Who is my upstairs

Chapter 6 Grabbed by the Ankle

Chapter 6 Grabbed by the Ankle
The water heater in the bathroom has hot water when it is turned on, Yang Xiaofan has no change of clothes on his body, so he can only continue to wear the old clothes after taking a shower.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The water heater was turned on, white mist rose around, Yang Xiaofan took off his clothes, closed his eyes and enjoyed the relaxation brought by the shower, a song from the 50s faintly played in his ears, it sounded faint and melodious.

I only have myself in this house, how could there be music playing suddenly.

Is it hallucinations?

Tiredly rubbing his temples, Yang Xiaofan just lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the ground, the dark red liquid on the ground flowed sideways, slowly flowing into the sewer.

I frowned, could it be that my aunt is here?

But the day has not come...

Feeling the strangeness of this blood, the water spilled from the shower turned into a deep dark red at some point, Yang Xiaofan's face turned pale, and he shrank back to the corner of the wall.

The strange tunes in his ears became more and more strange, filling Yang Xiaofan's brain.

On the mirror covered by water mist, only a blurry shadow can be seen, Yang Xiaofan felt that in the blurry mirror image, she saw a woman with long hair standing behind her.

The woman was wearing bright red clothes, with long hair hanging down to her waist.

The cold feeling spread from the fingertips to the heart, and Yang Xiaofan rushed out of the bathroom without even the strength to scream.

The old-fashioned phonograph in the living room turned on at some point, the disc was spinning slowly, and the faint music came from this phonograph.

The black cat didn't know when it came down from the second floor, and jumped onto the old-fashioned phonograph with graceful steps.

After stepping on the meat pad on the black cat's foot, the vinyl disc on the phonograph stopped spinning, and the eerie music stopped abruptly.

It turned out to be a false alarm!
The phonograph started to turn after being controlled by the black cat, Yang Xiaofan let out a long sigh of relief, his little heart almost jumped out of his throat just now.

After putting on his clothes, Yang Xiaofan heard the sound of rushing water, it turned out that he just walked out in a hurry and forgot to turn off the shower in the bathroom.The sudden turn on of the phonograph that Yang Xiaofan discovered was just a mischief by the black cat, and he mustered up the courage to go back to the bathroom.

The shower in the bathroom was still emitting white smoke and spraying water, the water on the floor was clean and clear, and there was no woman in red in the mirror at all.

Yang Xiaofan couldn't help affirming that everything just now was an illusion, so he reached out and turned off the shower in the bathroom.


A woman's heart-piercing screams came from outside again, Yang Xiaofan's heart that had just let go was lifted into the air again, his bare feet stepped on the cold tiles, and the cold soaked the soles of his feet.

The surrounding temperature seemed to be freezing cold, Yang Xiaofan shuddered, and was about to leave the bathroom, but felt that he couldn't lift his feet, as if he was stuck in mud.

Taking advantage of the trend, he lowered his head, and his whole body became completely cold.

On her white and slender ankle, she saw a skinny and pale human hand with an emerald green ring on it.Yang Xiaofan didn't know where the strength was, he pulled his leg out of the person's hand with a strong twitch, and rushed out of the bathroom.

The black cat outside was rummaging in the cabinet under the gramophone, only showing a wagging cat's tail.

Yang Xiaofan sat on the sofa completely exhausted, and the vinyl records in the cabinet were "scrambled" to the ground under the black cat's fiddle. She stared at the messy records on the ground, and happened to see a pair of yellow and orange records when she looked down. Orange things dangled in the dark cabinet.

With a "meow", the black cat jumped into Yang Xiaofan's arms, bumped into Yang Xiaofan's arms, and then quickly ran up the wooden stairs to the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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