hit the stone with an egg, and end up decapitated in the end.

When the negotiations between the parties reached a deadlock, only the Mingzhou envoy and Hengshan's negotiations went smoothly.They are separated from Hengshan by vast mountains, and there is no filth or conflict between them.The purpose of the Mingzhou envoy's visit is also very simple, just to establish a friendly relationship with Hengshan, and to discuss some business agreements at the same time.However, the envoys from Mingzhou were very interested in Hengshan's war horses and hoped to trade them with them.

Now Hengshan has wiped out King Youxian's tribe and captured a large number of war horses.Countless golden werewolves, cattle, sheep and horses were relocated, making Hengshan's current supply of war horses oversupply.The breeding of hundreds of thousands of prairie horses has already caused a certain burden for Hengshan.Now, Hengshan has begun to consider whether it is appropriate to trade some war horses to relieve stress and accumulate a lot of money.It's just that there are pros and cons in this horse transaction, and if there is any inappropriateness, it is a loss for the enemy.However, Mingzhou does not border Hengshan, so there is no conflict of interest for the time being.If selling a batch of war horses to him, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for Hengshan.Moreover, the Hengshan cavalry will become stronger and stronger in the future, so why be afraid of other forces developing cavalry?
Therefore, Hengshan took the lead in signing some agreements with Mingzhou. As a show of sincerity, Lin Yifan agreed to sell [-] war horses at a discount as the beginning of establishing a good relationship with Mingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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