Chapter 53 House arrest
Ou Ruoling in the room immediately shouted as if seeing a rescuer.

"Miss Qing, I'm here."

Ou Zixi wanted to hug her and let her lie down, but he didn't intend to continue being frivolous.Hearing Gu Mengqing's arrival, she got up, straightened her clothes and went out.

Ou Ruoling breathed a sigh of relief, he finally left.

Ou Zixi opened the door, Gu Mengqing just wanted to poke in, but was frightened by his cold warning gaze, standing there.

"Mr. Ou, what's wrong with Xiao Ling?" She saw him coming out of the room in disheveled clothes, and she had already filled her mind with the scene of them turmoil in the room just now.

Thinking of this, Gu Mengqing saw Ou Ruoling on the bed with jealous eyes through the crack of the door.At the same time, Ou Zixi had already closed the door.

"What's the matter?" He never wanted his subordinates to talk about his private life.

"I'm here to look for Xiaoling, don't you also want me to come and accompany her often?" Gu Mengqing replied in a low voice.

"You can't meet her without my permission in the future." He said and walked downstairs.

This matter made Ou Zixi even more vigilant, he would not let any man take her away so easily, no matter who it was.So now there is only one way, and that is to lock her up.

Gu Mengqing followed him downstairs, and she already knew about the situation.If Ou Ruoling was put under house arrest by him, then she would have no way to separate them.

"Mr. Ou, what is it that made you lock up Xiaoling? You also know her temper. If she doesn't want to go to extremes, she will be in trouble."

She continued to persuade.I thought Xia Chuanyang could take her away smoothly, but now, he locked her up and they stuck together all day.

Gu Mengqing couldn't help complaining about Xia Chuanyang.But Xia Chuanyang offended Ou Zixi, and she believed that his life would not be easy.It is heard that he has been taken away by his family, and the ending may be the same as Ou Ruoling's.

"Is it you who understand her or I who understand her?" Ou Zixi didn't believe in this evil, this time he must lock her up until she admits her mistakes and corrects them.

"Of course you know her well, but I'm thinking about this issue from the standpoint of a woman. I'm only worried about Xiaoling so I'll tell you this."

Gu Mengqing responded to his words cautiously, he seemed to be still angry now.She also didn't want to send herself to the point of the gun at this time.

"Could it be that Assistant Gu didn't hear what I said just now?" Ou Zixi was disgusted by her persuasion, and her tone was very strong.

Just now he said that no one can meet with Ou Ruoling without his permission.It also means that Gu Mengqing can come to Ou Zhai for things other than work, and should not appear here during the rest of the time.

Gu Mengqing stood up with embarrassment, and left unwillingly.

Ou Ruoling overheard their conversation, feeling sad and angry, and immediately went upstairs to find a network tool to contact Xia Chuanyang.

She knew that this time he would not let her leave the house easily, she had to find a way to escape as soon as possible, and escape from his control forever.

Ou Ruoling's voice came upstairs looking for communication equipment, but Ou Zixi didn't care.Because he had ordered his servants to hide all the tools in Ou Zhai to communicate with the outside world.

Both the landline and the Internet have been cut off, and after today he will completely lose her freedom.

Chen's mother heard the movement upstairs, and hurried to see what happened.I saw Ou Ruoling angrily turning out all the things in the upstairs room, leaving them in a mess.

"Miss, what are you looking for?" Mother Chen asked with concern.

"Mother Chen, have you brought your mobile phone?" She just wanted to leave Ou's house right now, so she was in a hurry to contact Xia Chuanyang.

"I brought it, it's just..." Chen's mother was a little embarrassed, because Ou Zixi explained that no one in the family was allowed to lend Ou Ruoling's mobile phone.

"Hurry up and take it out for me to use." Ou Ruoling stretched out his hand.

Chen Ma didn't know what happened to the two brothers and sisters, she had to ignore the young master's words, but she didn't dare to disobey the young lady's words.So he slowly took out the phone from his pocket.

She was about to replace her when Ou Zixi suddenly appeared behind Chen Ma and snatched the phone away.

"Ou Ruoling, it seems that you still don't give up." Ou Zixi originally wanted to lock her up from tomorrow, but her behavior made him so angry that he immediately dragged her into the room.

Ou Zixi pushed her into her room and locked it immediately.Ou Ruoling kept knocking on the door, completely forgetting that her hand was still injured.

"Ou Zixi, let me out. You are under house arrest illegally, and I will sue you." Ou Ruoling angrily punched and kicked at the door of the room.

I only heard a cold voice coming from outside the door.

"From now on, no one can approach this room without my permission."

She lied weakly on the door and slowly collapsed to the ground along the door, crying bitterly.At this moment, her resentment towards Ou Zixi deepened, and she must leave here.

Ou Zixi knew that Mama Chen loved Xiao Ling very much, so she was just saying this to her.

"Master, what happened to Miss? Why did you lock her up?" Chen Ma, who didn't know the cause and effect, asked.

Ou Zixi ignored it and went back to her study.

Chen Ma came to Ou Ruoling's room at a loss, and when she heard her crying, she felt very distressed.

"Miss, don't cry, I'll go to the young master to intercede for you." Mama Chen comforted Ou Ruoling through the door.

Ou Ruoling cried heartbreakingly and did not answer her.

