The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 304 A Surprising Plan to Destroy the Whole Army

Chapter 304 A Surprising Plan to Destroy the Whole Army

Ascending to the city wall, a strong bloody smell rushed over, and then looking around, countless figures of fighting spread all over every corner of the wall, blood and flesh splattered, knives and guns slammed, and all kinds of mournful cries were like hell. Like a ghost crawling out, being here is like hell.

The guard beside him nervously held the shield in front of Lin Yifan, and from time to time, flying arrows hit the shield, making a heavy impact sound.

Everyone came to the spectator stand on the wall. After Luo Yi gave an order, he turned to look at Lin Yifan, frowned, bowed slightly and said, "My lord, this place is too dangerous, you'd better hurry down."

"It doesn't matter, if Mr. Luo can be here, why wouldn't I dare to be here?" Lin Yifan waved his hand and declined his kindness. Looking at his tired eyes and messy beard and hair, he couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart. It seems that Qing'er's miscarriage dealt a big blow to his father-in-law. "Father-in-law, about Qing'er, I..."

"My lord, at this moment of war, it is inappropriate to talk about family affairs." Luo Yi cupped his hands and said, "A sword has no eyes on the battlefield, so please go back as soon as possible, my lord. With me here, you can be safe."

"Okay, let's talk about the war." Lin Yifan no longer insisted, but still refused to leave, "Mr. Luo, what is the current situation between the enemy and us? Can our army be sure to hold Xiayang Pass?"

Seeing that he refused to leave, Luo Yi had no choice but to report impartially: "My lord, now our army has gathered more than [-] soldiers and horses in Guanzhong, and reinforcements from all over the world will continue to join in the future. The situation will become more and more favorable to us. However, after nearly a month of fighting, our army hastily defended, and most of the militiamen and even ordinary people who had no combat experience were dispatched before, so that the losses were very heavy. So far, there have been Tens of thousands of casualties. Now with the arrival of our army's regular troops, the casualties are gradually decreasing, and the ability to guard the pass is getting stronger. So far, the enemy's [-] soldiers and horses have lost less than [-] people, and their siege The ability is quite strong, and there are more than ten thousand new attached troops among them, as the main force to attack Xiayang Pass, so that our army is under a lot of pressure. However, as long as our army can delay the enemy as much as possible, under the cold winter, it must If we can't fight for a long time, we will retreat sooner or later, and I, Hengshan, will have no worries."

Lin Yifan nodded and looked into his eyes seriously, "Mr. Luo, is it just to beat them back?"

A trace of pain flashed in Luo Yi's eyes, and he said hoarsely: "There are too many cavalry in the enemy army, and our army is not an opponent yet, so what can we do?"

"But I'm not reconciled, I don't want to just watch them leave like this." Lin Yifan's eyes were red, and he said in a cold voice, "Whether it's for Hengshan's future worries or, or for my child, the golden werewolf must die!"

"My lord, I understand your feelings." Luo Yi raised his head in surprise, looked at Lin Yifan, and urged him eagerly, "However, war is not a child's play, let alone being emotional, you know, if you are not careful, you will lose everything. Our army has absolutely no ability to stop the Golden Werewolf, and we can't stop it, otherwise the situation of the battle may be completely reversed, and Hengshan will face crisis again."

"I understand what Mr. Luo said, and I will not act recklessly in this matter." Lin Yifan said in a deep voice, "But if these golden werewolves are not wiped out here, Hengshan will be in danger all the time, and the golden werewolves will never We will sit back and watch the Xiazhou grassland be occupied by us. If the Donghu people are driven back to the deep mountains and old forests in the coming year, the Golden Werewolves will gather hundreds of thousands of cavalry to attack Hengshan. At that time, will we be able to hold it? Hengshan is located in the middle of the Fourth War. The land is full of crises, and the crisis in the north is like a sword hanging above the head, which makes people shudder. If we can destroy the Youxian King's family, we will cut off the golden werewolf's wing, so that it will not dare to act rashly against me Hengshan. And lost King Youxian, there will be some internal struggles among the Golden Werewolves, and it will buy me Hengshan more time to grow and develop. Therefore, no matter what, we must not miss this opportunity."

