The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 154 Hengshan Came to Rescue the Wolf Pass

Chapter 154 Hengshan Came to Rescue the Wolf Pass

Under the city of Weiyuan County, the offensive of the rebels was getting worse day by day. The [-] troops went all out, and the defenders of the county city were defending very hard.Both sides were bleeding under the county city, and the casualties were increasing day by day.But no one dared to give up lightly, and had to grit their teeth and continue to persist.If it weren't for Xu Shifan who was stationed in Lingshui County, pressing forward every step of the way, threatening the safety of the rebel rear.As a result, it had to send a large number of troops to guard against death, so that the siege troops were weakened, so that the county can survive until now.

Time flies, but for the two parties who are deeply mired in the war, life is like a year. The daily casualty reports make them terrified and restless.

The rebels had always hoped that the county would succumb to their fierce offensive and choose to surrender. Only in this way could they take over the county at the lowest cost and gain the rule of hundreds of thousands of people.Only by conquering the county can their overall strength be greatly improved.You must know that after Anzhou was poisoned by the werewolves, all the counties and counties were dilapidated and the population was withered. Only Weiyuan County was not destroyed by the werewolves, and the population and wealth in it suffered little loss.Therefore, in order to gain a firm foothold in Anzhou, Weiyuan County must be obtained, and this battle can only be endless.

The reason why the county defenders have been able to persevere until now is because of the existence of reinforcements that they can bite the bullet and persevere.But they didn't know that the reinforcements at this time had no ability to rescue them at all.While Xu Shifan was confronting the rebels, he was anxiously waiting for reinforcements from Hengshan.Every day, messengers were sent to the north to urge Hengshan to send troops, but now half a month had passed, and there was not even a single movement in the north.Xu Shifan had already begun to despair, the grievances between Weiyuan County and Hengshan finally broke out at this time, thinking about it, the county magistrate Lin of Hengshan must have a grudge against him and refused to let go.

Xu Shifan shook his head with a wry smile, deeply regretful in his heart, and at the same time couldn't help despising the character of County Magistrate Lin.Could it be that he still can't distinguish between right and wrong, justice and private grievances?Once the rebels seized the county and their strength greatly increased, their next opponent would be Hengshan County.Could it be that he has never thought about how to defeat the powerful rebels with his small strength?Only by uniting with himself can the county be saved and the rebels forced to retreat.This is not only to save others but also to save oneself. Alas, I am still a young man after all. It is a pity that I did not think far enough.

So far, the war has far exceeded the expectations of both sides. For more than half a month and more than [-] days, the county city has been crumbling, and there are only more than [-] soldiers and horses left in the city. More than half of the casualties have to be recruited in large numbers. To make up for the shortage of troops, they barely withstood the offensive of the rebels, but these young men also suffered heavy casualties. In the past few days, every house in the city can be described as wailing.

The rebel army outside the city was also uncomfortable. More than [-] people attacked this world-famous fortified city day and night. If they attack the city, I am afraid that all the soldiers and horses at this time will be wiped out, and it may not be possible to capture the city.During this period of time, Li Yuan became older, and his half-white hair and beard gradually turned pale.Today's war has far exceeded his bottom line, but it is because of this that he can't stop.Now that such a big chip has been gambled, if you give up, you will really lose everything.At that time, not only his own strength will be severely weakened, but what is even more frightening is that the people under him will have different opinions. At that time, the power he has built by himself will probably be torn apart.

And in a mountain mausoleum fifty miles away from the county town, in the mountain depression where Huang Wuan's wings were broken before, a military stronghold stands on the mountain road, and two soldiers and horses are facing each other not far away. The repeated battles caused nearly half of the casualties, and they had no strength to fight anymore.Xu Shifan is desperate at this moment, maybe he will get the news of the fall of the county in a short time.When the time comes, where should we go?
At this moment, to the north of Polangguan Pass, a burst of roar gradually thundered, mixed with a heart-pounding aura.The two thousand defenders stationed in Guanzhong looked at the smoke and dust to the north in amazement, with a look of horror on their faces.Because experienced veterans can tell from the smoke and the sound of horseshoes that there is at least [-] cavalry on their way.Gradually, a black tide emerged from a distance, making a majestic bang, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore.As they got closer, they saw countless soldiers in leather armor riding war horses, coming to the gate majestically, reining in the horses' heads, and stopping in front of the gate together. The guards and soldiers, many recruits were terrified and trembling with panic on their faces.

