Chapter 229

The four of them were sitting on the sofa, and Guo Yunshu's expression was very bad.

She should have persisted just now, and maybe she would compromise when they were too hungry.

Who knew she had compromised first, how could this not make Guo Yunshu depressed!

Guo Xiaoman and Fang Chen were very hungry today, they kept eating fruit after eating, Fang Zhi sat on the side with a fruit knife and peeled the fruit for them, but the speed of peeling the fruit couldn’t keep up with the two of them eating fruit speed.

"Don't eat, are you that hungry?" Seeing Fang Chen reaching for the fruit, Guo Yunshu couldn't help saying, she only ate a few mouthfuls at noon, and didn't touch it at all at night.

How could she have the appetite to eat now, she was so full of gas.

Seeing these two eating happily, it was too eye-catching.

Fang Chen glanced at Guo Yunshu, reached out and took an apple, stuffed it into his mouth, and said after swallowing, "Mom, I'm still growing, so I can't be hungry."


The fruit in Guo Xiaoman's mouth almost spit out.

Guo Yunshu glared at him angrily, "You are already 28 and still growing, why don't you say you are still growing."

Fang Chen raised his eyebrows, "If you put me back in your stomach and grow up again, I will definitely grow up." If time goes back, he will definitely stick to his ideal to become a criminal policeman, and he will be on his way soon. He is only doing it for himself dream hard.

No matter what the final result is, it is not in vain.

"Don't cut it." Guo Yunshu pointed the cannon fire at Fang Zhi, the son is hers alone, right?

One or two are against her, do they still regard her as an elder?

Fang Zhi smiled flatteringly at Guo Yunshu, and put down the fruit knife in his hand.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, the fire in Guo Yunshu's heart subsided a little.

"You can realize your dreams, but you can't be a criminal policeman, you can only be a policeman." Guo Yunshu said compromised.

Don't think that she doesn't know what a criminal police officer does. The risk factor is too high, so it's safer to be a film police officer.

Fang Chen, "..." felt a basin of cold water poured down.

He just wanted to be a criminal police officer, he could go on missions, it would be exciting.

A policeman catches thieves today, and tomorrow he will be in charge of anyone who escapes, so he doesn't want to go.

Seeing that Fang Chen didn't speak, Guo Yunshu glared at him and raised her voice, "If you don't agree, we won't talk about it."

Fang Chen wanted to refute Guo Yunshu. Although he is a forensic doctor, he has learned both fighting, taekwondo and judo. It is no problem to be a criminal policeman.

Guo Xiaoman tugged at the corner of Fang Chen's clothes, winked at him, and agreed first.

After all, my aunt has compromised.

Understanding the meaning in Guo Xiaoman's eyes, Fang Chen reluctantly said to Guo Yunshu, "Okay, I promise."

"That's about the same." Guo Yunshu said with satisfaction.

It's enough to be a small film policeman and have fun, and be a criminal policeman. 
Seeing that it was getting late, Guo Xiaoman picked up his bag and got up, "Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, it's getting late, I'm leaving first." 
"Let your cousin send you off, isn't he going to become a policeman, let's start with sending you off." Guo Yunshu waved her hands wearily, and walked towards the bedroom.

She was also very tired after fighting with the children all day.

The corner of Fang Chen's mouth twitched, that's how his mother understood the police.

But that's right, if you can't find your way home, you're looking for the police uncle.

The two came down from upstairs, the moonlight mixed with the street lamps and poured down.

"I still want to be a criminal police officer." Fang Chen kicked his feet and said sullenly.

Guo Xiaoman rolled his eyes towards the sky, "You are stupid, my aunt has accepted that you can be a policeman now, and you can be a criminal policeman when there is a suitable opportunity."

Fang Chen's eyes lit up, "Yes, you are right."

A few days later, Fang Chen did not expect that the first case he handled as a policeman was about Guo Xiaoman.

When the two walked out of the community, they saw a champagne-colored Land Rover parked opposite. The man was leaning in front of the car, with a bag in one hand and a cigarette in the other, slowly smoking.

There happened to be a street lamp above the head, hitting the man's body, adding a bit of handsomeness to the man's face.


This was the first thought in Fang Chen's mind, no wonder Guo Xiaoman fell headfirst into it.

"Cousin, I'm going back." Guo Xiaoman didn't rush towards Zhuang Weiren, but stopped and looked at Fang Chen.

The woman's eyebrows were smiling, her face was a little shy, and her voice was soft.

Fang Chen knew that this was Guo Xiaoman's reaction after meeting Zhuang Weiren, which meant that she really liked Zhuang Weiren.

"En." Fang Chen responded softly, and glanced at Zhuang Weiren.

Zhuang Weiren snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand, and walked towards the two of them.

