super medical system

Chapter 187 Interesting?

Chapter 187 Interesting?

"So, everything is arranged, right?"

Yang Tian's cold tone made the two black jackets a little uncomfortable. Black jacket A blinked, "It's indeed an arrangement, but under our guidance, the effect is still..."

"So the other bus that wasn't called in for backup?"

"Um, yes...but our film..."

"Oh yeah, what's the point?"

Yang Tian's tone was still ice-cold, although it was still summer, everyone could feel the icy chill from these two sentences.

"What are you doing... Isn't the result pretty good? Your judgment is also correct..."

Black Jacket B was a little confused, and even a little angry.


Yang Tian's eyes turned around all the "actors" and "camera crew".

"Does this make sense to you?"

"Of course there is!" Black Jacket A's tone was a bit lacking in confidence, for some reason he always felt that the current Yang Tian was a bit scary.

"Interesting? Huh?"

"By guiding everyone to have so-called 'humanistic care' for an unwarranted patient, and then broadcasting the recorded 'good deeds' of everyone, so that everyone feels that our society is really beautiful, and our society is still in danger. Help, everyone’s hearts are still hot, is it interesting?”

Yang Tian's tone was a bit harsh, and his aura began to spread again. The "actors" and "camera crew" he targeted opened their mouths to say something, but they were horrified to find that they couldn't say anything.

At this time, they suddenly realized that this young man who looked extremely calm and acted extremely calm just now was so terrifying when he was angry!
"Let me ask you, after this video is released, when others see an old man who has fallen down on the road, will they help them up because of watching this video?"

"When you see a patient with sudden onset, will you go to the hospital for treatment because of this film?"

Not will.

Yang Tian didn't say it clearly, but everyone knew the answer.

On the surface, this film does make people feel "wow, our society is so warm!", but then what?
Everyone still won't help the old lady who fell down easily.

People still worry about getting into trouble.

Those who will stand up will not change because of this film, and those who will not stand up will not change themselves and stand up just because they watched this film.

"So, since no one is going to be changed by seeing it, does it matter?"

Yang Tian stared at the people in front of him, with anger burning in his eyes, but his tone was still so calm, like a volcano that hadn't erupted, quiet but suppressed.

Everyone lowered their heads, Yang Tian was right, it was meaningless.

"No, it makes sense."

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Yang Tian.

No one believed that it was Yang Tian's voice just now, but Yang Tian looked at them with silent eyes, and said again, "It has meaning."

Everyone was a little confused and a little overwhelmed.

They thought Yang Tian was going to scold them for wasting his time just now, but this sudden turning point is too incredible, right?

Is this a joke?
Black Jacket A was a little breathless, and wanted to blow his hair, and then saw Yang Tian glanced at him in a calm manner, and then said: "I don't know if you have thought about a question."

"When the bus is designed to be scrapped and unable to move forward, when it deceives everyone that there is a bus coming to support and it will arrive in 5 minutes."

Yang Tian's eyes swept over their faces one by one, and then continued.

"Have you ever considered that perhaps the passengers in this car, who you so-called were chosen at random, will have any urgent business?"

"We..." Black Jacket B wanted to speak, but Yang Tian stared back.

"Are you trying to say that there are so many people who don't seem to be in a hurry at all?"

The expressions on everyone's faces clearly answered Yang Tian's question, "Yes."

"Well, have you ever thought about it?"

Yang Tian pointed to the girl with earphones, "Maybe the two of them are listening to music with earphones just to relieve their anxiety, because they know that their grandpa is breathing hard in the hospital at this time, and they want to be strong until two Good granddaughter rushing to see them for the last time?"

"Have you ever thought that if the car breaks down, maybe they will regret not seeing grandpa for the last time in their whole life?"

Yang Tian pointed to the middle-aged man in a suit again.

"Maybe this uncle is rushing to an important meeting at this time, and this meeting will decide a big project, which is related to the employment and food of tens of thousands of people?"

"Have you ever thought that if the car breaks down, maybe the project manager is angry with his lateness and decides not to listen to his opinion, which will cause tens of thousands of people to lose their jobs?"

Yang Tian pointed to himself again.

"Maybe someone is rushing to another rescue scene at this time, and because of your so-called 'society is beautiful' filming, they mistakenly think that this is a patient who needs treatment, and delays the treatment of another patient. resulting in the loss of a life!"

"Have you ever thought about this?!"

"If there is a doctor here who caused the death of another patient because of your filming, and that patient was even his closest and dearest person, then do you think he will be the next time he sees a similar scene? What's the reaction?"

"Will he make a difficult decision and resolutely choose to stop treating the patients in front of him?"

"You say it!"

Yang Tian's eyes are red at the moment, his face is also red, and his neck is thick and scary.

The "actors" were all silent, and Black Jacket A opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Yang Tian looked at him and smiled brightly, "You want to say that it's all hypothetical and not true?"

"Ha ha!"

"I really believe in your evil deeds!"

The sudden swearing caught everyone off guard, but seeing Yang Tian turned around and left like a maniac, they suddenly realized that it seemed that their filming really caused something bad to happen to the young man in front of them.

Thinking of what he said just now, everyone couldn't help but thump in their hearts. Was it because of them that something happened to his closest people?
The scene fell silent for a while, both the "actors" and the "chosen people" were silent, thinking about something quietly.

Then everyone saw Yang Tian who had left just now suddenly turned back.

"By the way, you just said that the bus is actually not broken?"

(End of this chapter)

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