The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 145 It's time for Hengshan to restructure

Chapter 145 It's time for Hengshan to restructure

Xiazhou Grassland, Xiayang Mountain Camp.

With the arrival of April, the footsteps of spring have finally passed through many mountains and rivers and come here.

The spring is like the wind, blowing across the earth, mountains and rivers, a green color spreads, and the new grass on the grassland breaks through the ground, greedily breathing the air between the heaven and the earth.The trees on Xiayang Mountain, which had been dry for a season, also revived their vitality under the call of spring, and the new shoots stretched hard, trying to embrace the entire sky.

A continuous spring rain has become a carnival for the entire green world. Just overnight, it seems that another picture scroll has been changed in front of my eyes. Everything looks so fresh, bright, and full of vitality.

Lin Yifan breathed in the grassy air with the fragrance of green grass, and his frown could not help but relax. This is the taste of life.The resettlement of hundreds of thousands of people has generally stabilized. As long as the Heishuicheng county government comes over, the situation here can be completely stabilized.Then hundreds of thousands of people will no longer be a burden, but Hengshan's most precious wealth.

At this time, Xiayang Pass was nearly completed. A high wall stretching nearly [-] meters, [-] meters high, and [-] meters wide stood at the entrance of the narrow passage. Qin Yuanhao led [-] Hengshan troops and [-] young men to garrison the pass. Closely monitor the movements of the northern grasslands.

In the camp, nearly 40 people have been diverted to the nearby farms. At this time, there are only about [-] people left. Under Lin Yifan's order, most of them are concentrated in the south of the camp to build a city.This city will serve as the logistics base of Xiayang Pass and the residence area for family members.At the same time, it is also the last barrier of Xiayang Pass. If Xiayang Pass falls, at least they can retreat to the city to resist, hold back the enemy's footsteps, and buy time for the reinforcements.For this reason, Lin Yifan deliberately named it Xiayang City.The rest of the manpower will be used to reclaim the land around the built city, and crops can be planted only when Hengshan sends seeds.

Seeing countless figures flowing not far away, and the rudimentary form of a city gradually appearing on a huge messy construction site, Lin Yifan looked at the hardworking figure with a bright mood, and listened to the loud shouts, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

At this time, a scout came galloping from the south, got off the horse and immediately reported forward, "My lord, the Hengshan troops led by Master Han have arrived and will arrive soon."

"Okay!" Lin Yifan said excitedly, "Let's go, let's meet everyone!"

It finally came, this month's hard work could finally be shaken off, Lin Yifan's face was full of insiders, he knew that he must be black and thin at this time.For the basic necessities of the 10 people, he racked his brains and forgot to eat and sleep. In less than a month, he lost more than ten catties.It's not fucking easy.

When Lin Yifan rushed over, he realized that there were more people than he expected, more than 6000 people gathered together, and it was densely packed.

As soon as they saw Lin Yifan coming, everyone immediately bowed and said in unison, "Your subordinates are waiting to see you!" The voice was loud and deafening, causing the busy crowd not far away to panic.

"Haha! Don't be too polite, don't be too polite!" Lin Yifan looked at the crowd excitedly, and found that besides Han Song himself, there were all the pawns from the six houses, and Guo Huaili was among them.

Han Song stepped forward excitedly, and said loudly: "My subordinates wish you a great victory, drive away the Golden Werewolves, regain their homeland, and save hundreds of thousands of people from slavery! The heavens have learned from you, Your Excellency's contribution is great, please accept Han Song's help!" Give me a bow!" Saying this, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to the ground with his head.

When the rest of the people saw it, they didn't dare to stand stupidly, they followed Han Song and knelt down on the ground.For a moment, Lin Yifan saw a vast expanse.

"What are you doing, get up, get up." Lin Yifan hurried forward, pulled Han Song up, and signaled everyone to stand up quickly, but he was very happy in his heart, seeing Han Song's expression full of gratification .

After welcoming the people into the camp, Lin Yifan ordered a banquet to clean up the dust for the people who came.

