The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 118 A Clever Plan to Win the Level

Chapter 118 A Clever Plan to Win the Level
With the death of Alutu, the fighting spirit of the Golden Werewolf immediately faded.But they didn't dare to surrender at all, and it was impossible for those Tianwu people to forgive them.After a desperate dying struggle, the cavalry finally broke through the enemy's siege, rushed out of the closed gate, and fled south.

When Dongfang Xiaobai, the battle finally ended.At this time, Polangguan finally erected a military flag of the former Polangguan defenders, and waved it in the face of the coming sun.

Lin Yifan and the others were busy dealing with post-war affairs with red eyes.When the morning sun rises in the east and the snow clears, the result of this battle will be revealed.After a night of fighting, the Hengshan Army suffered more than 4000 casualties, wiped out nearly [-] enemies, escaped more than [-] people, and captured more than [-] wounded and sick Golden Werewolves.The harvest of this battle can be described as fruitful, with a total of more than [-] war horses, countless money and food, and more than [-] slaves were imprisoned here. Crushed soldiers.

The Polang Pass has been taken, but everyone is full of doubts about whether they can stick to the Polang Pass.The casualties in this battle were too great, and only [-] people were no match for nearly [-] golden werewolves, let alone a group of new attached troops as cannon fodder.Although Qin Yuanhao was deeply attached to Polangguan, he also knew the seriousness of the matter and agreed to evacuate Polangguan.

Taking advantage of the fact that the werewolves were several days away, Lin Yifan was not in a hurry to evacuate. First, he dug up the tens of thousands of corpses of the guards who had been buried by the werewolves at random, and made a memorial ceremony for the entire army, beheading all the three thousand werewolves captured. The heads are piled up into the Jingguan, and placed in front of the spirits of the victims as offerings to worship.After that, all the corpses were packed up and escorted to Tongshan Cemetery for burial.The last wish of Qin Yuanhao and his remaining [-] followers was finally fulfilled, and from then on he devoted himself to Lin Yifan wholeheartedly.

At the same time, Lin Yifan ordered to register and investigate the more than 3 slaves captured by the Golden Werewolf, and organize them as soon as possible so that they can accompany the army to escort the supplies back to Hengshan.

What everyone remembers most is the more than 4000 war horses. Today's cavalry has basically been disabled and needs to be reorganized urgently.Therefore, Lin Yifan distributed one thousand of the best war horses to Luo Yi, and asked him to reorganize a thousand armored cavalry, so that one rider and two horses could be completely realized.In addition, 500 points were given to Xue Cheng to reorganize [-] light cavalry, and the remaining [-] points were given to Qin Yuanhao and Zheng Han to form a [-]-man cavalry team each.Used for reconnaissance or as a mobile force.

After four or five days of preparation, the Hengshan Army finally began to withdraw from Polang Pass. More than 3 people entered Hengshan in a mighty manner, leaving only one empty pass standing in the wind and snow.

Since the pass was broken, the golden wolf cavalry who had fled outside the pass frantically drove their horses and galloped south.Soon he arrived in Weiyuan County, which had been besieged for a long time, and asked for help from Wan Qichang, who presided over the siege of the county.

"What did you say? How on earth did Alutu defend the city and lose the Polang Pass?" Wanqi Commander Ziergemu blushed and roared angrily.He already knew what happened on the grassland, and now he was anxiously waiting for the army from the south to join him, and he had no intention of attacking the city.At this moment, when he heard that Polang Pass had been captured, his face turned pale with fright.

The rupee hurriedly told the story, and Ziergemu understood the whole story. It was a group of Tianwu people hiding in Hengshan who took the pass. They thought that there were poor mountains and bad waters, dangerous places and few people. Strength, everyone ignores that place.A night attack of nearly ten thousand horses caused Arutu to be killed in a tricky battle, and Polang Pass easily changed hands.At this moment, I want to vent, but I don't know who to turn to.

