Chapter 240

Zhang Yida smiled and said, "It's different now from the 90s, when the listing of "China Tire Company" on the New York Stock Exchange was such a sensation.

It represents that my country is moving towards reform and opening up, and the planned economy is moving towards a market economy.

Americans were looking forward to the huge market behind China at that time. "

"It's not too late now! Chinese concept stocks are so popular in the United States! Internet finance is an emerging field, and there is room for a high premium."

After Zhang Yida heard this, he shook his head again and again, and said: "The regulatory policy of Internet finance in China has always been unclear, and the ambiguous attitude of the regulators has made Wall Street investment institutions always have doubts about China's Internet finance industry.

If they don't enter the market, the stock price will never go up. "

"So, you came to Southeast Asia to look for new opportunities?"

Huang Hongnian knows everything, and his eyes reveal the shrewdness of a businessman.

"That's right! You have to leave yourself a way out! It's also a diversification of investment risks."

Zhang Yida was very frank, raised his wine glass and clinked glasses with Huang Hongnian, and then took a sip of the red wine in the goblet.

"This red wine is boring." Huang Hongnian turned to look at Huang Xiwen again, and said, "Xiwen, go and bring out a Moutai."

Huang Xiwen stood up, said "OK", and then went to the next room to get drinks.

Huang Zhiyuan looked at his second younger brother, Huang Hongnian, and said, "Hongnian, it's rare to see you so happy. But you're not too young, so drink less."

Then Huang Zhiyuan said to Zhang Yida: "My second brother is like this. He likes to make friends, likes to drink, and has a chivalrous spirit."

Zhang Yida nodded slightly, and said, "I have benefited a lot from listening to Mr. Huang Hongnian's legendary story tonight."

"I can't do those details." Huang Hongnian looked at Zhang Yida with great interest again, and said, "However, I admire Mr. Zhang very much.

At a young age, he managed Internet finance in Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, and India; short video and shared travel have also reached the United States.

I heard from some friends in Silicon Valley that the Green scooter is also yours, right? "

Zhang Yida nodded and admitted that the Green scooter "occupation" of Silicon Valley has indeed raised the reputation of Huimin Travel Group to a higher level.

Various partners and business tycoons all mentioned Green or Huimin travel in front of Zhang Yida.

After Huang Xiwen brought the Moutai wine, Zhang Yida took a look at it, and found that it was a special offer. The Huang family has a deep foundation in the mainland!

The servant replaced the goblet on the table with a wonton cup used for drinking liquor in China. Huang Xiwen poured a full cup for Huang Hongnian. The latter sniffed it and said with a smile:
"My favorite drink is Moutai. Other foreign wines always feel lacking in taste."

Huang Xiwen wanted to pour wine with Zhang Yida politely again, Zhang Yida smiled and said, "I'll just do it myself."

"It's okay, you are a guest, how can you let the guest do it yourself."

Zhang Yida thanked him again and again, but at the same time, he also felt that these children of Chinese chaebols in Southeast Asia are all humble and courteous, much better than the second generation in China.

Perhaps the first generation of founders started their business in a foreign country, so they have a stronger sense of urgency!
Even Huang Hongnian, a rich second generation, was directly thrown back to the country and sent to the countryside to become an educated youth.

"Have you considered merging and acquiring foreign Internet finance companies?"

Perhaps because he didn't give up, Huang Hongnian started asking Zhang Yida again after drinking two glasses of wine.

"Yes! In addition to joint ventures or equity investment overseas, we will also consider mergers and acquisitions of some suitable targets."

Huang Hongnian's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Which one do you like? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Zhang Yida thought about it, and decided to let him know, and said to Huang Hongnian: "Banks, insurance, and securities are all fine. I haven't found a suitable target yet. If Mr. Huang has a suitable partner, I can recommend it."

"This matter is on me, and I will definitely recommend a few satisfactory partners for you."

"That's fine, thank you, Mr. Huang."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yida picked up his wine glass again and said, "Come on, Mr. Huang, I'll toast you."

"Mr. Zhang, is that Green scooter also launched by your company?"

Sitting on one side of the dining table, Huang Yuxi, the eldest son and granddaughter of the fourth generation, asked aloud.

Before Zhang Yida could speak, her uncle Huang Xiwen replied, "That's right, Green Scooter is a sub-brand of Huimin Travel Group. In mainland China, Huimin Travel Group still has 700 million shared bicycles."

When they heard about the 700 million shared bicycles, the female relatives sitting at the table all exclaimed:

"Seven million bicycles? How is that managed?"

"A bicycle costs 200 RMB, so it should be 14 billion RMB?"

Zhang Yida explained: “We have a mobile app that can scan QR codes to unlock shared bicycles in cities.

In addition, offline, there is a dispatch team of tens of thousands of people, responsible for the release, transportation and maintenance of shared bicycles in each city. "

"Why not launch shared bicycles in the United States, but shared scooters?" Huang Yanxi asked again.

"Cultures are different, Europeans and Americans prefer scooters."

Huang Yuxi nodded, and said: "I would like to ask Mr. Zhang for advice. You are an Internet giant. I just graduated this year and want to start a business. Can you give me some advice?"

Huang Zhiyuan interrupted: "You are a girl who just graduated, what kind of business do you want to start? First, practice at home for two years before talking about starting a business!"

Huang Yuxi pouted at Huang Zhiyuan, and said coquettishly, "Grandpa, I just want to do what I like. Third uncle has started his own business, why can't I?"

