The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 297 Grasping Time and Breaking Huayuan City

Chapter 297 Grasping Time and Breaking Huayuan City

"Kill it! Kill it!" The rebel army attacked Huayuan City non-stop for several days, and finally succeeded in putting the ladder on the city wall. Countless people rushed up the ladder and climbed like crazy.

The faces of the defenders were pale, and many of the villagers were so frightened that they threw away their weapons and tried to escape, but were immediately hacked to death by the county soldiers.Then he swung his bloody saber to drive Min Zhuang to the top, using his flesh and blood to block the enemy's offensive.

"Hold on, once the city is broken, you and I will die, kill them, kill them!" The generals roared with red eyes, leading elite soldiers, rushing to support in dangerous places on various wall sections.

Under the threat and encouragement of the officers and soldiers of the defenders, the defenders fought fiercely with the rebels. Flesh and blood fell to the ground and turned into puddles of flesh. , people stand on it, and it is easy to slip if you don't pay attention.

Luo Feng looked at the battle on the city wall with an anxious look on his face, as he was running out of time.He had already received a letter from Qin Yuanhao, his lord's messenger was already on his way, and the Li family's army had already started heading south.But now Huayuan City is still standing upright, and there is no possibility of it falling.He also knew that this had something to do with the combat effectiveness of the rebel army.It is very difficult to control such a huge army with only [-] Hengshan troops, let alone training and arraying.To put it bluntly, this is a gang of mobs, and their combat power may not be stronger than that of the city defenders.

"General, I'm afraid it won't work if things go on like this. Why don't the last general lead his troops up to try it." Shi Shouyi, who was standing beside Luo Feng, couldn't cut it down a long time ago, and immediately suggested.

"This?" Luo Feng was very hesitant in his heart. The Hengshan army under him was very precious. If they were to go to the city to fight, there would be casualties. How could he be willing to waste his troops.It's just that without the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to open a gap, the day of breaking the city may be in the foreseeable future. "General Shi, do you still have any troops in your headquarters?"

"General, the last general has less than a thousand infantry around him. Although the number is small, it is enough to attack the city. Please order the general!" Shi Shouyi said excitedly when he saw something was going on.

"It's still too few. In this case, you can choose another two thousand elite volunteers to cooperate in the battle, so I can rest assured." Luo Feng thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement, and at the same time, he was afraid of making a mistake, so he immediately ordered.

"Yes, the last general takes orders!" Seeing that he was very cautious, Shi Shouyi had no choice but to take orders.

Not long after, three thousand elite soldiers joined the charging army and climbed up the city wall.As soon as everyone jumped into the city, they immediately erected their strong shields, jumped suddenly, and smashed into the defenders.The strong shield knocked over a group of people and horses, and when it was not stable, it brandished its sword and slashed at the enemy frantically.As more and more Hengshan troops climbed to the top of the city, they immediately formed battle formations, continuously strangling the enemy troops and advancing layer by layer.

The defenders on the city immediately noticed the anomaly in this section of the wall, and immediately dispatched a large number of troops to reinforce it.The two sides huddled together on the wall, swords and guns danced, and sparks flew.One after another human lives were harvested in an instant, and after they fell to the ground, they were trampled by countless feet, and their flesh and blood were immediately blurred.

"Kill!" The soldiers on both sides were red-eyed, fighting over this section of the city wall without giving an inch.

Shi Shouyi took the lead, killing blood all over his body, and fresh blood was constantly flowing on his armor.At this moment, seeing that the troops he led were blocked here, he couldn't help shouting, "Brothers, hold on! Hengshan Army, form a cone formation, charge!"

Hundreds of Hengshan infantry heard the news, immediately pushed out of the battlefield, and quickly assembled. The cone head was composed of spearmen, and layers of sword and shield soldiers were gathered on the periphery of both sides.

"Rush!" The cone-shaped array suddenly exerted force and rushed into the enemy army in an instant. The spearmen with the cone head raised their spears flat and pierced fiercely into the enemy army in front.The sword and shield soldiers on both sides seized the enemy's chaotic gap, and immediately rammed into the enemy groups on both sides with their shields on their backs, tearing apart the enemy's defenses.As the conical formation continued to deepen, the originally dense formation continued to expand, completely tearing a big hole in the enemy formation.And the rebel army that followed immediately filled the blank area of ​​the formation and assisted the Hengshan Army to expand the results of the battle.

