Xiuxian returned grandma

Chapter 282 Debate Ability

Chapter 282 Debate Ability
Ye Hong just smiled lightly.

"I just help you solve some small difficulties around you."

Hearing Ye Hong's words made the Eighteenth Prince extremely happy.

And then the eighteenth prince waved his hand, and immediately ordered these assassins to be pulled out.

Then there was a bloody sound from outside the camp, and Ye Hong didn't even need to think about it, he knew that those assassins had been dealt with.

"Mr. Ye Hong didn't expect you to be so kind to me. You saved my life again and again. It seems that you are really good for the whole empire. I hope you will come back to me as soon as possible after completing your mission. No matter what you want I can give you anything!"

"Even if you want half of the country, I can give you the whole half of the empire!"

But Ye Hong shook his head directly.

He knew that the eighteenth prince was not joking with him.

But Ye Hong didn't have any idea about the so-called empire at all, he just wanted to let his daughter grow up well.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Hong said with a smile.

"No, I'm helping you only for the sake of the empire. As for everything else, I don't have any ideas. I just hope that you can resume all these wars as soon as possible!"

Ye Hong's words are righteous!

The Eighteenth Prince and the officers next to him were shocked when they heard this.

And just three days later, the army finally set off.

The Eighteenth Prince led the army all the way forward, and Ye Hong also started to head towards the Duke.

It only took Ye Hong a few days to reach around the Duke's territory.

And through the dragon-slaying dagger in his hand, he came to the Duke smoothly.

The Duke looked at Ye Hong, and at this time the Duke looked to be over 50 years old.

And Ye Hong could also see the exact same expression on the Duke's face as the Emperor's, the two of them were almost like brothers.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, I don't want you to waste my time."

After hearing these words, Ye Hong nodded slightly.

"I hope you can help the Eighteenth Prince send troops. I have already told you about the previous incident. I hope you can think about it!"

After hearing these words, His Excellency the Duke burst out laughing.

And he had already heard Ye Hong's long speech before, including how the emperor died, and the eighteenth prince's decision to send troops.

"Why should I listen to you? I also have an army in my hand, and I will bring troops from other places to directly destroy the army of the Eighteenth Prince. Then I will be able to become emperor. Do I have to continue to be a duke? ? "

"The Eighteenth Prince is attacking the capital this time, and there is the so-called false emperor you mentioned. At that time, my army will be the strongest. What qualifications do I not have to be the emperor?" ?”

The surrounding duke's subordinates are already gearing up.

After all, if the duke really becomes the emperor, then all of them can become various titles.

After all, he is the Duke's subordinate.

But at this moment, Ye Hong said calmly.

"Really? Are you sure you can become the real emperor after you defeat the Eighteenth Prince? Isn't it too simple to think?"

After hearing these words suddenly, the duke was even more puzzled.

Because Ye Hong came here alone, the Duke could do whatever he wanted to kill him.

But Ye Hong's expression was so indifferent, which surprised the Duke even more.

And Ye Hong came prepared this time.

Ye Hong didn't even think that the Duke would kill him, otherwise how would he stab the tens of thousands of troops under you?
Neither the Eighteenth Prince nor the Duke will kill people at will, because they are very resourceful.

It is precisely because of grasping this point that Ye Hong is even less afraid.

Ye Hong calmly looked at the Duke in front of him.

"If that's the case, then tell me, if you don't expose the false emperor and go to attack the eighteen princes, even after the eighteen princes are eliminated, who do you think will be the successor of the emperor after the order of the false emperor?"

After hearing these words suddenly, the Duke was even more confused.

After all, the fake emperor still exists, and if he insists on attacking the Eighteenth Prince this time, then his only name is to help the Emperor expel the Eighteenth Prince, and in the end it will only be the result of being a diligent king.

Can he be praised by the fake emperor and some rewards, besides that, can he justifiably become the new emperor?That is simply rebellion.

"If you are willing to help the Eighteenth Prince, then the Eighteenth Prince can kill the false emperor and clarify the matter of the false emperor. Then your credit will be even greater, and no one will be able to rob you of the credit, even ...Even the relationship between the Eighteenth Prince and you can be eased!"

"It's useless for you to help the false emperor, and it will even make the false emperor sick of you in the end!"

Hearing Ye Hong's words suddenly, the Duke was even more speechless.

Naturally, none of the ministers under him said a word, because they were not fools, and they immediately figured out the stakes.

Finally the Duke raised his head and said to Ye Hong.

"Your kid's debating ability is indeed good. I didn't expect that the duke was really refuted by you..."

After all, as long as the Duke is not a fool, he will never help the false emperor.

No matter what, the duke doesn't want a fake emperor to stab you an enemy country. Anyway, the real emperor is his elder brother.

"This time, you can personally send troops under the banner of avenging your brother, and you can even help the eighteenth prince's reputation and love, but it is much higher than you!"

"If you are willing, the Eighteenth Prince will naturally reward you with a large territory. What are you worried about?"

The Duke nodded.

"You are right. It seems that I am indeed convinced by you. If that is the case, I am willing to accept your request. Starting tomorrow, I will also prepare an army, and I will defeat all foreign armies by then!"

After hearing these words, Ye Hong was relieved a lot.

Although he knew that he would not fail this time, he never thought that the chance of success would be so high.

Moreover, Ye Hong could even tell from the Duke's face that the Duke was not deceiving himself.

"If this is the case, I hope you will be successful, and I will set off with you when the time comes."

And at this moment, Ye Hong also took out his dragon-slaying dagger, expressing his views on this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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