Chapter 158 Trap 11
In the early morning of the next day, the lady of Hongdouyuan asked someone to deliver a crimson agarwood carved flower box. After removing the small copper lock of Pisces Playing Beads, and opening the lid, the unique fragrance of agarwood came out. Refreshing.There are three layers of drawers inside the box. The drawers are drawn apart. On the top layer are silk head flowers of various colors stacked on the top layer. On the second layer are colorful earrings. The style is complete, the bottom layer of drawers is the largest of the three drawers, and the things inside are also full, such as magnolia dots and emerald green steps, hairpins with gold threads and beads, beaded hairpins with five phoenixes in the morning sun, silver tendrils and red treasures. There is also a red phoenix pendant bead tassel inlaid with sapphires, the full box of pearls can almost burn people's eyes.

The maid who delivered the things said that the lady sent it specially for the lady to dress up as a guest when she went out. Aunt Yue asked repeatedly, and after confirming that the lady also sent a box of jewelry to Nie Yunluo, she carved the agarwood. She put away her jewelry box, and asked Mother Lan to take the things to Nie Zhaoyang's room so that she could help Yuxin and Yujie dress up Nie Zhaoyang.

Aunt Yue had just sent Nanny Lan to Nie Zhaoyang's room to deliver things, before she could turn around and sit back on the concubine's couch in the room to lean on, she saw Nanny Lan running out in a panic, talking while running. Li also bluffed and said that the lady was sick and wanted to call the doctor.

Hearing that Nie Zhaoyang was ill, Aunt Yue couldn't sit still, straightened up and hurriedly ran towards the room.

As soon as she entered the curtain door of the inner room where Nie Zhaoyang lived, Aunt Yue gasped in shock, only to see that Nie Zhaoyang, who had fallen ill, was flushed with high fever on the face of Nurse Lan, who had always The black and white eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of smog, and they had long lost the brightness and clarity of the past, and they clearly looked like they were suffering from a cold and high fever.Even so, Nie Zhaoyang did not have the slightest sense of being a patient. Instead of reclining on the bed and resting obediently, he leaned against the table wearing only a brocade jacket with white silk and peach red trim, looking at the box full of dazzling jewels, His eyes were full of regret, "It's a pity, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to wear such a beautiful thing.

While sighing, he suddenly heard the sound of ding ding lingling from the bead curtain at the door, Nie Zhaoyang turned his head slightly, and smiled at Aunt Yue who was full of panic, "Don't worry, mother, I'm fine."

"You child, your body has been burnt to such an extent that you still have the heart to regret these things! Hurry up and lie down on the bed, what kind of things can't be worn on your head when you recover?" Seeing that Nie Zhaoyang was only admiring the gifts sent by the eldest lady For the jewelry box, Aunt Yue's feet thumped heavily, and she gave Yuxin and Yujie a sideways look anxiously and angrily, and forced Nie Zhaoyang to help her onto the bed.

"Mother, don't worry, it's none of their business. I feel that I am in good spirits, so I insisted on going to see the jewelry my mother sent." Yuxin Yujie's cross-eyed glance was extremely stern, seeing the two maids who were wronged and at a loss, Nie Zhaoyang obediently leaned on the head of the bed, and explained softly to Aunt Yue.

"Last night was fine. How can I say I was sick? This is really..." Aunt Yue pushed Nie Zhaoyang onto the bed, and sat on the side of the bed herself. She raised her hand and touched Nie Zhaoyang's hot forehead. The eye circles couldn't help turning red.

(End of this chapter)

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