crossed border

Chapter 428

Chapter 428
The rotten land and muddy roads outside the city have also been treated—to such an extent that they are still full of human and animal feces and excrement. Mu Xiu is the first one who can't bear this situation.

Therefore, although not all roads are paved with stone slabs or red bricks as luxuriously as in the city, the roads are also very flat and tidy, and both caravans and horse-drawn carriages can easily pass through.

Farther away, you can see large expanses of land that have been reclaimed. The fields are full of green crops, full of greenery and vitality. You can see many farmers working in the fields, full of vitality and hope.

In some directions, the laid tracks can even be seen, and a series of iron trains shuttled between the fields, plains and forests with black smoke, as if they were constantly transporting a large amount of supplies.

It's just that it's not clear whether the materials are transported to Junfu City from other places, or whether the various materials are transported from Junfu City to other places.

As for the city, there are quite a few clay golems and steel golems walking. They move cumbersomely but smoothly. If the foundation of the road is not thick, every step can make the ground tremble.

The former is constantly cleaning up the sundries and garbage in the city, arresting or fineing those who violate the law and discipline, and checking the facilities everywhere.The latter is constantly patrolling, which seems to be maintaining law and order in a real sense.

No one is willing to ignore the existence of the steel golem. This kind of steel golem puppet has a humanoid body made of steel and twice the height of an ordinary person, just like an armed giant.

Since it is a constructed creature made entirely of pure steel, its weight alone is a full five thousand pounds, which is a little over two tons.With such weight and material, when they attack with precise and unbelievably deadly force, their opponents will understand how desperate they are.

It's just that things have two sides. For the local residents, there is nothing more secure than this kind of golem puppet who can't speak or make a sound, and doesn't have any discernible smell.

Especially when the high-level executives of Junfu City made up their minds to thoroughly rectify the city atmosphere, they simply put the steel golems, which had never been able to form a large scale, into the city's security.

Although due to the number of reasons, it cannot be scaled on the battlefield, and there is no advantage when facing those Ji Wu generals who have cultivated their armed domineering to a very high level.Because steel golems are really not much stronger than plastic under their heavy blows, they will often be swept away directly.

But when it is used in the urban area, it can ensure that the entire city is covered. After all, the foundation of Junfu City is still an ancient city, although the expansion has been going on.

However, it is not the order of magnitude in which there are tens of millions of people in modern cities, and tens of thousands of police forces are needed to maintain public order in the city.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the recent Junfu City is different day by day, not to mention stealing chickens and dogs, even beggars can no longer be seen, and all of them have been arrested for renovation. Just throw it away to mine.

Because this city is so different, no matter who sees it for the first time, they will feel quite shocked——

If this era is on the rise, then this city is the epitome of the principles of civilization in this era!



"Is this really Junfu City...?"

The words were full of strong unbelief, and the person who said these words was a very handsome young man, who was completely dressed as a businessman, and there were several guards and maids behind him.

"Theoretically, yes, Nobusumi-sama."

A blue-haired and blue-eyed girl who was dressed as a maid behind him seemed to be unable to help exclaiming, her eyes filled with a mixture of horror and excitement.

They came here to inquire about news, but they were shocked by what they saw just after they arrived at their destination, and felt an uncontrollable sense of powerlessness in their hearts. How should they fight against such an enemy?

It seems that only a quarter has passed since the previous Alien War, right? !

So, in these short three months, what kind of adventure did Yoshimoto Imagawa have, or what kind of thing did Yoshimoto under her command ride on and rampage forward? Why did she pull away so suddenly? big gap? !

When he was far outside the city just now, Niwa Chohide already felt shocked enough, but now after entering the city, he realized what kind of monster he was facing.

A self-contained and aggressive city!A steampunk-style steel monster supported by dual technologies of steam technology and alchemy!

She is not unfamiliar with things like golem puppets and alchemy workshops in the city, because the Oda family and other Hime daimyos are working hard to develop in this area.What shocked her was the degree of completion of the city. Anyone could see that the transformation of the city had come to an end.

The rest is nothing more than continuous expansion and targeted adjustment planning... In this way, the gap is obvious.

The city that was first developed by the Oda family's concentrated efforts is still in a complex mixed state, with advanced and backward coexisting.A large number of alchemy workshops, steam boilers, and those wooden sheds, dirt roads, and low brick walls exist together-it is really a very obvious gap.

The other Ji Damings are probably similar, but only this Junfu City in front of her really overturned her imagination.

"Sure enough, it is correct to come here to investigate the news, otherwise we might not even have time to react... [-] minutes."

The girl raised her head and looked at the empty steam rails surrounding the city in the sky. Although this part of the suspended monorail transportation system is still under construction, it has already started trial operation. Following the rumbling sound, she can see The operation of several train cars.

In the sky near the empty orbit, there is also a floating airship.

"The advantage of Junfu City is too great. In comparison, even if Master Nobuna has obtained the surrender of the three masters of Saito Michi and holds Mino tightly in his hands, he is still not qualified to fight against it for the time being. .”

