Chapter 238 Ending (2)
In the fifth year of Zhenzong Shengping, he rehabilitated Zhaoxue for the big treason case of the Ming family in the previous dynasty. Later generations can also see the sun and serve the new emperor.

After the Battle of Xiaoyin Mountain, Shuzhi Khan came to the throne, but Khan favored the treacherous Yin Ming Yehu and tortured and killed the loyal and brave people in the court. Turks ascended the throne, known as Muyin Khan in history.Khan is brave and resolute, and he has a lot of his father's legacy. He has a clear and bright government, and is committed to friendly trade with countries along the Silk Road, making the people rich and generous.One day, Khan looked through the poems of the former kings, and saw that the words and sentences in the second volume were exquisite, but a page was torn out, and he asked the left and right angrily, "Who dares to destroy the relics of the late emperor?"

Yehu Amir knelt down and said: "This is what the late king did on the night of his expedition to Xiaoyin Mountain. The page left behind is exactly the "Sapphire Case" that the late king liked most."

Amir told Mu Yin Khan about the old affairs of Khan Xiansaruer, Queen Zhenjing and Princess Reyhan Guli, saying that the original had been destroyed by Xian Khan, this is a copy, and wrote "The Case of Green Jade" for Emperor Mo ".After hearing this, Mu Yin reread the "Sapphire Case" several times, and stayed up all night. The next day, he sent an envoy to the Yuan Dynasty to ask for a marriage, so as to repair the reconciliation.

Mu Yin Khan posthumously conferred the title of his mother, Princess Reyhan Guli, the Empress Dowager Chenggupudli as the Empress Dowager Gupudli. In the third year of Shengping, she went to the Yuan Dynasty to mourn the Queen Mother in person, showing the sincerity of the reconciliation with the Yuan Dynasty. Zhenzong swore blood for the second time in front of the Taimiao and declared to the world that the Turks and the Great Plains are brothers and neighbors and will never violate the territory.Praise the world.Since then, the two countries have exchanged documents peacefully and achieved peace for 60 years.According to history, the Empress Dowager returned to her homeland in her later years, and when she was about to die, Empress Zhenjing mourned unceasingly. At that time, the Empress Dowager could not see anything, so she held the Queen's hand tightly and said: "I am really tired, remember to send my concubine back to my homeland, and don't condemn me again." It ended up laughing.

In the third year of Shengping, Zhenzong selected the daughter of the clan as the concubine princess, and sent the princess to Heshuo. On the way back to Beijing, he passed by Famen Temple.Xie Suhui, the colleague Qin Zhonggong, felt that this monk's eyebrows and eyes seemed to be familiar, his wine eyes were like blood, he was actually like the Turkic emperor Saruer, and the monk called himself Alai Shiye.

During the period when the Empress Dowager Zhaohua listened to the government behind the curtain, the second large-scale literary inquisition of the Dayuan Dynasty was carried out, and a large number of "Entrepreneurial Living Notes" and records of political leaders in the Yuande and Daye years were burned. The historical records of "Jintuo Yibian", which distorted a lot of historical facts, added a lot of evidence of the ancestors' persecution of the Queen Mother Zhaohua and Zhenzong. important information.

The legend of Xiao Wuyi became the most colorful stroke in the founding history of the Yuan Dynasty.Out of this little Wuyi came out a queen dowager who almost became the emperor, a Turkic queen dowager, a queen with mixed reviews, a shocking general on the battlefield, and a prince who almost overthrew the Dayuan Dynasty with all his tactics.There are beauties, loyal ministers, virgins, fierce generals, and traitors, vividly interpreting the customs from Yuanqing to Shengping, and Queen Zhenjing is the most controversial one.The queen died at the age of 30, but there are many legends about her. Some people say that she is the most virtuous woman in history, some say that she is the most beautiful woman in history, and some say that she is a traitorous concubine who uses power.

(End of this chapter)

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