Violent Fairy Fairy: Sweeping the Handsome Guys of the Three Realms

Chapter 55 I am the wind, you are not the sand

Chapter 55 I am the wind, you are not the sand

Ning Yujiang slowly adjusted the scurrying breath in his body, and said honestly: "The two crystal jars are filled with two kinds of combustible gases, mixed according to the proportion, it can cause an explosion, but I didn't expect that the fire would It was so fierce, and I never thought that such a fierce fire would not be able to hurt the demon lord."

Mr. Feng Shiwu has always been very interested in miscellaneous studies such as medical divination and astrology. Hearing this, he asked quickly: "Gas? Explosion?"

Ning Yujiang was scratching her head. As far as she knew, there was no physical science here. How could she explain to an ancient man that a two-to-one ratio of hydrogen and oxygen mixed with fire would cause a big explosion?

These are actually very common physical and chemical knowledge in modern times. In order to collect as much hydrogen and oxygen as possible last night, I specially pulled Shuichengbi and Shuixiaohan. The cylinder compresses and stores a lot of oxygen and hydrogen.During the battle, the crystal cylinder filled with two kinds of gas was thrown over, but the devil shattered the two cylinders very cooperatively, and she set fire on time and at a fixed point, and then it exploded...

She prepared several "gas bombs" and smashed them in a row. Although the demon master no longer broke the crystal jar with his hands, these things were extremely hard and brittle, and they would shatter if they fell to the ground or hit them in the air.So under Ning Yujiang's constant fanning for insurance, the platform turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the sound of explosions continued.

Ning Yujiang explained for a long time, and Mr. Feng Shiwu barely understood a little bit. He was relieved, and didn't want the other party to ask again: "Then where did the ice under the little brother come from just now? Could it be that the little brother is so young? Already a fire and water practitioner?"

Ning Yujiang blinked and said: "That's not ice, it's not made of water, it's also a kind of gas, it will turn into something like ice when the temperature is very low and the pressure is high."

That's carbon dioxide, also known as "dry ice."Ning Yujiang is preparing to launch a terrorist attack, but it is not a suicide terrorist attack. She is not sure about the power of the explosion, so she prepared a lot of dry ice for self-defense in advance. The extremely low temperature of dry ice is suitable for cooling and driving fire. With her wind shield, she should be safe .

Fortunately, there are these preparations, otherwise she would probably have roasted herself into a big coal by now.

Not only Mr. Feng Shiwu, but also the immortals and demons who were present were all very fresh after hearing Ning Yujiang's statement. It is an unheard of miracle that a colorless and odorless gas can be used for combustion and can be turned into something like ice.If it weren't for the fact that it was right in front of them, they really couldn't believe it.

Especially the masters of the Shui and Fire tribes, faintly feel that the young people in front of them seem to be opening a door for them. Behind the door is probably a brand new world completely different from their usual cultivation.

While talking, Ning Yujiang seized the time to rest, but just now he used too much mana to control and resist the fire. At this moment, he was still limp and weak, his chest felt tight, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Compared with himself, the demon lord is really much stronger. The explosion just now was closest to him. He only waved his palm a few times, and the fire couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes. It is much calmer to be in a hurry and be frightened.

Master!And it's a top player!

It is estimated that there will be no improvement in physical condition if you delay for a while, so it is meaningless to rely on it, so I can only pray that my last life-saving trick will work.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Yujiang turned his head and walked in front of the Demon Lord, saying: "I've had enough rest, you can use the third move!"

This was quite frank, and he didn't hide the fact that he took the opportunity to answer the question to take a break. Even the witness Xihe Patriarch, who was born in the demon clan, couldn't help but smile. This kid is really interesting!

Feng Lingyu naturally guessed that the young man on the stage was Ning Yujiang, and was very happy to see that she was fine, but when she heard that she was obviously injured and insisted on taking the last move of the demon lord, she couldn't help shouting urgently: "No! "

Her little ginger candy should not have any accidents. She had nothing to do when she saw her second sister die 100 years ago. She couldn't afford to bear that kind of pain again!

In desperation, without caring about anything else, a secret that has been buried in my heart for a hundred years is about to be blurted out!

Shui Xiangtian was beside Feng Lingyu, and he could tell what she wanted to do by looking at her expression. Although he was also worried about Ning Yujiang's safety, his temperament was much calmer and more rational than Feng Lingyu's. Seeing that the exit was blocked, it was too late. I had no choice but to flick the side of her neck hastily.

Feng Lingyu didn't take a breath, all the following words were choked in her throat, and she couldn't even utter a single word.

Shui Xiangtian whispered: "Have you forgotten what Jing Yu told you back then?"

Feng Lingyu was shocked and woke up, but when she glanced at Ning Yujiang in the field, she couldn't help but burst into tears. She was very afraid, very afraid that Ning Yujiang would be beaten to death by the devil himself in front of her!

Hearing her cry, Ning Yujiang smiled back at her and said, "I'll be fine!"

