Chapter 154
And the cruel words of these people made Ye Hong feel that Liu Bing might be deceived.

It's just that in Liu Bing's situation, Ye Hong couldn't say anything more.

Because now Ye Hong is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he cannot protect himself.

Ye Hong is still working hard to recover, and the mother plant of love flower beside Ye Hong is gradually letting go of the shield, but he doesn't know when the next attack will come.

Ye Hong looked at everything in front of him calmly, wondering how they would deal with Liu Bing.

And the purpose of these is just to eradicate dissidents. After all, there are phantom formations behind them, and they don't worry that anyone will find out that they killed their own kind.

It was also at this time that several of them pushed Liu Bing over directly.

"You either go by yourself, or we throw you in, we don't want to be charged with killing our own people!"

When hearing this sentence, Ye Hong sneered in his heart, what difference does it make?

It's just a different method, they want to kill Liu Bing, but their goal is to push Liu Bing in.

In this way, it means that it is very likely that after Liu Bing comes in, they will continue to attack and directly execute Liu Bing here.

After thinking of all this, Ye Hong immediately became nervous, because he was about to grit his teeth and endure all of their attacks.

Although Ye Hong didn't want to, but once Liu Bing came in, Ye Hong would naturally protect Liu Bing and prevent Liu Bing from being hurt.

Because Liu Bing sent him a reminder at a critical moment. If it wasn't for Liu Bing's reminder, Ye Hong might not be able to react, and the first attack might hit his head.

After thinking of all this, Ye Hong couldn't calm down in his heart, but fortunately, he was not dead in his loyalty, so he could help Liu Bing well.

At least if Liu Bing comes in, he can guarantee that he will not die, and it happens that there is a mother plant of love flower by his side to help him avoid the damage caused by the attack.

Ye Hong swallowed a sigh of relief, only thinking about how to fight against these people, but at this time Liu Bing had already been pushed to a place not far in front of him by them.

But these people kept communicating, but in the voice of communicating, Liu Bing suddenly showed a look of astonishment!

Because at this time, Liu Bing recognized the identities of several of them.

Among these few people, there are actually some bosses whom I admired and respected the most.

The original special investigation bureau was very just, so Liu Bing was willing to stay here, but now when he suddenly heard this sentence, Liu Bing felt something different in his heart.

After all, on this day today, not only did they completely kill people like Ye Hong, they even wanted to kill themselves, and this person turned out to be their former boss!

Killing disobedient people is fine, which is somewhat in line with the style of the Special Investigation Bureau, but even similar people like myself have to be dealt with, just because I gave Ye Hong a warning.

After thinking of all this, Liu Bing's heart was even more horrified, and he couldn't imagine that his original boss wanted to stop him.

It was also at this time that Liu Bingxin's heart was ashamed.

Liu Bing already wanted to die. He was forced before, but now he wants to leave with all his heart.

These behaviors of these people from the Special Investigation Bureau made Liu Bing feel positively shameless, thinking that seeing what is out of sight is pure, Liu Bing took the initiative to walk directly towards the center where Ye Hong was.

After seeing all of Liu Bing's actions, I felt that these people burst into laughter one by one. Obviously, they were extremely satisfied seeing Liu Bing's willingness to die.

After all, they didn't want to force Liu Bing, let alone take the blame for killing the SBI's own people.

But at this moment, Ye Hong also kept looking at Liu Bing, he could only see Liu Bing's face was ashamed, as if he was thinking of dying directly.

Ye Hong shook his head with a smile. If he had experienced all this, how would it be different from betrayal?

Fortunately, Liu Bing had reminded himself outside, otherwise, Liu Bing would not have protected her at this time, even Ye Hong recently.

Ye Hong looked indifferently, and at the same time turned right to look at the mother plant of love flower beside him.

Under Ye Hong's control, the mother plant of Love Flower gradually stabilized at this time. After all, when it was attacked just now, the mother plant of Love Flower suddenly changed its temperament, and almost killed Ye Hong.

At this time, the mother plant of love flower was slowly shaking its branches and leaves, but it didn't feel the coming of the crisis. Ye Hong thought to himself how could the mother plant of love flower in front of him feel the crisis?
After all, only when the mother plant of Love Flower feels the crisis can it burst out a shield, even Ye Hong was worried that the mother plant of Love Flower would not be able to burst out the shield.

At that time, the chain will be dropped.

Ye Hong's gaze continued to be cold, looking at all this, but Liu Bing was already weak at this time, walking here like a walking dead.

Liu Bing's heart is dead, and now he only thinks about death, but Ye Hong decided to give Liu Bing a Jingxi, after all, he is still alive in the dust.

Now the dust still hasn't stopped. The bombing just now caused an extremely powerful impact, so until now, the dust is still floating in the air.

But Ye Hong could tell that the people from the Bureau of Special Education outside were also preparing to do something. They wouldn't let Liu Bing in just like that. What they wanted was to set fire again after Liu Bing entered!
Only in this way can they completely kill Liu Bing and prevent Liu Bing from reappearing or exposing their affairs.

Even if Liu Bing heard the words of the people in his investigation bureau, he didn't have any thoughts in his mind, he just wanted to die.

And just as Liu Bing walked in step by step, Ye Hong also started to reach out. After that, Liu Bing suddenly touched Ye Hong's arm in the dark, and he was startled.

"it's me."

"You...Ye Hong, why are you still alive?!"

Liu Bing couldn't believe it at all, but he was able to see Ye Hong's existence in this center. At this time, an expression of extreme surprise appeared on his face, and the ashen look just now disappeared.

Ye Hong didn't explain anything, instead he directly pulled Liu Bing to his side, the purpose was to protect Liu Bing together and prevent Liu Bing from being hit by the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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