In the big tent, all the senior officials of Hengshan gathered here. After drinking and eating, everyone finally sat upright and began to discuss business matters.

After everyone reported one by one, Lin Yifan found out that the officials at all levels who came to Xiazhou for emergency had emptied more than half of the county government officials in Hengshan, and at the same time, they also transferred half of the recruits to supplement the establishment of various ministries.

Now, most of Hengshan's high-level and middle- and lower-level officials are gathered here, and [-]% of the Hengshan Army's strength is also concentrated here. This move is equivalent to transferring the entire Hengshan County here.

For this reason, Lin Yifan couldn't help but asked with some concern: "Master Han, wouldn't our Hengshan place be very empty after this? What if..."

Han Song said with a smile: "My lord, there is no need to worry. The surrounding areas are currently in chaos, so there is no time to pay attention to our side of Hengshan. Even so, our Hengshan is not defenseless, and there are still [-] Hengshan troops guarding Hengshan. The various checkpoints, together with the support of tens of thousands of civilians recruited temporarily, are enough to support our army to rush to the rescue, please rest assured, my lord."

"There are only tens of thousands of people in Hengshan. If so many people are recruited again, can the progress of various projects be guaranteed, and will the farming work be delayed?" Lin Yifan asked worriedly, frowning.

"Returning to my lord, the busy farming season is over, so there will be no delay. As for various projects, there are indeed some impacts, but it's not a big problem. With the current situation, there is no way to do this. Please forgive me." Han Song said nervously replied.

"Okay, since you've already made preparations, then I don't have to worry about it." Lin Yifan nodded, his frown gradually softening. "The affairs here will be handed over to you to preside over. I need to take a good rest."

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will do their best to handle the matter here properly." Han Song hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lin Yifan, "It's just that my lord, there is one thing that is the top priority right now, and this matter involves our management of Hengshan and Xiazhou grassland in the future Basically, the subordinates feel that it is necessary to prepare in advance."

Lin Yifan looked at him suspiciously, "What did Master Han say?"

"My lord, under the current situation, don't you think it's out of date for us to rule over two hundred miles of Hengshan Mountain and five hundred miles of grassland here, with a population of 10, with the power of one county?" Han Song asked With a dignified look, he looked around at everyone, "The land of Xiazhou alone is more than half the size of the state; hundreds of thousands of people have gathered, which has reached the population of more than one county. If we continue to use the county system to govern, then our county government , Both the organization and the means of governance will be in an extremely weak and backward state. The most urgent thing for us now is to carry out restructuring to meet the current governance needs. Therefore, I implore the adults to withdraw the county and change it to the county, and expand the yamen organization. "

What?Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Han Song to make this suggestion at this time.But immediately, everyone immediately realized the impact of this suggestion on themselves. Once the county was withdrawn and changed to a county, wouldn't his current position also rise with the tide, from a low-level official to a high-ranking official?For a moment, everyone's breathing became heavy, and eager light burst out from their eyes.

Lin Yifan also stared at Han Song in a daze, not knowing what to say. Is this kind of thing something that a little magistrate like himself can do?Knowing that this matter is a taboo, but he put forward this suggestion so blatantly, could it be said that he has decided to take refuge in himself and completely break with the court?

What's more, even if he withdraws the county and changes it to a county without authorization, and establishes himself as a county guard, without the permission of the imperial court, will the people below be convinced?Will the people under the rule recognize it?After all, the Tianwu Dynasty has been established for 300 years, and the hearts of the people belong to it.Once Hengshan stands on its own, not to mention that the Tianwu court will attack it by force, it will be regarded as rebellion, and even the people under its rule will lose their hearts.

Lin Yifan stared at Han Song hesitantly, "What is the meaning of Mr. Han? How can we discuss this matter? Without the imperial court's order, how can we make a claim?"

"My lord's words are wrong!" Han Song looked at Lin Yifan calmly, cupped his hands and said, "With your lord's incomparable achievements in defeating the golden werewolf, saving hundreds of thousands of people from the sea of ​​suffering, and going north to recover the thousand-year-old homeland, what is the point of the county guard?" Is that enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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