Chapter 610 Marriage 02
After another whole day of busy work, the ten miles of red makeup sent by Prince Rong's Mansion was safely carried into Sun's Mansion after the wedding box in the palace.

The entire Sun family's mansion was buzzing with chatter and laughter, and the courtyard in the mansion had already set up flowing water seats to entertain the guests.

Amidst the joy, everything is well prepared, and when the auspicious time comes tomorrow, the dust will be settled when the new couple is married into the mansion.


Today is the day when the young lady of the Rong Palace is out of the cabinet, which means that the Rong Palace, which is in full swing, has formally become another faction in the court through marriage with the two most trusted Zuoxiang families.

The watchman had just beaten the stick for the third watch, and it was still dark outside the window, and a new day had already started in Prince Rong's mansion.

Burning incense and bathing, combing his hair with his face open, Nie Zhaoyang almost kept his eyes closed and let others manipulate him.

Although it was only early summer, the weather was not too hot, but four or five layers of wedding clothes were piled on one's body, but it still made people feel a little bored.

Facing the mirror and seeing himself in bright red, like a beaming super-large firecracker, Nie Zhaoyang frowned, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Auntie Quan Fu specially invited by Princess Rong came over accompanied by Aunt Yue, muttering a bunch of auspicious words in her mouth, and began to comb her hair with a green jade comb in her hand.

This Quanfu nun seemed to have a kind face, but she was merciless when she moved her hands.

It is said that the strength of the hand should not be too loose, otherwise the combed hair will be too loose and unattractive, so Nie Zhaoyang felt that his long hair was about to be ripped off from his scalp as Aunt Quan Fu started to do it.

Nie Zhaoyang couldn't help yelling in pain, and the fingers that had just covered his head were slapped away by Quan Fu in a cold tone.

Nie Zhaoyang squeezed his fingers and pursed his lips in grievance, looking pitifully at Aunt Yue.

But Aunt Yue, who has always been soft-spoken, remained indifferent. She firmly pressed Nie Zhaoyang's shoulders and pushed her to sit on the chair, letting Quanfu do things more conveniently behind her.

Finally endured until the bun was combed, another huge hair crown was pressed down heavily...

After finally dressing up the newlyweds, it was already bright outside.

Sounding gongs, beating drums, setting off firecrackers, the wedding party coming to the door, the husband's family urging makeup, going out, boarding the sedan chair, lifting the sedan chair, kicking the sedan chair door...

After being staggered by the bearers all the way, he finally arrived at Sun's house.

After getting off the sedan chair, Xi Niang sent a big red silk ribbon in his hands. Nie Zhaoyang held the ribbon tightly in his hand, feeling the solid and steady strength of the other end of the ribbon, and his mind, which had been in a trance for a long time, finally stabilized at this moment .

She is getting married.

Just today.

At this moment, the other end of the ribbon in her hand is connected to the lover who accompanied her in this life.

Amidst the noisy and festive din, Nie Zhaoyang followed the red silk belt all the way, completed a series of ceremonies such as crossing the brazier and stepping on the red felt, stood on the wedding hall, and worshiped the heaven and the earth nervously and solemnly. ...

After the husband and wife worshiped each other, crackling firecrackers rang out, and Nie Zhaoyang was sent into the new house amidst the excitement.

I can finally catch my breath.

Sitting on the marriage bed in the new house, Nie Zhaoyang, who was dizzy with excitement, closed his eyes slightly.

Just as he exhaled this breath, he heard Xi Niang's chirping voice, "The newlyweds are sitting in the tent, welcome the happiness and welcome the blessings."

(End of this chapter)

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