Winning the new financial era

Chapter 220 Finally signed the contract!Thank you for posting a single chapter!

Chapter 220 Finally signed the contract!Thank you for posting a single chapter!
I signed for the 8th time and finally made it.The contract has been sent out today.

Really very happy!My wife is also very happy, and happily contracted the dishwashing job for a year, so that I can leave time for me to write novels.

It's true: one person signs the contract, the whole family enjoys it!
Here I am also very grateful to my wife for advertising me in Diandianquan for a long time.

I don’t know how many book friends came here through Dian Dian
In addition, I am very grateful to the book friends who have been with me for a long time, voted and commented on this book.

Thank you very much, if not so many people voted for me, I might have given up!
After all, someone watched it, someone voted and commented, which made me feel that I was doing something meaningful.

There are too many names, and there are one or two hundred people who vote frequently, so I won't thank them one by one, sorry.

I remember you in my heart

This book currently has only 4300 collections, but on the weekly recommendation list, I often step down those books with [-] to [-] collections.

So, sometimes I feel quite refreshed in my heart.

I feel that my book friends are more sticky than them, haha
In addition, let's talk about this book, it was not written well in the early stage.

The main reason is that I don't have much writing experience, and the storyline is much worse.

In addition, everyone knows the crackdown.So I dare not write many things, and the content is much empty.

For example, if you are doing finance, how can you not deal with authorities.

In addition, there are lending stories that I dare not start writing, and there are a lot of human nature discussions in it.

I have many friends who do loans and have a lot of materials.

Of course, none of the stories are good stories.Mostly related to peach color.

In addition, there are too many companies in the book, most of which describe the strategic direction, and occasionally mention specific operations.

I don’t know if some readers have noticed, but sometimes the dialogue between the two will lead to the specific development of the company and what they have done.

For example: The conversation between Zhang Yida and the American reporter revealed that Petnet organized volunteers to take in stray cats and dogs.

This is called flashback! , I don't even know...

Because I have tried writing Ruixiang in this chapter, in the next chapter, and Yiminwangjin in the next chapter...

After writing in this way for a long time, I will get tired of it myself, and I guess the readers will also get tired of it.

Therefore, the company's development situation and those things it has done are hidden in the dialogue with investors and partners.

In addition, in Chapter 14, my mind was confused by too many numbers, and I set an extra parameter, which led to the net profit of Ruixiang's financial management supermarket reaching 3600 million yuan.

In fact, this data has been magnified by 5 times, and it was originally planned to be set at 720 million yuan.

Therefore, the pre-investment valuation of Ruixiang’s A-round financing reached 2 million U.S. dollars. In fact, I want to set it at 4000 million U.S. dollars, and then raise 1000 million U.S. dollars.

In this way, the data is more reasonable.

This was discovered after two or three days, and there is no point in changing it, so it is a mistake to make a mistake.

In addition, let’s talk about the writing status.

I definitely don't feel as good as the one or two months before I just wrote the book.

In the first one or two months, I wrote on the plane, sometimes at four or five o'clock in the middle of the night.

Because it was considered a self-promotion mode at that time, I felt unrestrained, and I could write whatever I wanted.

Later, the number of readers gradually increased, and there were also criticisms and insults.

For criticism and suggestions, I accept them with an open mind.

Regarding the insults, I didn't scold back, because I didn't want to give other readers a bad impression.

Haha, a hit the street, and the burden of an idol

In fact, for a while, I didn't even dare to click on the comments in the author's background.I'm really afraid of being scolded again.

It's much better now. When I saw someone scolding me before, my brain became congested instantly, and a prehistoric force that wanted to fight back was brewing.

It's much better now, and Xiaoxiao is gone.

He looks at the problem from his point of view, and I look at the problem from my point of view. Of course, the scenery I see is different.

Just like: A reader said that I was not patriotic before, and did not list the arguments.

I guess he thought I might use the US dollar more as a unit.Zhang Yida also knew that P2P was going to be cool in the early stage, so he always emphasized going abroad for development.

Furthermore, regarding the matter of financing, some readers complained too much about betting against each other.

In fact, there are more and more demanding bets in reality.

I'm afraid that everyone will think that I abuse the master, and I haven't set the bet too harshly, too hell-level difficulty.

This book was originally planned to be completed before the end of April, and it probably reached a little over 4 million words.

Now that I signed the contract, I changed my mind and tried to write 150 million to 200 million words.

There is also the issue of the number of chapters. I always write a chapter of 3000-4000 words.

I heard many people say that this is not very good. It is best to write more than 2000 words in the first chapter, and divide more than 6000 words into 3 chapters every day.

Let's talk about the next book. I wanted to write about the venture capital industry, and I planned to prepare a detailed outline. As a result, the book was signed, and the plan had to be postponed.

Writing is actually a very interesting thing.I think I'm fine with it.

Whether it is a part-time job or a full-time job, it should be written for a long time.

So be it!Thanks again everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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