The formation of the defenders was torn apart, and the whole formation suddenly became chaotic. The generals did not know the soldiers, and the soldiers did not know the generals.Many Min Zhuang suddenly lost the courage to fight and fled.There is nothing left for the garrison to support alone.

"Run away, the enemy army is too strong, we can't beat it!"

"The city is about to break, go home and flee!"

"Run, run, or die if you don't run!"

The defeated army fled all the way, shouting hissingly.This caused the defenders in other sections to be unwilling to fight, and they retreated one after another.

Not long after, the city gate was heard to be opened with a loud bang. Shi Shouyi had led his troops to the gate and opened the gate in one fell swoop.

Luo Feng was overjoyed, and immediately shouted, "The city is broken, everyone will follow me!"

As he spoke, he led three thousand cavalry in the lead and entered the city.

At this time, Huayuan City was in chaos, and countless people either helped the old and the young, fled from another city gate, or hid at home tremblingly, praying for the mercy of the enemy.

Luo Feng led the people straight to the government office, shouting loudly: "Order the army to enter the city, prohibit rape and looting, prohibit killing innocent people, and prohibit burning houses in the city. Anyone who violates these three prohibitions will be killed without mercy!"

Following his order, more than a dozen cavalrymen broke away from the team and galloped towards the gate of the city, reading out the general's order over and over again along the way.

Soon, Luo Feng came to the gate of the government office. The guards and catchers at the gate of the mansion ran away in fright when they saw the cavalry arriving.

The cavalry dismounted and kicked the yamen open with one kick. Countless people rushed into the yamen, arresting everyone they saw.

When Luo Feng came to the hall, dozens of people in official uniforms were escorted inside, and they knelt down on the ground one by one, tremblingly waiting for their fate.

Going to the main seat in the lobby, Luo Feng looked coldly at the officials on the ground, and shouted: "Who is the governor of Huazhou? Stand up!"

The eyes of all the officials involuntarily turned to one of the old men, seeing the old man breaking out in cold sweat and cursing in his heart, but under Luo Feng's cold gaze, he had no choice but to stand up and tremblingly replied: "This , this official is the State Shepherd of Huazhou."

"So it was you, the one who ordered the beheading of our envoy and hanging his head on the top of the city?" Luo Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the murderous intent shot out in vain.

Zhou Mu trembled all over, looked up at Luo Feng in horror, "Yes, it was done by the lower officials, please spare your life, General."

At this moment, Zhou Mu has long regretted it in his heart, and originally thought that the city would be able to hold on.As long as he waits for the imperial army to come to help him, he will be valued by the prime minister and promoted to Beijing because of this move.Unexpectedly, the enemy was so powerful that they captured Huayuan City within a few days.

Luo Feng didn't care about his thoughts, he confirmed the murderer, Dang even couldn't hold back the killing intent in his heart, and shouted, "Come on, drag it down, chop it up!"

Suddenly, some cavalry rushed forward, picked up Zhou Mu and dragged him out.

Zhou Mu suddenly turned pale with fright, kicked his legs and shouted mournfully, "General, please forgive me, please forgive me, General!"

"Hmph! Today I will let you know that anyone who offends me in Hengshan will be punished no matter how far away!" Looking at Zhou Mu who was dragged out of the door, Luo Feng looked around the crowd coldly and snorted coldly.

Everyone was so frightened that they were sweating profusely and kowtowed for mercy.With a shrill scream, the executioner carried a human head into the lobby immediately, and put the head on the ground, "General, the execution is over, here is the head, please examine it."

"Very good, hang his head on the top of the city for everyone in the city to see." Luo Feng glanced at the head on the ground and nodded.

Such a bloody human head was placed in front of everyone, almost everyone was frightened.Luo Feng sat on the main seat without hesitation, looked down at everyone, and asked coldly: "Who has the most official position among you?"

(End of this chapter)

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