Rebirth of the real estate speculator

Chapter 332 129. Jinshan of the Real Estate Intermediary Industry

Chapter 332 129. Jinshan of the Real Estate Intermediary Industry
Ning Feng was still sitting by the window, staring at Su Bai Lake in a daze.

June is the most beautiful time of the year for Subai Lake.The weather has not completely entered the dog days. Although it is hot, it is acceptable. The lotus flowers by the lake are in bud, swaying in the breeze like the most shy beauty. and also!If you are a local, find a teahouse near the lake like Ning Feng, meet some friends and make a pot of tea, it is really pleasant!
He looked at the crowds of tourists by the lake, but in his heart he was thinking about the little things along the way!

As a reborn person, Ning Feng should have been more relaxed!If he just wants to make money, he can wait for a while with peace of mind when he gets his first pot of gold.For half a year, Qiantang City's purchase restriction policy was completely relaxed, with no restrictions on purchases and loans. At that time, buying and selling a few lots could easily make a lot of money!

But Ning Feng chose a more difficult path to walk!Whether it's fate or character, he doesn't know himself!Now that he has come to this world again, no matter what, he wants to step on a deeper footprint, so this trip is not in vain!

Qingqing Home Store, Lao Mo, Li Jin, Wang Xiaoli, Wanjia Company, Wang Siyu, Yang Shuhui, Zhu Haixuan, Lucheng Group, Zhang Lucheng, Ai Jianye, Zhang Qi, Ai Lu, and Ruhua Ruqi in Rujia Village, plus Up to Wang Ruoyun, and now Wang Fei, Liu Zhi and Xu Yongsheng, all of them, their faces and connections, are all slowly passing through Ning Feng's heart!

The cause of Hongxin's evaluation of the company is the fruit that Ning Feng planted unintentionally a long time ago.It's like when he advertised for Chen Miao secretly on the Internet, he didn't expect that Hongxin Appraisal Company could be achieved by Chen Miao in just a few months!

Ning Feng's post was posted at the end of the year, and the reaction was not very obvious when it was just posted.In addition to touching the interests of some people, after he threw some conditions and settled them, he focused entirely on the resettlement housing project that had not yet been implemented. Later, when the resettlement housing was involved, there was still The matter of has never been out of the way!

It wasn't until Chen Miao contacted him suddenly some time ago, and then remitted the first dividend to him according to the dividend distribution method that had been negotiated and signed the contract!
More than 190 million!

Ning Feng was taken aback when he received the dividend!Chinese New Year is only in February this year!Counting the holidays after the end of last year, it is basically March before you can start working on a regular basis!So in a total of three months, 2, 3, and 3, he received a dividend of more than 4 million, that is to say, including the original business, the profit of Horizon Appraisal Company was at least more than 5 million!An average of more than 190 million per month!After one year, the profit is more than 400 million!

But when Ning Feng and Chen Miao decided on the dividend plan, Chen Miao told him without hesitation that the annual profit of Hongxin Company should only be around 200 million!Where does this exponentially growing profit come from?
Chen Miao was very proud of knowing Ning Feng's question, and laughed and said that it was all thanks to Ning Feng's post during the New Year's Eve!Coupled with the news that Ning Feng spread through the broker of Wanjia Company, in a short period of time, he helped Hongxin evaluate the company's accumulated large number of customers!
The part of the evaluation report has been a stagnant pool for nearly 10 years. One or two state-owned companies have fixed banks, so there is no need to worry about the source of customers!On the one hand, small appraisal companies may not have enough qualifications, and on the other hand, they do not have the ambition to extend their claws into the second-hand housing market, so this market is actually a relatively closed circle!

This is why Chen Miao was desperate to upgrade the company's qualifications before, and even sold his real estate at a low price for this purpose!It is precisely because he has seen this point that he has the consciousness of success or benevolence!And now the facts prove that he was right!It's not just about improving the company's qualifications, it's about Ning Feng!

In fact, when Ning Feng suggested to him that he could help him, although Chen Miao respected him, she still didn't think so!After all, a person's energy is too small!But how did he know that Ning Feng already had such a high reputation in the real estate industry in Qiantang City?This appeal has caused the business volume of Horizon Appraisal Company to increase explosively!

And after that, Ning Feng moved the banner of, helped him win Shengdu Real Estate and Lewu Company, and then proposed to let him contact other companies, and directly pushed the market share of Hongxin Appraisal Company to the top. peak!

48%!This is the market share of Horizon in the evaluation market in May, which is almost a monopoly!Coupled with the rising second-hand housing transaction volume this year, it is easy to understand how many times the profit has doubled!

Now that it's off to a good start, it will immediately become part of Ning Feng's plan to take down Wanjia Company!This is also the last thing he wants to do while staying in Wanjia Company!
Filling himself another cup of tea, Ning Feng narrowed his eyes and began to think!

Zhu Haixuan is indeed a character!Ning Feng thought of Zhu Haixuan's clumsy performance in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.Now that he thinks back, the last time he was angry at him, maybe Zhu Haixuan laughed behind his back for a long time, right?Seeing himself as self-righteous as a fool, how could he be as happy as making a fortune silently?
Leaving aside the year 2011, which was suppressed by the national policy, the number of monthly transactions of thousands of companies in the past few years was more than 2000!In addition, in the past few years, these tricks have not been well-known by ordinary people, and the evaluation fee can almost always reach more than 6% off, which means that the average order is at least 2000 yuan!
According to the information found by Chen Miao, Chengfeng Company started to cooperate with Wanjia Company in 2007!Even if you take an average, the annual cooperation volume is at least 20000 orders. After five years, the turnover of Chengfeng Company is at least 1.5 million!

And the evaluation report has a profit margin of at least 80%...

Ning Feng sneered, he didn't even need a calculator, he did a random calculation in his head, and couldn't help but feel a shiver in his liver!At least one billion!This is the golden mountain that Zhu Haixuan made after promoting the cooperation between Chengfeng Company and Wanjia Company!
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!Wanjia Company also has more than 10 managed houses. According to Wanjia Company's regulations, in these houses, such as changing light bulbs, repairing sewer pipes, and housekeeping services are all undertaken by Wanjia Company.It is impossible for these business companies to really create an additional professional company by themselves, they can only be outsourced!How much trickery will there be?
In addition, after the bank cooperates with the intermediary company, the dividends after the completion of the loan task, the rebate after the interest is collected by the owner of the mortgage business, etc., in all aspects, a huge industrial chain covering the real estate from the beginning to the end slowly emerged in Ning Feng in front of my eyes!Every link here is an independent and mature market, but it is also interconnected, and the benefits generated are so huge that Ning Feng can't see clearly at all!

In contrast, Ning Feng's petty play is as naive as a child's play house!
People are more popular than people!Ning Feng laughed at himself.

In many cases, people can't see things clearly if they haven't reached a certain height!Just like the more than 1000 brokers in Wanjia Company, how could they have imagined that while they are exhausted every month to bill and make performance, the top people are easily reaping overt and secret benefits?
It's just that Ning Feng has gradually figured out how to spin off at least the evaluation business, he already has a rough plan!

(End of this chapter)

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