At this time, only the sound of high-spirited horns from the south could be heard, followed by the faint sound of thunder.On the horizon, a black shadow stretching for tens of miles appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Our army is here!" Ziergemu was overjoyed, and then a little panicked, and hurriedly assembled the army to wait for the arrival of the army.

Bahan rode on the horse with a tired face. Except for some troops left behind to escort supplies and slaves, the rest of the soldiers and horses traveled lightly. They had been marching without sleep for nearly ten days. After meeting with two other cavalry on the road, they finally Rush to Weiyuan County.Now, all the Golden Wolf cavalry led by Youxian King are here. The [-] army immediately surrounded the entire Weiyuan County.The guards in the county city were so frightened that their livers were torn apart, and their faces looked desperate.

When Zilgemu came to Bahan, he was immediately reprimanded by him.He was very dissatisfied with Ziergemu for wasting so much time and still not being able to capture Weiyuan County. If Weiyuan County hadn't stood in the way, the main force of the [-]-strong army would have captured Huazhou long ago.But right now, there are more important things, Weiyuan County can only give up. "Our army will rest here for one night and retreat north immediately tomorrow. We don't have much time. Once the Tianwu Dynasty knows the situation in our grassland, it will definitely launch a counterattack. Also, send someone to inform Alutu and let him... .”

Zilgemu knelt down on the ground with a pale face, and interrupted Bahan's words, "My lord, the servant just got the news, ah, Alututa, he has died in battle, and the Polang Pass has been occupied."

"What?" Bahan was stunned for a moment, and then cried out, "What did you say? The Polang Pass was taken, who did it? False gold werewolves? Have they come yet?"

Zilgemu hurriedly reported the information he had obtained to Bahan. Bahan swayed and almost fell off the horse. He hugged the horse's neck. He actually defeated Alutu, he really deserves to die! Polang pass was taken, and our army’s way back to the north was blocked. Damn it, damn it! Zilgemu, you immediately lead your subordinate Wanqi to take back Polang for me Guan, at any cost!"

Chirgemu felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly took the order, but his eyes were full of bitterness.At all costs, I am afraid that my Wanqi will have to pay a very high price.

Bahan was still angry, and when he thought of Polang being imprisoned and lost again, he gritted his teeth with hatred, wasting his trust in Alutu, unexpectedly, in the end, he failed his expectations of him. "Come on, arrest those fleeing cowards immediately, and I will nail them all to wooden stakes. We, the Golden Werewolves, only have courageous and fearless wolves, not cowardly sheep."

After three days of galloping, Ziergemu finally arrived at the Polang Pass. Looking at the silent pass, he felt bitter. How could his [-] cavalrymen win the pass?But the king's order is unquestionable and cannot be neglected.Since he was asked to attack Guancheng at all costs, he had to do it, otherwise, he and his tribe would face death.

"Warriors, behind the Polang Pass in front of us is our way home. Now, this way is blocked..." Ziergemu was doing pre-war mobilization tragically, and finally he was excited little by little. Inspired by the bloodiness of the Golden Werewolf, everyone screamed and wanted to board the Guancheng immediately and kill the enemy.Following the command of "attack", countless golden wolf cavalry charged towards Polang Pass.

Until entering the place of arrows, the other side was still as silent as wild, and no arrow was shot.When everyone rushed to the wall, there was still no sign of anyone when the door was closed, only a flock of birds flew into the forest and wild animals ran wild.When the first golden werewolf stood on Polang Pass, the surrounding area was empty at a glance.

Zilgemu climbed up the pass wall in surprise and joy, but he didn't expect this to be the result. Polang Pass fell into his hands again without a single soldier.Looking at the vast Hengshan Mountain, he was still secretly grateful to those Hengshan bandits for giving up.

When the battle report reached Bahan, the army had already marched north, and seeing Polang Pass fell into his hands again, the haze in Bahan's heart finally subsided.Looking to the north, there, his clan and tribe are suffering from the poison of the pseudo-golden werewolves.Holding the battle report in his hands, "You bastards, after I go back, it will be your end!"

(End of this chapter)

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