Shui Xiangtian nodded to her and said: "Be careful, winning or losing is not important..." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to gently shake Feng Lingyu's palm, and comforted him: "We have to trust Little Ginger Tang, although the devil is strong, But she is not a weak hand, she has gone through so many hardships, she will be fine, and she will live in peace."

Feng Lingyu gritted her teeth to hold back the tears and said no more.

Ning Yujiang relaxed his body as much as possible, and gestured a please gesture to the demon lord.

The demon lord still raised his right palm and pushed in the direction of Ning Yujiang. The move was unremarkable, and he even said that it was not a move at all. Whether it was pushing people or doors, it was usually such a simple gesture.

But this ordinary gesture was made by the demon lord, and its power is very scary!That palm went extremely slowly, similar to the speed of the old grandpas and old ladies in the park doing Tai Chi, but not only Ning Yujiang, but even the people of the fairy clan standing far behind Ning Yujiang felt an overwhelming force Coming head-on, like a huge wave in a tsunami, like a mountain crushed by the sky, like a lava that devours everything, such a mighty, powerful and indestructible force of nature cannot be resisted by any manpower or even fairy art.

As the target of the attack, Ning Yujiang only felt that he had been deprived of the right to breathe. It felt like being thrown into a deep pit with no other way out. Looking at the huge boulder falling rapidly from the top of the pit, he wanted to throw himself Pressed alive into meat sauce, died tragically in the pit.

Even though she had tried her best to relax her body, she still felt the terrifying pressure rushing towards her face.

She had already suffered internal injuries just now, and it was impossible for her to muster up the strength to fight back, and she did not intend to fight back, she was already too tired...

Gritting his teeth, Ning Yujiang simply closed his eyes, focused on feeling the flow of the air around him, and put his body in the softest and most relaxed state, as if he had also become a part of the wind, forgetting both things and me, without quality or weight...

Others only saw that Ning Yujiang fell down before the demon lord's palm arrived. She didn't fall to the ground, but flew backwards following the oncoming palm, as if she was light without weight. Like a piece of paper.

The demon lord frowned, and the movement of this palm suddenly accelerated. Everyone felt that his figure was still in front of them, but they had already rushed out of the platform!

His speed was unbelievably fast, but Ning Yujiang's was always a little bit behind him, no matter what his speed was, he was always far away from this distance and couldn't really hit him.

The figures of the two drifted around the platform very fast, which was beyond the speed of the naked eye's reaction. It wasn't until the demon lord stopped on the platform that everyone realized that Ning Yujiang, who was opposite him, still kept the initial distance from him.

Tangible and qualitative things can be destroyed no matter how hard they are, but who can hurt the invisible wind?
In Ning Yujiang's understanding of wind since he was a child, wind is formed by the flow of air. It dances with the strong wind brought by the palm of the devil. No matter how strong the palm is, it is impossible to touch her body, let alone May cause harm to her.

This kind of realm, only a limited number of people in the Feng Clan can reach this level in the tens of millions of years. Feng Jingyu is one of them. Back then, she was a genius who was famous in the fairy world, but it was a pity that she died young.But even those who can reach this level still have a very perceptual understanding of wind, which is different from Ning Yujiang's perspective.

The Demon Lord slowly withdrew his right palm, staring at Ning Yujiang with a puzzled look in his eyes, and said, "Who are you? What is your relationship with the Wind Clan?"

Ning Yujiang swayed, and Shui Xiangtian and Feng Lingyu rushed into the arena to support her.

The brocade belt tied on her forehead to cover the totem of the Wind Clan between the eyebrows has been blown to nowhere in the round of attack just now, and the bangs between the sides of her head slid across her forehead, and the blue meat mark of peace of mind clearly appeared .

I endured it, but in the end I couldn't hold it back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Because the body was too injured and the energy was slack, he was unable to maintain the shape-changing spell. The dark brown hair, pupils and honey-colored skin transformed by the spell quickly changed color. In the blink of an eye, under the eyes of everyone, the boy turned into a girl, dark blue. Her hair, her snow-white skin, and her childish yet extremely beautiful face were revealed.

The demon master looked at the extremely familiar face of the girl in front of him, as if someone had punched his heart violently, and completely forgot his words.

"I... took your three moves... right now! Don't forget what you said!" Ning Yujiang didn't notice the change in his appearance at all, and insisted on confirming the result of the battle.

The Demon Lord looked bewildered, and nodded slowly. The appearance of this face at this time shocked him too much. At this moment, Ning Yujiang asked him if he would admit defeat, and he would probably nod without hesitation.

Feng Lingyu held her tightly in her arms and said in a trembling voice: "Little Jiangtang, you... Where did you get hurt? Be good, don't talk! You vomited a lot of blood..."

Ning Yujiang leaned in her arms with peace of mind, and was still in the mood to joke and act coquettishly: "Yeah, vomit... I'm used to it. Auntie, I'm so tired..." After speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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