Chapter 16 Disrespectful
The cold voice made the two maids tremble, didn't it mean that Miss Wei was timid and seldom talked, how dare she order them around?
But to say no, the two servant girls dare not, who doesn't know that Dingbeihou saved the emperor and is the most trusted person of the emperor.

Following the maid, Ming Concubine went to the lakeside of the garden, surrounded by many maids and wives, the third girl Shen had been rescued, but she was not breathing, Mrs. Shen knelt on the ground, crying for her daughter, and the maid was crying beside her. Urging, "Where is the doctor, why hasn't the doctor arrived yet?!"

In such a short while, how could the doctor come.

Ming concubine approached, and a servant girl said that the third girl is so stupid, why can't she think about throwing herself into the lake? The mother in charge who followed Mrs. Shen said coldly, "Give me a slap! The third girl didn't throw herself into the lake, but her feet slipped. Who dares to throw herself into the lake?" One more word of mouth, and you will be directly killed!"

In an instant, the lakeside was completely silent, only the sound of the wind and Mrs. Shen's crying could be heard.

Ming concubine took a second look at the mother in charge. To be able to say such a sentence under such circumstances, it can be seen that she is a powerful character.

The third girl Shen failed to get married with Duke Ning's mansion, but the second girl Shen wanted to marry into Duke Ning's mansion. If this marriage involved a life, no one would be happy. The marriage could be more promiscuous. The second house and the head house of the family may become enemies, and the brothers will fight against each other.

Ming concubine knelt down, pulled Mrs. Shen away, stretched out her hand to feel Miss Shen's breath, and then touched her neck.

Drowning should be rescued in time. When the doctor comes, the day lily will be cold.

Before everyone, including Xi'er, could react, Ming concubine had already opened Miss Shen San's mouth to make sure there was no dirt inside, pinched her nose with one hand, and supported her chin with the other. Take a breath, and then blow it into Miss Shen San's mouth.

After blowing in one breath, he pressed her chest again to help her breathe, and so on.

The maids were all stunned, they didn't know what Ming concubine was doing, they didn't even know who she was and why she appeared in Dongning Hou Mansion.

Mrs. Shen couldn't help crying, but her daughter was pressed and pressed by Ming concubine, she couldn't bear it, and shouted, "Stop it!"

Ming concubine ignored her, the mother in charge who spoke just now came to pull Ming concubine, Xi'er stopped her and said, "My girl is trying to save your third daughter, don't disturb her."

Although the girl doesn't know medical skills, she saved Zhennan Prince's son and Mrs. Su's life by accident. If they don't keep them all, she can save Miss Shen San.

The mother in charge didn't say anything, she took a step back and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

After a long time, when Ming concubine felt that there was no hope and her heart fell to the bottom, Miss Shen third coughed and spit water.

The clear coughing sound made everyone cheer, "The third girl is alive!"

Poor concubine Ming, her wrist was injured, she was pressed by Mrs. Su yesterday, her already painful wrist was swollen, just now she pressed hard again, and now her forehead was trembling due to the pain.

Mrs. Shen hugged Third Miss Shen and cried bitterly. Xi'er saw Ming concubine rubbing her wrist, she worriedly said, "Girl, your hand..."

Mingyu smiled wryly and shook her head at her.

Mrs. Shen and Miss Shen, mother and daughter, hugged each other and cried, Ming concubine noticed that Miss Shen's forehead had a serious scar, the size of a copper coin. Although the wound had scabbed over, it was sunken inward, which was really ugly.

Ming concubine frowned, she never knew what kind of bruise could produce such a wound.

The mother in charge reminded, "Madam, let the servant girl help the third girl go back to the house and change her clothes, be careful of frostbite."

Only then did Mrs. Shen come to her senses, the mother in charge helped her up, and the servant girl helped Third Miss Shen away.

The other maids watching the fun were also blown away.

Mrs. Shen looked at Concubine Ming, wondering if she should thank Concubine Ming, although it wasn't all Concubine Ming's fault that her daughter is today, but she had an unshirkable responsibility.

Ming concubine knew that it was difficult for Mrs. Shen to speak, so she spoke first, "I have been missing for a long time, and my son just returned home. I don't know how the third girl was injured at the time, but my mother told me that it was not serious. Just now, the third girl I also saw the injury on the forehead, if I guessed correctly, it should be after the injury, corrosive medicine was applied."

A look of shock flashed in Mrs. Shen's eyes.

Shocked by Minnie's behavior, she was also shocked by her words.

Didn't it mean that she has a dull head, is timid and cowardly, and when she sees a stranger with a low head, she only shows the back of the head?

How could such bright eyes belong to a fool?
Are the rumors wrong?

Mrs. Shen suppressed her doubts, and said, "Miss Wei is far from the rumors, and the injury on my little girl's forehead really cannot be entirely blamed on you."

Can't blame it all, does it mean that her girl still has to bear part of the responsibility?
Xi'er felt annoyed, and said, "It wasn't my girl's fault from the beginning to the end, my girl wasn't there at all that day..."

"Xi'er! Don't be rude!"

Ming concubine interrupted Xi'er's words, turned to look at Mrs. Shen and said, "It's because I didn't discipline the maid well, and Mrs. Shen laughed."

Mrs. Shen was contradicted by the maid, her face was a little ugly, Ming concubine said, "I have a few words to say to Miss Shen San."

(End of this chapter)

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