At this time, a young man in Tsing Yi came out on horseback, looked at the guard who was closing the gate and shouted: "I have received a letter from Master Xu Shifan asking for help, and I am about to lead troops into the pass to suppress the rebellion. Open the door quickly, when will you wait?"

"You, who are you waiting for?" The guard guarding the gate tremblingly looked at the soldiers and horses below, and found that most of them had one man and two horses, at least [-] horses and [-] cavalry, and they were not easy to mess with at all.Especially the man in Tsing Yi at the bottom, he also recognized that it was the county magistrate Lin who was scolding at the gate that day.What's more, about Xu Shifan asking for help and Hengshan, he also knows that in the past half month, there have been messengers leaving the customs with letters asking for help, and the soldiers and horses who came here at this time are almost all from Hengshan.But, why does a small Hengshan County have such a large cavalry?

"We are the Hengshan Army, and I am the commander-in-chief of the Hengshan Army, Lin Yifan." Lin Yifan, who was dressed in green, looked at the door coldly, and shouted impatiently, "I heard that Weiyuan County was besieged by the rebels. It's been more than half a month. I, Hengshan, used to be under the jurisdiction of Weiyuan County. Because of the old incense, I came here to help and bail out. You are here to grind, and you refuse to switch. It is really disingenuous. Since In this way, my Hengshan Army will bid farewell!"

Saying that, Lin Yifan made a gesture to leave, and the captain who closed the door was shocked when he saw it, now that Weiyuan County is in danger, how can we let the hard-won reinforcements go back?So he quickly shouted: "Lord Lin, please stay a step. My lord sincerely wants to join forces with your army to fight against the rebels. I have no intention of neglecting it. I will switch it on immediately, switch it on immediately!"

Lin Yifan raised the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and quietly ordered his left and right sides, "I will enter the customs later, let me control the situation as soon as possible."

Hearing the words, the left and right generals smiled knowingly, "This subordinate understands."

Creaking and creaking, the gate of the Polang Pass slowly opened, and the Hengshan cavalry immediately galloped up and poured into the pass impatiently.Just as the captain came towards Lin Yifan with a flattering smile, he heard a loud shout: "Take it!"

Immediately, a few soldiers jumped out from the side, and captured the captain with the blade on his body, and the cold light was so bright that he almost thought he was dead.This sudden situation stunned the defenders in the pass. Isn't it the reinforcements? Why did they start fighting?
"Clang clang", there was a sound of the knife being unsheathed, and the soldiers on both sides immediately clashed with their swords, and the originally relaxed and joyful mood suddenly became heavy and panicked.

"You, what do you want to do?" The lieutenant turned pale and looked at Lin Yifan with a look of horror, "Now that the enemy is at hand, you, what are you doing, do you want to take advantage of the fire and try to break through the wolf pass?"

Lin Yifan looked at him with a smile, and shook his head, "You're only half right, I want the Polang Pass, and I'm going to rescue the county."

"What? You, you!" The captain was anxious and wanted to yell, but when he saw the shining weapons around him, he couldn't help but shrink back.

"What me?" Lin Yifan glanced at him coldly, with a look of anger on his face, "In order to rescue you, I dispatched most of the elite soldiers to the south and mobilized nearly [-] war horses. I also rushed from a long distance without stopping, It’s just to save you trash, isn’t this worth breaking the wolf pass? I don’t care, as the reward for rescuing Weiyuan County this time, it’s this majestic pass.”

"you you!"

"Okay, okay, whether you like it or not, now this place is under our control, and your people are also in my hands, what else do you want?" Lin Yifan was persuasive, soft and hard, "Now let your people put down quickly Weapons, I promise not to kill a single person. Anyway, now I, Hengshan, and Lord Xu are allies, and the enemy is now, I hope you will not do stupid things to make your loved ones hurt your enemies."


"I know you're not that kind of person, you will definitely think about the overall situation, right?" Lin Yifan smiled, but looked at him with murderous intent in his eyes, "Right!"

"So, everyone, lay down your arms, we, we surrender."

(End of this chapter)

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