my husband is a killer

Chapter 427 Recalling 15

Chapter 427 Recalling 15
The room was full of shadows, and the silky moonlight was so thin that it seemed to melt away, she fixedly stared at his sleeping face, at this moment he was no longer fierce, no longer indifferent, and quietly surrendered in front of her, as if the countless In the dark night, when she opened her eyes and turned over, she could also see such a sleeping face. She couldn't help stretching out her fingers, tracing his outline lightly, drawing a stroke, and asking a question.

Why are you hiding everything from me?
Why leave me alone?
Why do I recognize you, you are still so indifferent?

One by one why they asked silently, fingers were already hanging on his face trembling slightly, finally a sob couldn't be held back, and disappeared immediately, she pressed her mouth firmly, only let the tears flow silently!
Suddenly there was hatred, and at that moment, I almost wanted to wake him up, weeping and fussing, questioning him, scolding him, and ruthlessly indulged in front of him!
But after all, he held back.

Just kneel down and sit on the ground, gently, gently, holding his hanging hand, weeping and smiling in the dark night.

I really hate you, you didn't say anything, you just stuffed me with Shao Tang, and you didn't care if I wanted it or not!But even so, I still want to shake your hand, for a short while, just for a short while, I want to remember this warmth, and never forget it again!Then, in the days when I am alone, when it is difficult or cold, think about this feeling, and I will not be afraid anymore!

Weeping so slightly that it was almost hallucinatory, lingered in the darkness, and made the breathing of the person who was curled up motionless a little bit quicker. His teeth were pressed against each other, and he was almost about to bite out the sound, but he remained motionless, as if Still in a dream, never waking up at the moment when the door opened lightly.

That night, Shao Tang sat in that small suite for a long time, until the blood on his forehead had solidified on his cheek, he wiped the blood off his face, finally got up and went downstairs.

The car drove crazily, turned around many places, and finally stopped when I realized that I came to Yiyi's place again before I knew it.

She hadn't slept yet, and when she opened the door, she couldn't hide her surprise on his face. He didn't say a word, and went straight to the bar, grabbed a bottle of tequila, poured a full glass, and drank it in one gulp.

She walked over, turned off the lights in the living room quietly, and hid the mess that was too late to tidy up in the darkness, leaving only a few light dim miniature chandeliers hanging on the bar counter, illuminating the light of the amber wine in the glass. She took another bright glass, poured the wine, and silently drank one cup after another with him without asking any questions.

(End of this chapter)

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