The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 184 The Long-term Strategy of Hengshan Meeting

Chapter 184 The Long-term Strategy of Hengshan Meeting
After the matter was resolved, Lin Yifan looked at Wang Fugui and asked the next question: "Master Wang, the householder you are in charge of is in charge of finance and household registration. Now I, Hengshan, can say that I can't make ends meet. I'm afraid we've been exhausted for supplies. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, at least to reach a balance of income and expenditure, so that we can sustain it. You can discuss this matter with Chief Shang Cao Jin to see how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Now that we have set the goal of maintaining stability, we will try our best to adopt a friendly attitude towards the outside world and strive to conduct business in their territory. I believe that the trade between both parties is beneficial to each other, and they will not refuse Yes. Of course, if they dare to refuse, huh, then we will open their market with swords and guns."

At the end, Lin Yifan's face darkened, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.Wang Fugui and Jin Jiuyuan were so frightened that they nodded in agreement.

"As for the household registration, we have initially registered the number of people, but after they are resettled, they need to go through household registration. With the household registration, we will arrange for them to marry men and women and start a family as soon as possible. With fields and homes, wives and children are hot on the kang. Otherwise, they will always want to go back to their hometown, which is very unfavorable to me in Hengshan. Fortunately, the Li family forces are lingering in the south-central area of ​​Anzhou, so we have an excuse to prevent the people from going south Otherwise, there might not be many people left in our land of Xiazhou. Therefore, we must let the common people settle here safely before solving the Li family's influence."

"What your lord said is true. Now Xiazhou has a large area of ​​land that can be cultivated, and we have distributed many fields to the people, but many people would rather sell the land for money to work on the construction site and wait for the opportunity to go south. If it is not because of them Their hometown was occupied by the rebels, and they might have sneaked away long ago. If they can start a family and start a business, they will be able to settle down." Wang Fugui nodded.

"Those who have permanent property have perseverance, which has always been the case since ancient times." Lin Yifan said with a smile, "In addition, we need to implement more policies to benefit the people, so that the people can feel it. We must let them know that staying here is better than going back. The hometown is better. The current population is very precious to us, and it is the foundation of our Hengshan future. In the next three years, we must completely transform them into the people of Hengshan.”

"My lord, don't worry, we will live up to your expectations." Wang Fugui said solemnly, his eyes full of confidence.

"Han Gongcao, the construction progress of our workshop must be accelerated at present." Lin Yifan turned over a page, read the content on it, looked up at Han Santie, and said seriously: "Your current task is very important." Heavy, whether it is the people's livelihood, the economy or the military, the three parties have huge demands for tools, commodities and weapons. As far as I know, this year's spring plowing, due to the shortage of farm tools, has caused many fields to be too late to plow. This aspect must be accelerated For manufacturing, every household must be able to use tools. There are also business exchanges. If we want to develop the economy in Hengshan, we must develop both business and industry to produce more goods for sale. Workshops in various places may wish to expand their scale, or they can Some production has been transferred to the private sector, and the common people are allowed to run their own factories. There is also the need for weapons and equipment for our army. These must be resolved as soon as possible. The goal I give you is that within half a year, all the armaments of the [-] army must be fully equipped together."

"This, my lord." Han Santie looked at him bitterly, and said with a hint of tears, "It's not that we don't work hard, but there are some raw materials and technical deficiencies that prevent our production from increasing. For example Speaking of ironware, we currently only have one Bailongshan iron mine. Exhausted. As for the others, either the lack of craftsmen or unprofessional technology, there is no way to meet your request, my lord?"

"Well, what you're talking about is the predicament we are currently facing." Lin Yifan frowned and nodded, "Our industrial foundation is really too weak, and the relevant talents are also in short supply. I think so, let's start Solve the problem of raw materials. We have now occupied this vast grassland. I believe that there must be some resources that we continue to exist on this land. Gongcao must organize people to go to various places for surveys and try their best to collect The stocks of various resources. At the same time, merchants should pay attention to that when conducting business and trade, we must focus on the raw materials needed by our factories to supply industrial production needs."

"Subordinates obey!" Jin Jiuyuan quickly replied.

"By the way, Han Gongcao, do you have any news about the charcoal I asked you to look for?" Lin Yifan suddenly remembered something, and asked.

"Well, my lord, there is no news yet." Han Santie lowered his head in shame, "We have searched all over Hengshan before, but we have not found any trace of charcoal."

"No?" Lin Yifan showed a look of disappointment on his face, "Then keep looking, maybe there will be one in Xiazhou. In a few days, I will go to inspect your factory and workshop. See if there is anything you can pick up and make up for.”

"Next is Li Cao's problem, Mr. Guo." Lin Yifan looked up at Guo Huaili, "Li Cao is mainly in charge of education now, and I will continue to strengthen the literacy work in Hengshan. My official once said that I hope that in the near future In the future, everyone in Hengshan can read and write, and everyone can understand things. Although it is difficult, but as the saying goes, it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to cultivate people. Only by laying a solid foundation in advance can we cultivate more talents in the future. Therefore, in addition to building a school in Hengshan, I also want to build more schools in Xiazhou, at least every county can have a school. Director Guo, are you confident that you can do it?"

"My lord, I'm naturally confident. It's just that I have too few teachers in Hengshan. Is it too urgent to expand so many schools at once?" Guo Huaili said with a wry smile.

"It's a little too much, but it's not impossible." Lin Yifan smiled, "Now I, Hengshan, are basically young and middle-aged, and the number of children is not too many. Director Guo can gather the children to teach knowledge, and now we have recruited ten A few gentlemen, I think they should be able to handle it, right?"

"If you only teach Tong Meng, it's natural. After all, there are only two or three hundred children who can go to school." Guo Huaili nodded, "But, for literacy, there are too many of us alone. What's more, adults are not children, and they all respect learning at a distance. It is really too difficult to teach them to read. Just like the literacy we promoted in Hengshan, it has not been promoted to half of the population until now."

"Well, let's take this matter slowly." Lin Yifan has no good solution at this time, so he can only maintain the status quo for the time being, "Since it is difficult for the people to literacy, let's start with the army. I hope that all of them can be realized in the army. Literacy. You can temporarily implement literacy in the army, and then carry out literacy in the folk. Captain Luo, the soldiers must have your cooperation in literacy, and literacy must be implemented in accordance with military regulations. If you learn well, Reward; those who can’t learn will be punished. I won’t believe it anymore, and if things go on like this, they will still not be able to read.”

"If that's the case, I'm afraid the entire army will be crying, haha!" Luo Yi was delighted to hear this, and couldn't help but tease.

"Haha! This is also for their own good. Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers, but to be good generals, they must first be able to read and write. In the future, our Hengshan Army will not only fight and fight, but will retire in the future. I want to appoint them If you don't have a certain cultural foundation to serve in a local area, how can you do it? I believe that the officers and men will understand my painstaking efforts." Lin Yifan laughed loudly.

"My lord, this method is feasible. This subordinate is confident that all the soldiers of the Hengshan Army will be able to read and write." Guo Huaili said with a smile.

The meeting continued, and Lin Yifan then had some discussions with the other principals, pointing out the problems of various affairs one by one, and discussing a solution.

At noon, the Hengshan meeting finally came to an end.

 These chapters are a bit blunt and monotonous, and they are intended to explain the development of the plot below. Readers please read patiently. If you have any good suggestions, please correct me.

(End of this chapter)

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