Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 757 Opportunity

Chapter 757 Opportunity
The capital city of this era does not have the overwhelming heat waves of the imperial capitals of later generations. Compared with other eras, it is quite cool, so that Jianzhou Jurchen, who has lived in the bitter cold of Eastern Liaodong for a long time, can also find a home-like feeling.

But at this time, Dorgon's heart was burning hot. Dozens of Manchu and Han ministers including the Regent's Mansion, Sony Fan Wencheng, etc. gathered, shouting excitedly like a monkey watching the first powerful king of the Qing Dynasty.

"Song Manzi really moved!"

"Master, congratulations! The Chongqing government urgently reported that the Song thief personally commanded an army of 24 troops, attacking the city day and night, and has completely fallen into the bait! God bless my Qing Dynasty!"

"that is!"

Ye Bilong's face was also smiling like a flower, and he nodded repeatedly while holding the military secret report.

In fact, this is not a conspiracy, it is completely a conspiracy of choice. If Song Qingshu abandons Sichuan, then he, Dorgon, will order the Shaanxi army to go south and occupy the entire Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou in one fell swoop. Can't bear to part with this bait, so just in time, the Eight Banners army will go straight south and kill Jiangnan into a sea of ​​blood.

Compared with the Ming army, the biggest advantage of the Qing army today is mobility. Dorgon has the whole northern production of war horses, and he also owns the huge Mongolia. The Eight Banners army can do one man and three horses. With this amazing ability to excite, Genghis Khan can gather 20 troops in the vast grassland in seven days, and can also complete a strategic roundabout in a few days and nights. Knights, all fell into the sand one after another.

Now, it's Dorgon's turn to perform this magic trick.

Laughing loudly, the face that looked like the fourth master in the TV series was distorted with laughter. After a while, Dorgon ordered frantically.

"By the king's order, all the Eight Banners will be assembled, and the new Beiyang army will go south, ordering all the Mongolian tribes to send out the rest of the troops. This king will go south and fight these southern barbarians to the death!"


Dozens of Mengman important ministers also neatly threw down their horseshoe sleeves, and fell to their knees on the ground beaming. The scene of entering the mainland of the Ming Dynasty several times to plunder seemed to reappear in their minds again, and everyone's voice was full of excitement. Greed and blood.


"Why, Master Fan is not happy?"

Walking out of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Fan Wencheng, who was lowering his head and not knowing what to think, suddenly heard something in his ear, which made him tremble, and hurriedly turned around and made a bow.

"Of course I didn't think that I was invincible in the Qing Dynasty. It's too late for me to be happy, but it's just that my heart feels a little heavy when I think that thousands of nations will die in this battle!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Fan is worrying too much!"

Ye Bilong, who was walking side by side, couldn't help laughing with his head up, his bushy beard rustled, and the wrinkles on his slightly fat face showed.

"Don't forget, the Regent has recruited a lot of New Han and Eight Banners in Beizhili and Shandong in the past few years. These slaves really think that they can be on an equal footing with us Manchus? Oh, it's time for them to use their lives this time. It's the same as going to the south of the Yangtze River back then, let these slaves go to the Ming thief's thunder first, and then we Eight Banners men can go on!"

Smiling, Ye Bilong shook his head, walked to the edge of the sedan chair outside the mansion, bowed, and got in, but looking at his back, Fan Wencheng couldn't laugh no matter what.

Once again, the fierce artillery fire in Dengzhou, as well as the commercial town outside the city, bloody stumps and broken arms, seemed to resurface in his mind.

Is Zhang Hongfan who destroyed the Song Dynasty really worth it?

Sitting in the swaying sedan chair, Fan Wencheng's old face was staring out of the window rigidly. On the bustling street, people from the Qing Dynasty with braids came and went. Those who are full of children of the Eight Banners, but bow their heads and bow, must be Han Chinese!


This time the Qing court really spent a lot of money. Even the troops on the Korean peninsula were transferred back. The inner city of the capital was almost half empty. Among the Eight Banners, the Bannerman army reached [-].

Over the years, the Qing court colluded with big landlords in Shandong, Henan and Hebei. For the sake of the future and the interests of the land, the dignity that the big landlords can abandon is beyond people's imagination. Just like the Zhang Hongfan family who destroyed the Song Dynasty for the Yuan Dynasty, there are more than 20 landlords everywhere In order to apply for the future, the most famous among them is Hou Fangyu, the son of the former fourth prince of Jiangnan and the son of Hou Xun, the leader of Donglin Party.

A few years ago, it was his idea to dig the Yellow River Dam, which flooded the Yuyuan Army, the largest anti-Qing uprising army in the Central Plains, and caused the Yellow River flooding area, leaving millions of victims homeless in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. In fact, even the Qing court did not dare to hire him because of this merit, and let the disheartened Hou Fangyu pretend to go back to his hometown to live in seclusion, and even named his study as Zhuanghuitang, which is extremely hypocritical.

In this time and space, the Southern Ming Dynasty was not destroyed, but instead became stronger. The Qing court also needed to set up a model of traitors. Therefore, Hou Fangyu not only raised the flag, but was also canonized as Wu Zhenchao Ha Dutong, leading seventy Niulu Han soldiers.

