my husband is a killer

Chapter 394 Wedding Interruption 11

Chapter 394 Wedding Interruption 11
She just felt that the cold had already left her skin torn and couldn't bear it anymore, but countless snowflakes were still cutting her face, and they were still scrambling to embed into the flesh and blood:

"You must still want to know who that person is, right? In fact, you haven't completely forgotten it. You should still remember—didn't you say that you dreamed of him in your dreams? Didn't you say that you must know him? Didn't you say that he didn't know him? Like a bad guy? I can’t let go of him now, I just think he’s a good guy now, and I just want to rebuild the old one, okay? But you’d better find out who that man is, how many people he killed, and how many bad things he did. Go and ask if they still want you now!"

"Shao Tang!" Yiyi yelled violently, interrupting those words like poisonous arrows that had never been spit out from his mouth!

But the woman stabbed by those sharp blades could no longer breathe!

A mournful and desperate sob burst from the depths of her throat, she trembled more violently, tears burst into tears, blurring everything around her, only what he said was better than what those people described on TV The even more unbearable past reorganized in her mind, scene by scene, shattering her imagination about the happiness and tranquility of the past, shattering everything in her world!
Yiyi stared fiercely at Shao Tang, and stretched out her hand to pull her:

"Lan Banana, don't care so much..."

She pushed her away, unable to face anyone anymore, she hid her face and ran into the room, closing the door heavily, leaving only the faint sound of uncontrollable crying!
"Why did you say such things to her!?" Yiyi was furious, grabbed Shao Tang's clothes, and gritted her teeth in a low voice, "Are you going to hurt her by talking so badly, you clearly know—"

She didn't say the following words, because she suddenly felt that he was shaking too, and suppressed it with all her strength, and she could only feel it when she held him like this!
"Shao Tang..." She called him tentatively, and then called again before his eyes fell on her.

It wasn't the madness of hatred just now, it was full of panic and fragility - something he had always carefully concealed, now he was no longer in front of her without reservation!
He suddenly hugged her, buried his head in her hair, and whispered softly, as bewildered as a child who has made a mistake:

"Yiyi, what should I do Yiyi, she had her hippocampus removed and still has an impression of that man, I don't want to lose her, I don't want her to think of that man, I know I shouldn't do this, but what should I do... ..."

He only dared to tell her, as if in the days when they were still together, he gritted his teeth and took on everything, turned his head full of pain, and never told her alone.

The heart was suddenly soft like a sponge that had absorbed water, so soft that it could no longer support any anger and hatred!

In fact, they are so similar, they both want to hold on to the happiness that did not belong to them, and they both leave no room for it, almost destroying it with all their strength!

She forgot all the words she was going to say, just hugged him back and patted him, wishing she could give birth to a few more hands to protect him and cover all his troubles and right and wrong for him!
His face was hidden in her scented hair, the familiar smell, the relaxing smell made his heart that was struggling to move forward suddenly feel unspeakably tired and sleepy, and it also made the weakness behind the iron-blooded wrist and hesitation are all clear and tangled, he poured out painfully:

"Yiyi, am I really bad now... I know it too, but I can't stop, it seems that I can never get out of this black hole..."

The sad almost desperate tone was cutting into her heart, she didn't speak, but there were eleven thousand "I'm sorry" in her heart surging like a river!

(End of this chapter)

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