"My lord's analysis makes sense, but with our current strength, how can we annihilate these [-] enemy troops?" Luo Yi nodded, but still frowning, hesitantly asked.

"The way to use troops is strange and righteous. I intend to send a surprise soldier to the rear of the enemy army to block the enemy's rear on the north bank of Xiashui." Lin Yifan walked to the hanging map of Xiayang Pass, pointed to the north of Xiayang Mountain. Xia Shui said seriously, "If this strange army can suddenly appear on the north bank of Xiashui, the Golden Werewolf will definitely be shaken. At that time, our army will come out and fight the enemy head-on, and we will definitely be defeated in one battle."

Luo Yi hurriedly approached the map, kept gesticulating on it, and finally frowned deeply, and asked puzzledly: "My lord, this plan is a good plan, but where should this surprise soldier get around to the enemy's rear? You know, Xiayang Mountain is nearly a thousand miles long from east to west, and more than a hundred miles wide from north to south, with high peaks and dangerous roads, how can our army get over it?"

"Naturally, Xiayang Mountain cannot be crossed." Lin Yifan turned his eyes from Xiayang Mountain to the west, and landed on the white space. If we go north, we can spare the remaining veins of Xiayang Mountain and enter the northern grassland. Since the Xijin werewolf said that we can return to the Western Regions by detour from the Gobi, then it means that we can also enter the grassland by detour from here. If we can cross this strange land desert land, then this plan can be implemented and completely annihilate the [-] enemies."

"Are you sure, my lord? You must know that it is a large barren land, with scarce water sources and changing weather conditions. If you go in, you may suffer a lot of casualties." Luo Yi squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the map for a moment and thought for a while, before asking road.

"As long as the preparations are done properly, the casualties should be minimized." Lin Yifan thought for a while, and finally showed confidence on his face.

"Okay, if your lord thinks it's feasible, then I won't say any more. I just don't know who will lead the surprise army sent this time? How many troops will be dispatched?" Luo Yi saw that he had made up his mind, so he stopped trying to persuade him Remonstrance, in his heart, he also had a certain amount of confidence in Lin Yifan's strategy.Immediately nodded in agreement, and turned to ask about the expedition.

"This army should be small but fine, so let's make it 5000 on foot and 1 horses in total." Lin Yifan thought for a moment, "As for the leader of the army, I want Luo Feng to lead the army. He is the only one who can be the leader. Da Ren can also make me feel at ease."

"Feng'er?" Luo Yi frowned slightly, and said a little worriedly, "My lord, this kid has always been restless. With his frizzy character, I'm afraid he might mess up this matter."

"Haha, father-in-law is serious. Although Luo Feng is bold, he is also careful. This time he went south to Huazhou, and he managed things well, and it was far beyond my expectations. Not only did he bring back a large amount of supplies, but he also returned We sent 5 horses from Hengshan, and the stability of Anzhou is all thanks to him." Lin Yifan said with a smile.

"Your Excellency is absurd. Without your advice, how could he have done such a great thing." Luo Yi said humbly, but his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Father-in-law is out." Lin Yifan waved his hands with a smile, and said seriously, "This army is small in number, only 1, but its tasks are constantly arduous and dangerous. Blocked on the north bank of Xiashui, we will face the Golden Werewolf Therefore, this army must be composed of the most capable soldiers to complete this task. In addition to the [-] cavalry archers commanded by Luo Feng, the cavalry will need to dispatch another [-] elite armored cavalry from your command Give it to him. As for the infantry, I will select a group of elite soldiers from the army to join."

"No problem, let's leave this matter to the subordinates." Luo Yi nodded slightly and said earnestly, "My lord, this place is too dangerous after all. Your coming this time has greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers. Also please hurry back to Guanzhong to sit in town."

Lin Yifan had no choice but to know that being here would only cause more trouble, so he nodded and led people away from the city.

(End of this chapter)

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