Finally, there is the old friend and good friend of the Jianzhou Jurchen Mongolian tribe, a typical example of coercion and lure, Dorgon promised that 200% of the Dingkou wealth plundered in the south of the Yangtze River will be given to the Mongolian tribes, and the annual reward will also be increased to 13 million taels of silver Under the threat of the Qing court and the envious temptation, the men who could fight on horses in Eastern Mongolia were almost taken out, and a full [-] Mongolian cavalry were incorporated into Dorgon's army.

The British Lord who led the Qing Dynasty into the customs and established a world-class hegemony really overwhelmed the Jianzhou Jurchen. If the 43 army is defeated again, not to mention the main force of the Qing Empire, even the Jianzhou Jurchen Even the inheritance of many Mongolian tribes will become a problem.

However, if the whole world, China's national operation in the next few hundred years is the bet, this bet is worth it!

An unprecedented army, the Mongolian cavalry tugged their horses restlessly, and from time to time straightened the Mongolian bows carried behind them. Occasionally looking to the south, the pairs of oval faces showed a greedy expression, which was different from the family of the motherland of later generations. Dear Mongolian informed that it is a habit for the Mongols to plunder the Han people today, and a poor and inferior tribe member can change his life of nothing and become rich by relying on robbing and releasing.

In the past few times, following the pace of the entry of the Qing Empire, the Mongolian tribes on the grassland have reaped a lot. This time, Dorgon promised to fight and leave the plundering war. Once again, the greed and thirst of the nomads were challenged. up.

Compared with the Mongolian tribes, the Chinese army composed of the Zhongbanners of the capital seemed a bit sluggish. They had already received the hard-core crops for five or six years, so they began to get used to it, and they were content with their comfortable lives today, although some poor Manchus Still full of yearning for plundering the rich and prosperous south of Ming Dynasty, but those 30- to 50-year-old old bannermen in the social class who need it are reluctant to part with the property they finally bought in the capital.

Fortunately, as a pro-honor army, the famous Xishan Battalion, Jianrui Battalion, and Vanguard Battalion Xiaoqi Battalion in the past were more of a guard of honor by Dorgon. The real main force was the Pioneer 20 Beiyang New Army.

A battalion of 5000 people, forty large square formations are like forty tofu cubes. Most of these regiments are Han people in the Guan. In the past two years, the children of Han landlord families and their tenant relatives who have carried the flag are also mixed with 4 people. Most of the Northeast ethnic minorities are members of the uncivilized savage Jurchens.

For this army, Dorgon really put a lot of effort into it. Half of the income of the court was invested in the equipment of the new army. As infantry, each of the new Beiyang army established near Shanhaiguan has two horses , wearing chain mail, and the most advanced matchlock gun in the West. Hearing the advice of the French officer, Dorgon is trying his best to build the frightening main force in the West, the dragoons!

20 musket dragoons!An absolute dominant force in the field.

In addition, the [-] Hongyi cannons that the Qing court paid special attention to, plus the thousands of bronze cannons, were also drawn into this new Beiyang army. Dorgon on the stage even had the feeling that the world is in his hands. Who in the world would dare to be such a fierce army?

In front, University scholar Fan Wencheng was still talking about Hang Chang’s long and boring expedition to the Ming Dynasty. We are righteous and they are evil. I haven’t finished explaining this truth for more than ten minutes. Suddenly, Dorgon Impatiently, he stretched out his hand and pushed him away, pulled out his waist knife, and raised it high.

"Old and young masters of the Eight Banners! In the past, Xian Khan raised troops with the Seven Great Hatreds to resist the ills of Ming Dynasty. In the past, Tian Cong Khan and Tian Ming Khan ordered the army to enter the pass, and used swords and fast horses to plow the wealth and children. Only now Our Great Qing Dynasty!"

"It's been too long, and those Ming people have been recuperating for too long. Now Jiangnan is full of gold and silver, brocades are full of warehouses, and beautiful Jiangnan women are everywhere! But cowardly Ming people are not worthy of having these. It's time for me Warriors of the Qing Dynasty, it's time to reap another wave with swords!"

"Follow me and burn Jiangnan into a piece of white ground! Scramble it into a piece of white ground!"

This blatant bandit declaration caused an uproar in the Eight Banners Legion, which started out as armed robbery. Not to mention the Mongols, the Manchus, and even the armed Han landlords who carried the flags had their eyes red with excitement.

The north has been suffering from famine and war for years, and it has to provide for the Manchu masters. Many aristocratic families are already poor. Coupled with the irreconcilable contradiction between the feudal landlords and the emerging bourgeoisie, Song Qingshu tried and executed the old landlords on the way of reform. Depriving feudal rights, they are bitter and bitter, and these people also shout the most loudly.

"Kill! Kill into a piece of white ground!"

"Burn, burn to a piece of white ground!"

"Grab! Grab a piece of white ground!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the heads of pigs, cattle and sheep were cut off sharply by a big knife, and blood splashed on the road ahead. Under Dorgon's order, stepping on this blood, hundreds of thousands of troops trampled on the whole area with horseshoes. The ground seemed to tremble.

The Dianjiang platform was submerged in the dust by the way, the dark blue official robe was covered with dust, and the proclamation just recited had accumulated a layer, and it fell listlessly to the ground.

Seeing this bandit army in a daze, after a while, Fan Wencheng suddenly took off the top-wearing flower feathers that were also full of dust, and also drooped to the side...

(End of this chapter)

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