my husband is a killer

Chapter 330 Investigation 3

Chapter 330 Investigation 3
But suddenly a black muzzle got stuck on the door, and the elevator slowly opened again!
The man who appeared at the door only had the most professional indifference on his face, and his black eyes were like the coldest night. Wilson trembled all over his body. Just as he was about to speak, he saw his fingers move, and then saw his body go limp. The wife next to her suddenly yelled in horror, and then, she didn't know anything!

The gun turned and pointed at the terrified woman. She was about to pull the trigger immediately, but it stopped suddenly!

The blond woman shivered in a corner, holding her belly with her hands, and begged tremblingly:

That desperate expression and voice suddenly touched the memory buried deep in my heart, and I suddenly had the illusion of not knowing where I was, as if that year, as if that day, the hospital in Kuching, the corridors without people, through The phone, that same voice of fear and despair!

"Don't...don't hurt my child, please...please..."

In his ears was the scream that broke his mind, and the sound of rolling down the stairs, blood, boundless blood... her blood... the nightmare that woke him up in the dark for countless nights...

The hand holding the gun began to tremble slightly!

The eyes gradually focused, it was not an illusion, there was real blood, the woman in front of her was already kneeling on the ground, probably because her fetus was stimulated, the dark red blood kept dripping down her thighs, already wet her dress, She hugged her stomach and groaned in pain, his eyes were suddenly choked up, and he immediately stepped into the elevator, pressed down to the first floor, closed his gun and helped the woman up!
The elevator dedicated to the president is very hidden. No one noticed the accident here just now. His rationality reminded him that he should leave the scene quickly, but a stronger idea rushed over. At that moment, he completely forgot that he was here to execute the elevator. The killer of the mission only has a crazy roar in his mind:

save her!save her! !Save this kid! !

He blamed himself countless times!
He will never have time to make up for the regret!

—Save their children!
His whole body was covered in cold sweat. As soon as the elevator went down to the first floor, he leaned over to pick up the woman and rushed out!

"Lanjiao, you'll be fine, the child will be fine, I won't let you all be fine..." He was running crazily, muttering in his mouth, as if he was in that frightening nightmare and never woke up!
(End of this chapter)

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