super medical system

Chapter 219 You can dissect it yourself!

Chapter 219 You can dissect it yourself!
The boss, the eldest, the fourth, and the little fat man looked confused, but at this moment Yang Tian had no time to care about the reactions of the three of them, he had already entered the learning space of the system.

The results of the preliminary competition of Baili's medical selection will be released tomorrow, so of course his task has not been completed, there is no miracle doctor point and no extra hours, so why did he enter the study space?

Because he accidentally found something else in the system.

When Yang Tian was bored this afternoon and took the time to browse the system, he was surprised to find something that he hadn't noticed before.

A long time ago, the system rewarded him with a set of "Experimental Skills Training Set of Basic Courses for Professional Courses". At that time, Yang Tian saw that there were four parts in it, but only the first part was the use of basic experimental equipment and the experience of basic experimental procedures, and the second part was animal training. The simulation mini-experiment for the experiment is turned on.

Yang Tian only learned that, even in the second part of the animal experiments, only three icons were lit up, Yang Tian only killed mice, frogs and toads, not even rabbits.

The third part should be the rules for the use of anatomical instruments. At that time, it was in a gray and unopenable state, let alone the fourth part, which could not see anything at all.

But now it is different.The follow-up experimental animals in the second part are still not unlocked, but the gray characters in the third part have changed into black characters with two eyes.

What does this mean?
He can start learning about anatomy!

And there might even be a chance to experiment!You can cut cough cough with your own hands!
In fact, the originally invisible fourth part also has a name, and at the same time there is a fifth part under the fourth part.

These two changes should have attracted Yang Tian's attention more, after all, this is a new thing, but now Yang Tian only sees the bright black font in the third part.

Because... that's anatomy!
Although it is said that there is systematic help, Yang Tian's systematic anatomy is an easy one. Normal medical students memorize the structure by rote and are in a trance for a long time. Yang Tian can see it clearly at a glance. Clear.

When groups of normal medical students gather around the teacher to watch the lump of unknown tissues and organs in his hands for teaching, Yang Tian can enjoy four perfect human specimens of men, women, old and young all to himself.

When normal medical students memorize their books and forget them after the exam, Yang Tian has already memorized the various structures by heart.

Yang Tian has unique resources!Possess a unique god-level education!Have a unique digital perfect specimen!



He never got started!

Although the four virtual specimens are perfect, the touch and realism of the hands can be adjusted, and as long as there is time to use, Yang Tian can call any more detailed structure of any organ and part at will. The touch of pinching is just a matter of words.

But that's all there is to it.

All the operations that Yang Tian can perform are more like performing a series of commands on a software in front of a computer. The difference is that this software is more intelligent and powerful than the real software, and the output results are not only visualized but also touchable. change.

He never tried to put a knife on any of these four specimens.

He has never tried holding a scalpel before, using the tip of the knife to scratch their bodies lightly, and then gently pick their skin, watching the blood slowly seep out from that gap, and then meander down. .

I have to say, whether you admit it or not, in fact, there is a bloodthirsty desire hidden in the bottom of every boy's heart and a violent tendency of gender.

It's just that most of the time this subconscious or unconscious impulse is suppressed by social consciousness, because we know it's wrong and we can't do things according to our own preferences.

Yang Tian doesn't know if this primitive masculine impulse has something to do with human nature, but it has something to do with estrogen anyway.

This is also the reason why those YY articles on the Internet that bleed rivers of blood when people stop and kill Buddhas are often popular.

So in fact, Yang Tian wanted to use a knife for a long time, but the system did not seem to support his behavior, thinking that learning knowledge is learning knowledge, hands-on experiment is hands-on experiment, and the two things are separated.

So Yang Tian never succeeded.

But in fact, the more important fact is that the system did not give Yang Tian a scalpel!

Yang Tian once spent an hour rummaging through every corner of the system learning space. Except for the scalpel mentioned in the gray experimental suit that cannot be clicked in, there is not even a hair anywhere else!
Oh, there are some surgical equipment for animal experiments, such as needles for poking the cervical spine, surgical scissors, syringes, etc., but there is no scalpel.

Then Yang Tian thought that the surgical scissors could barely break the skin, right?

As a result, I found that I couldn't enter the animal experiment scene I had learned before. The system's euphemistic name Yang Tian's relevant knowledge has been mastered very firmly after the system test, so I don't need to go in and review it.

Yang Tian shamelessly toiled for a long time and even proposed to repay the miracle doctor, but the system didn't let him go, because he didn't let him go in to get the scissors!

Every time I think of Yang Tian, ​​I want to flip the table, peat!Don't cut me a fart with a knife!Nonsence!I'll fuck off!

What made Yang Tian even more depressed was that he had tried to bring in a scalpel from reality, but the system simply wiped the knife from his hand the moment he entered the learning space, which was called Don't let him accidentally hurt someone else in the real world.

Yang Tian's face turned black at that time, he accidentally hurt his head!Why didn't you mention the accidental injury when you practiced Tai Chi Push Hands?In vain, Jiang Yuan, the unlucky kid, got unlucky twice in front of him!

I see, the system, you clearly did it on purpose!No need to quibble!
When a person has a strong desire for something but always gets what he wants, there are only two results. One is to become more urgent and eventually become unscrupulous and lead to psychological distortion, and the other is to give up on himself and stop thinking about it.

Yang Tian didn't know which one he was, but he tried both and found that he was still too young in front of the system. No matter what, I can't beat him.

So to this day, Yang Tian's urgent heart has faded, but he didn't expect that the road will turn around today.

What made Yang Tian even more ecstatic was that with the opening of these two parts, the system even gave away teaching hours!

Hours dedicated to lab kits!

Six hours too!
What else to say, hurry in and learn!

 Well, next I'm going to start writing about how I felt when I was in the game solution class, um... looking forward to it?

(End of this chapter)

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