Chapter 319 Scrolls
Mitomonyan's performance completely froze the atmosphere in the room that was passable at this moment.

As the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade's temper can't be regarded as a good one. The reason why she could bear the two old guys in front of her before was because they were her teacher's old classmates, old friends, and old comrades-in-arms. Coupled with the sudden killing of one of their group of old guys this time, he didn't release his temper like in the past.

But now that people are ready to turn the tables and throw madness on their own faces, how could Tsunade still maintain the attitude that you just let you do what you want? !
Rolling up the right hand full of chakra, before the two people in front of them could react at all, they had already blasted the entire table into scattered wood slag.

Those eyes, which were as bright and clear as the autumn sky, were dyed with a layer of astonishing anger at this moment, like a terrifying volcano about to erupt!
"Enough!" Tsunade's eyes flicked across the two old people in front of him who were frightened by his sudden explosion. Among them, Mitomonyan, who had just finished erupting and was still standing, was even more shocked by Tsunade at this moment. I forgot to take a breath while staring at my hand.

"I was able to endure you for so long before, not because of your identities and ages, but because of the contributions you made to Konoha before! But even so, there is still a limit to my patience!"

Speaking of this, Tsunade simply stopped talking, but stared at Mitomon Yan who was still standing in front of him with a hint of anger in his eyes.

Being stared at by Tsunade's eyes was a little hairy, and Mitomonyan, who was a little uneasy by Tsunade's words of praise first and then a big stick, had his face stiffened into a whole piece up.

Fortunately, Xiaochun, who has been a partner for many years, saw Mitomonyan who was not moving, and realized that this was his old friend who fell into the embarrassing situation of being scolded by the juniors and refused to step down, so he immediately stretched out With his right hand, he gently tugged Mitomon Yan who was awkwardly in place.

After getting the step of turning to bed Koharu, Mito Menyan would not put up any spectacle, and immediately rolled down the slope.

A bad old man who wants to save face...

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Tsunade immediately put a label on Mito Menyan in his heart, but then he leaned towards the backrest, his hands in a posture that made him feel relaxed and comfortable , the whole person looked as if he completely looked down on the two people opposite him.

Cough cough, it's not that Tsunade really looks down on the former two at all. After all, if the relationship network they have on hand really works, they can still give themselves a little pitfall.But there is no way, who made me get angry for a while, and hammered the table into scum, so that there was no place to put my hands.

But so what, the current situation has become like this, isn't it because the two people in front of them don't know how to praise themselves?
So amidst the increasingly ugly faces of the two old men, Tsunade finally spoke out again.

"Today's Anbu's action was actually formulated by me a few months ago. The reason why I didn't communicate with you in advance is because I have a personal examination school." Tsunade's tone was indifferent, Usually, it's like chatting with the two old people in front of me.

But her natural sensuality does not mean that the two old people also have the same natural expressions.When they heard that today's action was planned by Tsunade a few months ago, they all looked at each other with ugly expressions.

At their level, in addition to being tightly controlled by Danzo, even Hiruza Sarutobi couldn't get involved in half of the roots, the entire department of Konoha will have their own cronies and friends more or less. The subordinates, among them, naturally include Anbu, who is directly under Hokage.

But now, the Fifth Hokage in front of him, who has only been in office for a few years, was able to hide such a large-scale coup plan from himself and others for several months.

This can already be said to be slapping the faces of the two of them fiercely!

"Then!" As an old man who wanted to save face, Mitomenyan was dispatched again. He looked at Tsunade and said, "Why on earth? Why did he attack Danzo! His dedication and contribution to Konoha have already No less than the two of us. In this case, no matter what, you should inform us first."

Turning to bed Xiaoharu also straightened up her hunched body slightly at this time, her eyes fixed on Tsunade in front of her, wanting to hear what good explanation she could have.

"Pay and contribute?"

Tsunade raised his eyes and showed a sneer, "Maybe he has made a lot of sacrifices and contributions to Konoha, but unfortunately, these things are not enough to make up for his faults! "

Naturally, the two old men couldn't sit still when they heard this, and immediately wanted to refute Tsunade, but Tsunade raised his right hand first to forcibly dismiss their words.

Immediately afterwards, Tsunade took out a scroll of sealing from behind him, and then threw it to the two old men in front, "I don't need to explain the method of unsealing it."

When Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun saw the seal scroll, they couldn't take their eyes off it.

Because the external pattern of this scroll is really familiar to the two of them, because it represents the sealed scroll that stores Konoha's S-class secrets!

Obviously, the real reason for the coup that Tsunade launched today has all been put into this scroll...

In the end, Mitomonyan put the scroll in front of him, and skillfully forged dozens of ninja seals with complex combinations. After successfully unsealing it, he opened it and read it first. up.

Afterwards, Mitomon Yan's eyes widened in disbelief!
The bed-turning Xiaochun next to him had long been salivating over this scroll, but after seeing Mitomonyan's appearance, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he immediately shifted his body towards the scroll in Mitomonyan's hand looked over.


As a result, as soon as she saw the content on the scroll, the old ninja who had always thought she was rational and calm couldn't hold back anymore.

"Are all these materials true?!"

 emmmmm. . .This chapter is pure excess.

(End of this chapter)

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