In the evening, it was dinner time.Chen Ma was hovering beside Ou Zixi who was sitting in the living room, sighing from time to time.

"It's time to eat, Miss must be hungry too."

Of course Ou Zixi knew that she was reminding him to bring food to Xiao Ling, so she said nothing.

"In the future, you will deliver food to her, but she is absolutely not allowed to leave the room."

"Okay, I got it. I'll deliver the meal to Miss right now." Chen Ma finally waited for this sentence, and hurriedly brought the prepared meal up.

Opening the door, Chen Ma saw Ou Ruoling sitting on the sofa, looking at her haggardly.

As soon as she saw Chen Ma walking in, she immediately ran towards the door.But Chen Ma also locked the door like Ou Zixi.She knew that her brother must have made her do it.

In Ou Zhai, no one except her would dare to disobey her brother's arrangement.

"Miss, the young master loves you so much. Did you go too far this time?" Chen Ma put down the meal and asked.

"Mother Chen, you still speak for him. You see, I've been imprisoned here, who do you think is worse." Ou Ruoling rarely had someone to confide in, and began to complain to Mother Chen.

"Let's stop talking, let's eat quickly." Chen Ma said with a weak sigh.

"No, even if I starve to death here, I won't eat." Ou Ruoling said stubbornly.

Ou Zixi who heard this outside the door pushed open the door.

"Mother Chen, bring out all the food. From now on, you can't stay for more than 5 minutes when you bring the food in."

He became even harsher on Ou Ruoling.

"But young master, miss hasn't eaten yet." Chen Ma was in a dilemma.

"Bring it out to me immediately." Ou Zixi ordered again.

Chen Ma was so frightened that she had to bring out the food, and Ou Ruoling was even more angry!

In the middle of the night, Ou Zixi wandered outside her room for a long time worried, but he did not open the door to enter.In fact, punishing Ou Ruoling is the same as punishing himself.

He didn't fall asleep all night. He just closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep, but he was awakened by a sound from outside the door.

Ou Ruoling slept soundly last night, and woke up early in the morning to make trouble.She kept beating on the door with things, making loud noises to protest that Ou Zixi would let her go to school.

The whole Ou Zhai was disturbed by her quarrel, Chen Ma and a group of servants kept persuading outside, but the persuasion was ineffective.

Ou Zixi finally came over, and the servants gave way one after another.

"Master, miss, she wants to go to school." Chen Ma conveyed her words.

"From now on, except Chen Ma, no one is allowed to pass by here, let alone gather here." After Ou Zixi finished speaking, the servants left one after another.

He planned to ignore Ou Ruoling's nonsense, and let her smash the door if she liked it.As long as she is still alive in the room, as for her wanting to go to school, it is just an excuse for her to escape.

Ou Ruoling has been making noise all morning. She was so hungry and panicked from last night until now, she finally has no energy to continue messing around.

At noon, Mother Chen brought food in.She just put down and was about to persuade Ou Ruoling to eat, but before she could say anything, she was surprised that she was already eating with relish.

"Miss, eat slowly so you don't choke." She looked at Ou Ruoling distressedly, if the young master saw him, she would definitely not be able to bear it.No wonder the young master refuses to meet the young lady now.

"Have more dinner, I will have the strength to fight against Ou Zixi to the end after I'm full." Ou Ruoling thought about it, she was not so stupid to go on a hunger strike.

She has to maintain her strength and find a way to get out of here.

Chen Ma smiled wryly, thinking she was naive.But it's good for her to have such an idea, at least she won't hurt her body by going on a hunger strike like before.

Not long after Chen Ma went out and closed the door, there was another burst of noise in Ou Ruoling's room.

When Ou Zixi heard the voice coming from her room, instead of worrying, she felt relieved.He knew Xiao Ling well, at least her noise meant that she had no intention of committing suicide.

On the contrary, her quietness made him even more worried. This time he must shut her down to admit her mistakes and correct her mistakes.

At the end of the day, Ou Ruoling felt very tired, and she would go crazy if this continued.Shut up in such a small room every day, he either starved to death or suffocated to death.

Cleverly, she began to circle around the room to see if there was any other exit from the room other than the door.Her gaze finally settled on the balcony.

She lives on the second floor, and the distance from the balcony to the ground is not too high.It's just that there is no rope in her room.Her clever eyes rolled, and she saw the quilt on her bed.

So she began to tear the quilt apart, connected it into a long enough rope, and tied it to the iron post of the window.

"Ou Zixi, even if you don't let me go, I still have a way to leave." Ou Ruoling was happy to eat and drink enough at noon today, and now he finally had the strength to start climbing downstairs.

She began to climb down the water pipe step by step along the rope, and it was very inconvenient for her to move while wearing slippers.Coupled with the limited physical strength of the body, when halfway up the climb, the hands and legs began to tremble.

Ou Ruoling, you must persevere!persist in!She cheered herself silently in her heart.

"Miss, what are you doing?" Chen Ma, who didn't know it, came to the balcony and was frightened when she saw her hanging in mid-air.

Chen Ma's yell made her face pale with fright, and she immediately let go of the rope with both hands.Her lung-piercing shout shook the whole Ou Zhai.

Ou Ruoling closed her eyes tightly, thinking that even if she didn't die, it would be useless, and it would be even more difficult to escape.The moment she fell to the ground, she felt the ground was soft, and her body didn't feel any pain.

(End of this chapter)

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