super medical system

Chapter 133 About Zusanli

Chapter 133 About Zusanli

According to the current knowledge, Zusanli has no direct kidney-tonifying effect.Zusanli harmonizes the stomach and invigorates the spleen, unblocks the internal organs and resolves phlegm, lifts and lowers the movement of qi, and mainly governs the diseases of the spleen and stomach.

But if you think about it from another perspective, the spleen and stomach are the acquired foundation, and the kidney is the congenital foundation.

Generally, if the kidney deficiency cannot be cured for a long time, it is the reason of weak spleen and stomach.

Zusanli is mainly a disease of the spleen and stomach. By adjusting the acquired essence, it can have an effect on the acquired kidney at a certain level. However, when you need to invigorate the kidney, you can choose the main point and use Zusanli as a supporting point to regulate the spleen and stomach and promote the absorption of water and grain essence. Reaching the viscera of the kidney has enough qi and blood to nourish it, and indirectly achieves an effect on the kidney.

The baby does not study Chinese medicine, the above is the explanation given by the friends and seniors of the Chinese medicine department~Let’s take a look at the 1006 wolf boy~
In addition, there are many medical seniors in the comment area, are you sure you don't want to come to the group for face-to-face training?Group number: 536108909
And that buddy from the mathematics department, how about coming in to have a look if it's convenient?The baby feels that his mathematics can be saved again...

(End of this chapter)

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