The group fell silent following her words.

No matter what kind of hearing or unreasonable confidence, it is not as convincing as directly seeing the huge gap between the two sides.

Suruga is the only way to pass through the Tokaido. After nearly 200 years of painstaking efforts by the Imagawa family, the entire Suruga country has become an important transportation hub of the Tokaido. Its reputation has even spread to Kanto Kinai and even more distant Kyushu Yuao and other places.

Just a prosperous and prosperous castle town of Suruga Castle, all the castle towns under the name of the Oda family can be multiplied several times, because compared to Suruga, the Shinano area is really a poor mountainous area.

Except for Shi Gao's data, there is no other aspect that can be obtained.

The accumulation in the past also determines the future development, Suruga no matter whether it is land or sea, there are no difficulties and obstacles.

On the contrary, if Shinano, which is relatively remote and sparsely populated, needs huge manpower and material support if it wants to develop, this is the reality.

In an instant, Niwa Changhide had already thought of so many things in his mind, worthy of her position as the think tank of the Oda family.She raised her head, only to realize that she had been standing in a daze on the street for a while after waiting for someone to enter the city.

Fortunately, in the recent period, it seems that there are quite a few people like them, and the local residents of Junfu City are used to it, so they have not aroused suspicion, but the kind of eyes that look at bumpkins are inevitable.

"Find a place to rest for a while, don't act rashly for the time being, according to the previous plan, just be an honest businessman, don't deliberately collect information, your experience is not enough..."

Following closely behind Oda Nobusumi like a maid, Niwa Chohide whispered to the crowd, although this time Nobusumi-sama is the leader in name, but in fact she is the one in charge.

After all, only she can do such a thing, otherwise, if Shibata Katsuya was sent over, it would probably have been exposed by now.

"But we have a rare chance this time, because Junfu City is not a port city. And according to the news from Chuanhe, it is said that the Imagawa family has already worked out a steam ship, and Imagawa Yoshimoto set off to inspect it not long ago. That’s why we have the opportunity.”

Her words were very soft and thin, but the meaning was clearly expressed.

This is the residence of Yoshimoto Imagawa. If the lord of Imagawa was sitting in the town himself, no one would want to come over to die.Whether it's making trouble or simply looking for news, no one's breath can hide from that person's perception.

Only when they got a clear message and confirmed that the Lord of Imagawa, who was the enemy of the country, had left for the time being, would they have a chance to come over.

Almost subconsciously, everyone couldn't help but hold a certain sign in their hands. This is the "pass" they got when they entered the city. Allowed, they will never be stingy with their fists.

Although Niwa Nagahide was with him and the golem puppets were not scary, they would never be so naive as to think that after they and others revealed their identities, this terrifying steam city would only use golem puppets to attack them.

Who knows what terrible means are hidden?

The boy who led the team was the younger brother of Oda Nobuna. He tried to rebel after being instigated by the people around him. After being forgiven by Nobuna for the rebellion, he changed his name to the branch's surname. The branch's surname was Tsuda, so he changed his name to Tsuda Nobusumi.

"I see, Dan... Manchiyo."

After listening to Niwa Changhide's words, he showed an ugly smile, but his eyes were very firm, but he didn't say anything.This time, he volunteered for the task on his own initiative. Although he was very scared, he was equally determined.

Although Niwa Chohide is a very stable person in the Oda family, he still couldn't suppress the horror in his heart.

Although on the surface she just followed the team slowly into the city, heading for the market area of ​​the castle town, but in the process, she detected the city as much as possible through her sense of breath.

The result is more and more surprising.

The physical fitness of most of the residents in the city is surprisingly good, better than the soldiers before, but they all carry a strange and strange aura, as if they were mass-produced alchemy products.

But before she had time to think about what this phenomenon represented, her attention was soon attracted by the ubiquitous steam power system in the city—those steam boilers were scattered and arranged in various nodes in the city in an orderly manner, like a heart , through those brass pipes like venous blood vessels, it provides an endless supply of power to the entire city.

It seems that this kind of layout and design is very reasonable and scientific, and it is very informative. Maybe I should write down as many of them as possible...

Thinking this way, she slowly went deep into the ground because of her induction force. After realizing the complicated and huge underground waterway, she felt even more headache. The construction of this city seemed to have been completed in every aspect, and it was so complicated and scary.

This headache continued until her knowledge-colored arrogance spread, and she noticed some kind of strange divine fluctuations in the city center——

It is the most eye-catching building in the city except the castle tower, which is a symbol of power.

A magnificent temple built near the central square.

Just because the knowledge-colored arrogance diffused over, swept across the temple, and was stained with an almost imperceptible breath, Niwa Nagahide had the illusion of being suffocated.

It is because of understanding that we are afraid.

At that moment, she already understood the answer to the question that she and others had guessed about why the Imagawa family wanted to get involved in theocracy.

Everyone is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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