When Huang Xiwen saw that his niece had turned the flames of war on him, he said, "Qi Xi, your third uncle and I have worked in Jinguang Group for seven or eight years before we came out to start our own business.

You just graduated and have no management experience. I'm afraid it's not a good fit. "

Seeing Huang Yuxi looking at him pitifully, Huang Xiwen softened his heart and said with a smile: "However, it is always a good thing to want to start a business, want to be independent, and be self-reliant.

I think it should be supported! "

"Kids, they mess around all day long." Huang Zhiyuan gave Huang Xiwen another hard look, and said, "You are also booing."

"I don't want your investment. According to the family trust plan set by my great-grandfather, after I obtain a university degree, I can receive a trust fund of 50 US dollars per year."

Huang Yuxi said indignantly.

An outsider Zhang Yida didn't like to intervene, but Huang Hongnian stood up to speak for his grandniece, he looked at Huang Zhiyuan and said, "Brother, since you want to start a business, let her try it.

Let her also endure hardships and feel the hardships of starting a business.Even if I don't succeed in the end, I have been trained, and it's not too late to join the Jinguang Group to work! "

Seeing that the second younger brother said so, and worried about the presence of Zhang Yida, an outsider, Huang Zhiyuan sighed and said, "That's all, if you want to make trouble, you can do it yourself!
Let me tell you first, don't cry when you lose money.I also want your parents to cut off your financial resources.

Go out and work hard by yourself, I want to see how long you can last. "

Huang Xixi said unconvinced: "Don't look down on people. When I was studying at Stanford, I was also an intern at McKinsey Consulting."

Zhang Yida secretly thought, he deserves to be the fourth generation of rich, famous schools and famous enterprises.To enter such schools and companies, one must either have strong ability or a good family background.

"Hehe, it's not as simple as you think." Huang Zhiyuan turned his head to look at Zhang Yida again, and said, "Then ask Mr. Zhang for some pointers!"

"I don't dare to give pointers, I will simply state my opinion."

Zhang Yida was modest, and said: "My suggestion is to start an Internet business in three directions: e-commerce, financial technology, and online medical care.

Needless to say, e-commerce and financial technology are already very popular in Indonesia.I mainly talk about online medical treatment.

Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and ASEAN. As the leader of ASEAN, the current economy maintains stable growth. With a population of more than 2.6 million, it is the fourth most populous country in the world.

According to the forecast of World Bank, by 2025, the number of people over 65 years old in Indonesia will reach more than 2100 million, and the elderly population over 65 years old will account for about 10% of the total population, becoming one of the fastest aging countries in Asia.

This will have a huge impact on the economy and society, especially in the field of health care, so the health care market has great potential and this industry will provide excellent entrepreneurial opportunities.

At the same time, due to the uneven distribution of medical services in Indonesia, the medical conditions in rural areas and remote islands are seriously backward.

In order to bring more people into the scope of the medical insurance system, in January 2014, Indonesia began to formally build a universal medical insurance plan. The World Bank estimates that the universal medical insurance plan will cost US$1 billion to US$130 billion a year.

Ms. Huang, if you make an APP with telemedicine, doctor appointment, medical content and health insurance services, there should be a lot of market. "

Huang Xixi studied at Stanford, and because it is close to Silicon Valley, she obviously knows something about the Internet. She frowned and asked, "This kind of website is not easy to make money, right?"

"Selling medicines, advertising, and insurance, as long as there are enough users, profits will come sooner or later."

Huang Yuxi remained silent and kept thinking there.

Huang Zhiyuan spoke, and he said: "The Jinguang Group also has hospitals and insurance companies, which can be combined with the group's business."

Zhang Yida said with a smile: "That would be the best, and there are not too many technical difficulties. The main reason is that a large number of doctors need to settle in this online medical platform for online consultation.

If you do this, it will be regarded as touching the cheese of a large public hospital, and you may face some resistance. "

Zhang Yida first inoculated them. The first is that online medical platforms are difficult to make a profit. The second is that they have to have some conflicts with public hospitals, competing for doctors and patients.

Therefore, Zhang Yida, a Chinese, is not suitable for an online medical platform in Indonesia, so he just gave this entrepreneurial idea to the Huang family as a favor.

"Qi Xi, why don't you speak? Is this a retreat in spite of difficulties?" Huang Zhiyuan teased his granddaughter.

"Just do it, I'm just thinking about how to start this entrepreneurial project."

Huang Yuxi raised his head and said without showing any weakness.

"Technology, products, doctors, and patients are the four core points. First build a technology platform, and realize commercial realization through online consultation and medical content drainage, drug e-commerce and medical insurance."

Zhang Yida pointed again.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, I have a general idea now."

Huang Yuxi smiled at Zhang Yida, then turned to look at his grandfather, and said, "Then my $50 is not enough, you need to invest some money in me."

"Isn't there an investor in front of you?" Huang Zhiyuan cast his eyes on Zhang Yida.

"In this way, Ms. Huang, after your platform is set up and the doctors are settled, Ruixiang can invest in a round of financing for you."

Zhang Yida only took 1 million U.S. dollars from others, so he still has to show something.Similarly, Zhang Yida is also optimistic about the online medical field, and it is normal for one or two unicorns to be born.

After the dinner, Huang Hongnian took Zhang Yida aside for a long private chat and asked about the details of the acquisition.

Zhang Yida saw that he was so concerned, so he told him the specific goals.

"Bank Indonesia, Hong Kong Insurance, Hong Kong Brokers, I want these three types of companies."

Huang Hongnian looked excited, this is a big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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