The group pet little milk bag, fierce and cute!

Chapter 240 Su Xingwen Was Hostaged

Chapter 240 Su Xingwen Was Hostaged
Su Xingwen was held in the hands of the robbers. He just came in from the outside and saw the tourists who resisted and were killed. At this time, he was already terrified.

"Xingwen?" The third uncle broke free from the man's control and hugged the terrified Su Xingwen.

"Father?" Su Xingwen hugged him, "Wow!" cried loudly.

"Father, there are so many people, I'm so scared..." Su Xingwen hugged his father tightly, crying out his grievance and fear.

"It's okay, Dad is here." The third uncle hugged his youngest son tightly and glared at the deputy captain angrily.

"Captain, your son is so cute, you don't want him to be missing arms and legs, do you?"

"Beast!" The third uncle gritted his big teeth tightly, his mouth full of bloody smell.

As soon as the man's face changed, he stretched out his hand to snatch Su Xingwen from the third uncle's arms.

"Wow! Dad, Dad, Dad..." Su Xingwen cried out in fright.

The man is still not going to give up.

The third uncle hugged Su Xingwen tightly and had to make a choice, "I'll drive!"

The man gave up and let go of Su Xingwen.

The third uncle put Su Xingwen on the ground, and he stretched out his hand to help Su Xingwen wipe away his tears, put his hands on his son's face, and pinched his earlobe with his fingers, "Xingwen, listen to Dad."

Su Xingwen received his father's signal and slowly held back his tears. He cried twice.

"Father knows that Xingwen is very brave, right?" The third uncle stared seriously at Su Xingwen's eyes.

"Do you still remember the "Brave Boy Jack" that Dad accompanied you to watch?" The third uncle rubbed Su Xingwen's cheeks a few times with his fingers.

Su Xingwen glanced at his father's finger out of the corner of his eye, and nodded obediently, "I remember."

It tells the story of how the protagonist starts a pirate confrontation with Captain Hook.

"Very good, so you have to be brave." The third uncle smiled and encouraged Su Xingwen.

Su Xingwen hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Yes."

"Don't dawdle, open the door quickly." The man became impatient, and just now someone came down to report that there was an emergency at the military exercise site.

The third uncle's ears were sharper than others, and he vaguely heard their conversation, and he was even more concerned about it.

The third uncle put down Su Xingwen, he pressed the password, and the second lock popped up automatically. This was a smart lock with pupil recognition.

In other words, if the third uncle hadn't come in person, even if he got the password, he wouldn't be able to open it.

"Crack!" The thick door slowly opened in response.

The robbers were extremely excited, and the man licked his mouth, thinking of the high reward, he was going crazy with joy.

The door opened, and they squeezed in immediately, only to see that the inside was empty, only a combination box was placed on the platform.

The three robbers ran over excitedly, and suddenly a seam opened at the bottom, and they all fell into it, and the seam closed automatically.

The three robbers inside may be more dangerous than good.

The man took out his gun angrily, pointed at the third uncle's head, "Let your son get it."

The third uncle glared at him angrily, his anger reached its peak, but he pushed Su Xingwen helplessly, "Xingwen, you go."

Su Xingwen raised his head and glanced at his father. He turned his head and approached the box step by step. The strange thing was that the crack did not appear.

The man stared at the third uncle's head with a gun, but his hands were shaking with excitement.

Su Xingwen easily got the big box. He hugged the box tightly in his arms, but didn't go back immediately.

The man stretched out his hand, "Bring me the box!"

Su Xingwen glanced at his father, and the third uncle suddenly rose up to resist. He pushed down the deputy captain forcefully, threw himself on the ground, and smashed against an inconspicuous bump.

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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