He reached out and stroked Guo Xiaoman's hair, "Why is your face pale?"

Guo Xiaoman touched his face, not daring to say that he was hungry all day, so he said haha, "Well, it's lit by the lights at night."

The man hummed, Guo Xiaoman stayed at his aunt's house for a day today, and he saw that Guo Yunshu and Fang Zhi really treated Guo Xiaoman as their own daughter, so they would definitely not be wronged at their house.

"Slow down on the road." Fang Chen looked at Guo Xiaoman and said, as for that fellow Zhuang Weiren, if he wants to be his brother-in-law, he still has to investigate.

No matter how much Guo Xiaoman likes him, if he dares to make Guo Xiaoman feel wronged, he will not spare him.


Guo Xiaoman waved to Fang Chen.

Zhuang Weiren led Guo Xiaoman towards the car, opened the door and stuffed her in.

"Go home directly?" Guo Xiaoman asked while fastening his seat belt, feeling a fiery gaze on him, and when he looked up, he saw Zhuang Weiren looking at her for a moment.

Guo Xiaoman felt a little guilty, "What... what's wrong?"

Zhuang Weiren raised Guo Xiaoman's chin and looked at her face carefully, "Can you tell me why your face is so pale now?"

The man stared at Guo Xiaoman's face intently, his eyes seemed to overflow with pity.

Looking into Zhuang Weiren's eyes, Guo Xiaoman had no choice but to tell the truth, "My cousin wanted to be a criminal police officer, but my aunt and uncle disagreed. Then my cousin and I were punished by my aunt and starved for a day." At the end, Guo Xiaoman's voice was low Like the sound of mosquitoes, because she found that every time she said something, Zhuang Weiren's face became colder.

"Fang Chen wanted to be a criminal policeman and was punished to stand, why are you also punished to stand?" The man grasped the key words.

After hearing Zhuang Weiren's words, Guo Xiaoman didn't dare to look at him, and turned her head to one side, but her chin was in the man's hand, and she couldn't turn it with a little force, so she said dully, "Because I understand." Her goal is to avenge her mother. At first she thought that her mother was what her aunt said, who died of dystocia when she was born.

But from her investigation, her mother's death was not that simple.

She didn't know if her aunt knew the truth back then, but she didn't want to take the initiative to ask her aunt. If she did, her aunt would definitely not let her meet Ji Hanlin again, or even let her work in Ji's.

The aunt's compromise these two times just didn't step on her bottom line.

Zhuang Weiren let go of Guo Xiaoman's chin, and held her in his arms, "I understand, but you are too stupid to just be hungry all day."

Guo Xiaoman broke free from Zhuang Weiren's arms, patted his belly, "I'm full now."

Looking at the woman's sly eyes, Zhuang Weiren patted her head lovingly, "Sit down."

The car drove towards the villa.

Suddenly, Guo Xiaoman wanted to listen to music. Anyway, it took about an hour to get to the villa, and the road was so boring.

Then she turned on the radio in the car and found the music channel.

leave and quarrel

can't change anything

stay and can't

play the role of lover

I hate myself

can't give you what you want

i love you so

will be sorry for you

will take pity on you
first moment together

you are by my side

heart never belonged to me


Guo Xiaoman was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the music radio station that he turned on was actually playing this song.

Turning his head to look at Zhuang Weiren, the man looked calm and focused on driving.

if you are happy

It's worth breaking up
hurt me how you want

I still love you

if you are happy

I don't regret this life

leave one last tear
Change your heart for a lifetime


The song continued to sing, but Guo Xiaoman was not in the mood to listen any more. He turned his head out of the car window, watching the neon lights flashing outside.

Suddenly, the phone in the bag vibrated.

Guo Xiaoman took it out and looked, his body froze.

[Do you think Zhuang Weiren really loves you?You're just a stand-in, I want to know why, see you at the coffee shop tomorrow morning! ]

Attached to the text message was the address of the coffee shop.

The text message was sent by Ji Xiaoqian.

Guo Xiaoman's first reaction was that Ji Xiaoqian started acting like a monster again and threw the phone back into her bag.

But her heart couldn't be calm for a long time. If it was something else, she would naturally not go to the appointment.

But regarding Zhuang Weiren, her heart was scratching like a cat's paw.

In the end, he took out his mobile phone again, and simply turned off the mobile phone after replying.

Ji Xiaoqian grabbed her phone and smiled happily, but she didn't believe that Guo Xiaoman would not go.

"Qianqian, is Guo Xiaoman going to the appointment tomorrow?" Zhang Bilan asked.

"Of course, she replied to my message." Ji Xiaoqian said proudly.

Zhang Bilan smiled, "I'll see how arrogant she is this time."


