my husband is a killer

Chapter 356 Forgotten Memory 7

Chapter 356 Forgotten Memory 7
The damp wind with the smell of mud poured in, bringing a whizzing cold on the back!

Lan Jiao and Shao Tingting were sitting close together on the sofa, both hands and feet were bound, listening to Xu Yongxiang's non-stop nervous chatter with a pale face!

The chunky man sat next to him, with a few cans of beer and side dishes in front of him. He seemed to be tired of listening to those lunatic chatter, so he simply put on his earphones, stared at his phone, and occasionally raised his neck to drink Half a can of beer, in his other hand, the knife is cold!

Xu Yongxiang was sitting opposite them, talking and talking, so even though she didn't talk to Tingting, Lan Jiao knew that these people intercepted her when she was going to the airport, but he talked the most It’s still about how ruthless Shao Tang is, and how many tricks he has used when Shaw has grown to the scale it is today. The most detailed is how he set up a scheme to make him bankrupt, and he had to let Shao buy Wuxiang Jewelry, which he worked so hard for all his life. His wife is sad and angry Zhong died of illness, and Shao Tang was afraid that these things would be exposed, so how could he send him to prison, one after another, when he talked about his sadness, he even cried loudly, like a child who was at a loss!

Although Lan Jiao didn't believe what he said, she never believed that Shao Tang would be the kind of person he said, but she still couldn't help but feel a little sad when she saw him, and felt that he didn't seem to be as scary as before, while Shao Tingting next to her Already refuted sharply:
"Don't talk nonsense, my brother will never do these things! He is the most upright person in the world, don't rely on my brother if you lose your business!"

"Tingting, shut up!" Before Xu Yongxiang got angry, Lan Jiao had already stopped her, and at the same time gave her a wink, reminding her of the current situation and telling her not to anger this crazy person!
Shao Tingting's face was still full of anger, but she finally closed her mouth in a sensible manner. Xu Yongxiang glanced at them, swallowed the curse and threats on his lips, brewed for a while, and started chanting again and again, Lan Jiao saw His complexion recovered, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

The feeling of being too familiar surged up again. The current situation made her afraid, but she was not flustered. It seemed that someone had taught her a long time ago how to deal with these bad guys. She couldn't remember the specific words, but When things come to an end, you suddenly know what to do, for example, don't provoke these people.

(End of this chapter)

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