Chapter 383 The Third Young Master

"Then we are here to wish girl Yunluo that her dream will come true and she will make a small fortune."

The eldest lady turned her eyes away with a smile, and turned her eyes back to the dragon boat race that had already started on the Weihe River.

Seeing that the lady's attention did not stay on her, Nie Yunluo let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time quietly raised her eyes to give Nie Yanran a grateful look.

But Nie Yanran sighed lightly, and then turned her eyes away.

Nie Yunluo backed away in embarrassment, and when she was walking towards her seat and passing by Nie Ziqiong, Nie Ziqiong snorted coldly at Nie Yunluo with extreme disdain.

Hearing Nie Ziqiong's cold snort, Nie Yunluo's body trembled, and her steps under her skirt also took a few steps.

Seeing Nie Yunluo's flustered appearance, Nie Ziqiong turned her eyes away quickly, as if she was too lazy to look at Nie Yunluo again, so Nie Yunluo hurriedly sat down with her feet in disorder.

Sitting in the back, Nie Zhaoyang saw the eldest lady and Nie Yanran looking intently at the Weihe River, seriously watching the chasing dragon boat race on the river, and also saw Nie Ziqiong snorting coldly at Nie Yunluo. Nie Yunluo blushed extremely uncomfortably and retreated to her seat.

Nie Zhaoyang sighed softly in his heart, did not speak, and looked at the river seriously.

None of the three dragon boat masters who started racing on the river are popular candidates this year. The odds of the three dragon boats that have just entered the field are extremely low. The reason why they are placed at the very beginning should be to warm up the atmosphere.

On the surface of the Weihe River, the sound of gongs and drums, and the sound of people, the three dragon boats on the river have gradually separated, and they are about to reach the river bank.

Hearing the shouts of the people watching on both sides of the river was even louder. Nie Zhaoyang, who was not very interested in the dragon boat race, was also infected by the enthusiasm.

When the interest of almost everyone on the viewing platform was attracted by the three dragon boats vying to be the first on the river, a little maid came up to the stage with a colorful dustpan and walked all the way to the viewing platform.

Just when Nie Zhaoyang was looking out through the screen with some curiosity, the little maid holding a colorful dustpan had already come nearby, and slightly raised her voice through the screen to announce her family name, "Slave Xiaoyuan, I am ordered Come and take the lottery that Miss Nie placed."

While speaking, the maid who claimed to be Xiaoyuan had already walked in through the opening of the screen holding a colorful dustpan, just blocking the view of Nie Zhaoyang and others from looking at the Weihe River.

"Let her in."
The eldest lady raised her eyebrows, raised her hand to screen away Yufei who was about to step forward to block Xiaoyuan, and then asked herself, "Whose order?"

Nie Zhaoyang also frowned and looked over, while Nie Yanran and the others looked at the little maid, then at Nie Zhaoyang, with puzzled eyes.

"Returning to Mrs. Nie, this servant was ordered by the third son of my family to come to collect the lottery offered by Miss Nie."

Xiaoyuan took a step forward, bowed respectfully to Da Furen and Nie Zhaoyang and others, then stood up straight, looked back at Da Madam, raised her face and answered neither humble nor overbearing.

The eldest lady glanced at Nie Zhaoyang, then looked at Yufei with a frown, so Yufei took a step forward and said softly before the little maid looked over,

"Did Miss Xiaoyuan make a mistake? My eldest lady has already placed a bet before, and the lottery is a gold ingot weighing five taels, and the maid of the Sun House has already received it. Who is it?"


update completed
(End of this chapter)

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