Who is my upstairs

Chapter 18 Good Girlfriend Lin Luoluo

Chapter 18 Good Girlfriend Lin Luoluo
Yang Xiaofan's mood turned into inexplicable panic, more panic than seeing the ghost of a dead person.

She covered her lips with her hand, took a step back, and looked at Xu Zhiwen in a military uniform in horror, feeling as if the end of the world was coming.

She was a little confused, and she couldn't help wondering, did the man in military uniform become Xu Zhiwen, or was Xu Zhiwen originally a man in military uniform?
With a splitting headache, Yang Xiaofan unconsciously crouched down with his head in his arms, and his whole body fell into boundless darkness.

In the darkness, an English song with a faint voice sounded.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Yang Xiaofan found himself lying on the bed, the English songs in his ears became more and more real...

It turned out that the alarm on the phone rang.

Yang Xiaofan turned off the alarm casually, and found that there were still a few text messages from Lin Luoluo in the phone.

Lin Luoluo is Yang Xiaofan's classmate from junior high school to university, and also Yang Xiaofan's best friend. Now she is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine.

I flipped through the text message from Lin Luoluo, it was nothing more than asking her how she was doing, and then asking when I could go out for a meal together, and catch up with old friends.

For some reason, Yang Xiaofan stared at Lin Luoluo's text message greeting her, and became dazed.

She really couldn't figure out what was going on between her and Xu Zhiwen.Why did the eight years of getting along with each other not match the eight hours of Han Shasha's time at the poker table? They opened a room and completed what she and Xu Zhiwen had completed after four years of love running in college within less than eight hours of acquaintance.

The world has suddenly become very strange, and it is not as strange as it used to be.

Fortunately, there are still old friends around, at least when she was at her worst, her best friend Lin Luoluo cared about her.

Yang Xiaofan sorted out his thoughts, put on the newly bought slippers and went into the bathroom, the woman in the mirror seemed to have aged four or five years overnight.

There are deep dark circles around her eyes, and her tired face is like someone who hasn't slept for four or five days.

Frozen in front of the mirror, Yang Xiaofan couldn't tell whether it was the dream last night that kept her from sleeping well, or it was because of this miserable marriage that she was rapidly aging and decadent.

She is already 28 years old, and she is no longer young. If she continues to age like this, sooner or later, no one will want her.

What woman doesn't care about her appearance?

Yang Xiaofan took a deep breath, childishly did a set of eye exercises that he used to do in elementary school, and then started to wash.

After washing up, Yang Xiaofan probably had already figured out how to text Lin Luoluo back.Lin Luoluo is her best friend, and Yang Xiaofan felt that he should not hide something from Lin Luoluo, so he edited and sent the ins and outs of his divorce with Xu Zhiwen word by word in a text message.

Yang Xiaofan hesitated for a moment, and edited a new text message, sending the address of Li's ancestral home to Lin Luoluo.

Less than 20 seconds after the last text message was sent, Yang Xiaofan's cell phone vibrated crazily on the sink.

Although Yang Xiaofan was not yet ready to explain to Lin Luoluo why he had fallen to this point, he still answered the phone bravely.

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of worry, Lin Luoluo first asked Yang Xiaofan about basic necessities of life, whether he ate well, whether he slept well, and asked carefully.After asking, he helped Yang Xiaofan scold Xu Zhiwen for being a scumbag, and finally asked Yang Xiaofan what plans he had in the future.

After Yang Xiaofan hesitated for a while, he told Lin Luoluo that he was going to use his mobile phone to submit a few resumes and look for a job again.

(End of this chapter)

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