my husband is a killer

Chapter 435 The Last Battle 1

Chapter 435 The Final Battle 1
The ship arrived at the port of Singapore that afternoon, and set sail again after some supplies. When the last light on the sea was swallowed by darkness, the long-planned attack broke out!
The captain and a first mate in the bridge were held hostage, and the ship was forced to change direction. At the same time, the members of the storm who were hidden among the crew and passengers suddenly went into trouble. Obviously, such an ambush was already under the control of the fog, and it was obvious and dark. The vast net spread out, in addition to the layers of fortifications on the ship, several escort boats that had been quietly following the giant ship also quickly rushed to support, all the elite troops of the fog were concentrated, each of them blocked ten by one, and there was a sudden chaos. After a round of fierce gun battles, Storm's lone army suffered heavy casualties, and the opportunity to grab it was lost. They only used the cab as the last stronghold to resist, but they were already imprisoned by the elite of the fog. Surrounded!

The frying pan was already on board, and the gunshots and screams sounded like boiling water, as if they were about to boil the dark sea together. How could ordinary people have seen such a scene before, and everyone was scared to death, and some bold sailors quietly lowered the lifeboat, Survivors who didn't hit the gun rushed forward!

Under the pale sidelights, there were patches of sprayed blood, and there were many people fleeing in panic. In such chaos, well-trained killers approached the cab little by little under cover. There were continuous armed attacks there, but they had already escaped. There is no fate of catching a turtle in the urn.

Z, one of the boss's confidantes, was in charge of the operation. He had already secretly felt strange that there were less than six people who showed up in the storm. He still took the lead and pressed the firepower to dodge several times to get closer, and he could already see two people in the cab who were dying, and one of them was suddenly the short man who chatted with T on the deck during the day Shocked, he turned his head abruptly, but did not see T's shadow around him, and his heart sank suddenly!
The boss has long reminded him that T is no longer the T he used to be, and he must be extremely careful when dealing with him. Once he finds out that he has changed—kill him!

He immediately dodged back, raised his hand and ordered seven masters, no longer caring about these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and rushed to the cargo hold on the lower floor without stopping!
The number of troops guarding the cargo hold has already doubled compared to usual, and all of them were concentrating on their vigilance. Suddenly they heard the sound of pedaling footsteps, and all their guns were pointed at the source immediately, but they saw the cold face of the person coming out of the darkness. T.

The guns he held hesitated for a moment, and then slowly fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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