Guo Xiaoman was holding his phone, completely in a daze, Zhuang Weiren had someone else in his heart?She's just a stand-in?
The message dropped suddenly made her unable to react for a long time.

This is absolutely impossible.

If Zhuang Weiren really had someone in his heart, why would he be with her?
When Guo Xiaoman was thinking wildly, the car braked suddenly. Due to inertia, Guo Xiaoman rushed forward. Fortunately, she was wearing a seat belt, otherwise she would have hit the front windshield.

There was a thump.

The sound of the car door next to her was so loud that her diaphragm hurt, she turned her head and saw Zhuang Weiren running away in one direction.

In front of him, there was a black figure running, looking from the back, it looked like a woman.

Why is Zhuang Weiren chasing a woman? !

Zhuang Weiren was driving just now, and saw a woman running across the road in front of him, and looked behind while running, as if someone was chasing her.

When he saw that the woman was Su Wanqing, Zhuang Weiren didn't even think about pulling the car to the side of the road, and chased after her.

The woman specially ran to remote places with few people, her thin figure blending into the night.

Zhuang Weiren wanted to catch up with the woman and asked her what happened, but the woman's speed was not slow, and he would not catch up for a while.

When did Su Wanqing's skills get so good?

Zhuang Weiren was thinking while chasing, and when he was distracted, the woman ran away and disappeared.

Zhuang Weiren searched the surroundings but did not find Su Wanqing's figure, so he had to go back.

Guo Xiaoman had been sitting in the car and didn't leave. She didn't know why Zhuang Weiren got out of the car suddenly, so she sat in the car and waited for him.

When he saw the figure of the man, Guo Xiaoman got out of the car, "Weiren, where have you been?"

Guo Xiaoman's words reminded Zhuang Weiren, and he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket to call Su Wanqing, but the phone rang but no one answered.

Zhuang Weiren was a little anxious, nothing will happen.

After dialing the number again and again, after ringing for a long time, the call was finally connected.

"Zhuang Yuren, what are you doing with my wife in the middle of the night, I don't know if this time will disturb other people's couples." A male voice came over.

Zhuang Weiren heard that it was Lu Yichen's voice, and before he could speak, the other party hung up the phone.

Since it was Lu Yichen who answered the call, it meant that Su Wanqing was fine, so Zhuang Weiren put the phone back in his pocket and sat back in the car at ease.

Guo Xiaoman waited for Zhuang Weiren to explain, but it seemed that the man didn't need to explain.

Until the car stopped at the entrance of the villa, the man didn't explain what happened just now, and Guo Xiaoman didn't have the mood to ask again.

She was sure that she had asked clearly just now, Zhuang Weiren heard it too, not only didn't answer her, but called her instead.

He hung up the phone and didn't answer her, which only showed that Zhuang Weiren didn't want to answer this question.

He is obviously chasing a woman, so why not tell her.

Thinking of the message Ji Xiaoqian sent her just now, her lips pursed. It seemed that Zhuang Weiren really had someone else in his heart.

The two entered the villa one after the other, and Aunt Liu greeted them, "Mr. Zhuang, Ms. Guo, do you need Xiaoye?"

Zhuang Weiren looked at Guo Xiaoman.

Guo Xiaoman didn't look at him, and smiled at Aunt Liu, "Thank you, I don't need it."

She said I don't need it, not that we don't need it.

Aunt Liu looked at Zhuang Weiren again, feeling that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"I don't need it anymore. If you have nothing to do, go to bed early." Zhuang Weiren followed Guo Xiaoman's footsteps upstairs after speaking.

Pushing open the bedroom door, I heard the sound of running water from the bathroom, obviously the woman was taking a shower.

Zhuang Weiren took the change of clothes and went to the next room to wash them.

When the man returned to the bedroom after taking a shower, he saw a small one protruding from the bed, which looked very thin. There was only one wall lamp in the room, emitting a faint light.

When Zhuang Weiren came in, Guo Xiaoman noticed it. He squeezed the quilt tightly with his eyes closed. The bed next to him sank, and the mattress moved accordingly.

Guo Xiaoman thought that the man would hug her from behind as usual, but this time she was disappointed. The man lay on the bed without moving, and soon there was the sound of even breathing.

Physical exhaustion hit, Guo Xiaoman squeezed the quilt and gradually fell asleep.

After the woman beside him heard the sound of steady breathing, the man opened his eyes.

Turning his head to look at Guo Xiaoman, he lifted the quilt and got up to go to the study.

It wasn't until dawn that the man dragged his tired body back, lay down carefully on the bed, and closed his eyes.

The next day, when Guo Xiaoman woke up, the man was gone.

When she went downstairs, Aunt Liu saw her and said with a smile, "Miss Guo, Mr. Zhuang has already gone to work, let me watch you eat breakfast before going to work."

(End of this chapter)

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