Chapter 167

"Well, good." Fu Shushu nodded perfunctorily, and then left with the suitcase.

Fu Chaowen just stood at the door and stared at her leaving back, reluctant to let go, but the figure who had gone away never looked back.

He was slightly heartbroken.



Fu Shushu just dragged his suitcase to the set, and his photo has already become a hot search on the Internet.

[Explosive#Fu Shushu has joined the crew of "A Picturesque Country". 】

There was a lot of abuse from below, [This kind of drama can also be filmed, is there really no one to care about it? 】

[I'm throwing up, what's going on these days, I had a good impression of Fu Shushu at first, but now I'm going black, I'm so disgusted with people like this, they shoot all kinds of dramas for money! 】

[I think everyone should trust Shushu, she is not that kind of person, maybe there is a misunderstanding?Back then, it was a matter of three lives. If the director and the person surnamed Gong were really as rumored on the Internet, why was there no news about their imprisonment? 】

[Fu Shushu's trumpet upstairs? 】

[Fu Shushu's relatives upstairs? 】

[Please make it clear upstairs, not everything will be exposed, and Gong Xiangnan and the director have not appeared in the public's sight for three or four years, why do you think they have been there for three or four years? 】


Fu Shushu directly exited the page, she didn't even bother to read the private messages now, and she knew that there were a bunch of private chats to get off fans without clicking.

She was filming only to make a good drama, and she was naturally happy to have someone like her, but she had thought about their departure from the very beginning.

Also look very indifferent.

"Kukou." The door was knocked twice suddenly, "Hello, I'm the staff who came to clean the room."

"No, my room is clean." Fu Shushu sat in his seat without moving.

"Miss Fu, please open the door, this is my job." The voice of the person outside the door revealed embarrassment.

"Okay." Fu Shushu smiled, got up and went to open the door, just as he opened the door, there was a bucket of water coming towards him, and the girl outside the door showed a look of hatred, "You can also pick up bad dramas, you are really not afraid of Heizi's cyber violence what!"

Fu Shushu's movements were faster, she stretched out her hand and pushed the water back, and the whole bucket of water was poured back onto the woman outside the door.

" dare to splash me? I'm going to expose you!" The girl was drenched all over, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

She reached out to grab Fu Shushu's collar, acting like a shrew making trouble.

Fu Shushu easily avoided, frowned slightly, and locked her hands, "Expose how you like, you're used to it."

"Let go of me! How can you hit me, I must expose you and ruin your reputation!"

The girl struggled hard with her wrist, her face was extremely embarrassed, it was the first time she met such a star, how dare she fight back?

Fu Shushu really didn't care about feathers as the Internet said.

"Before you expose me, I'll call the police. You broke into the house and tried to murder me." Fu Shushu's lips curled up, not caring about her threat.

However, the girl is only a high school student after all, so she couldn't help being scared when she heard this, and she still said unforgivingly: "You...why do you slander me, a bucket of water can't kill anyone."

"My body is delicate, and I will have a high fever if I put this bucket of water in. If I don't get treated in time, do you think I will die?"

Fu Shushu frowned and leaned against the wall behind him, and said with interest, his eyes fell on the trembling legs of the girl in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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