crossed border

Chapter 421 Development

Chapter 421 Development

The king, who was a little guilty and twitched, looked a little surprised, with a little blush on his cheeks: "Don't you blame me?"

"What's the point of this—" Mu Xiu laughed dumbfounded, then shook his head, "Since it was given to you at the beginning, it is naturally yours, and you can of course handle it according to your own wishes."

In fact, it was really a surprise for Mu Xiu that such a development could occur.

Probably because of the world-class crisis caused by the invasion of the reincarnation, the suppression force resolutely launched a counterattack, and successfully nipped the crisis in the bud.

But because of this, it actually relaxed the rules and restrictions on the extraordinary power of this plane, and even began to actively promote the development and perfection of mysticism and non-sense power.

Although the domineering system has already occupied the mainstream position, it is complemented by some special mysterious powers that this world already possesses, and a considerable part of it completes the conceptual components of the non-conscious side of this world.

But other extraordinary powers are also no longer suppressed, because this is a change in the law of the world barrier in the overall concept.

Mu Xiu can now clearly feel the subtle changes in the constants of the rules because he has crossed different planes and worlds—very subtle and hidden, but it is undeniable that this is a very fatal change.

For example, if the value of Planck's constant is changed by a decimal point, the oxidation-reduction and electromagnetic conversion processes of substances will be seriously affected.

Therefore, if it is an amendment to the deeper laws and regulations of the world, it is completely sufficient to fundamentally change the state of certain phenomena.

Because if the material rules of a world suppress the extraordinary power, then it is undoubtedly a change in the level of the law, which belongs to the effect of the correction force in the direction.No life form that is as powerful as a demigod can resist this correction.

In other words, that is to say, it is best to be an existence of double A level or above, so that you can consider the matter of actively crossing the world, otherwise, you can only hope that you are a special existence like a reincarnation.

Anyway, leaving the familiar world and going to another strange world is very likely to pay a heavy price.

However, Mu Xiu was not affected at all. He has now reshaped his body, which is completely composed of the fifth element, ether, which transcends the material level, and even the atomic structure no longer exists.

His current body is just a perfect simulation of the characteristics of flesh and blood, and a complete copy of the genetic information of his own life essence.

To be honest, even the outfit on him at this moment is a conceptual weapon, and it doesn't need to be embodied in the form of movement, because it is not a physical object and field.

Therefore, coupled with the rule resistance of the light of the mind, naturally he will not be affected by the different rule constants between the planes.

And the reason why the changes in this world are a surprise to Mu Xiu is because he suddenly thought that he seemed to be able to take advantage of such a general trend.

Well, maybe it's time to start evangelizing yourself—to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to unify the world's beliefs?


"After those guys died, what happened?"

Thinking quickly in my mind, a rough plan quickly took shape.While distracting his attention to deduce the details and feasibility, Mu Xiu continued to ask the Lord, wanting to know more about the situation.

"That was actually not long ago, that is, about two months. After all, it has only been more than a year since you left." Imakawa Yoshimoto frowned slightly, thinking for a while.

"...As you can see, after successfully annihilating those guys in turn, we captured a lot of unimaginable technologies. I always thought it was a bit strange before, and I didn't realize until today that they are too far ahead of the times."

The lord's tone of speech and common-sense behavior are very normal, but such "normal" always makes Mu Xiu feel a little bit of disobedience.

Of course he knew why—

Part of the conscious soul of the Lord was summoned to another different world in the background of modern time and space, and was endowed with the common sense cognition of that era.

And when she returned later, that part of common sense cognition also naturally became part of her body's knowledge system, so she cannot be regarded as a pure Ji Daming of the Warring States Period.

——In a sense, she is also a modern person like Mu Xiu.

It even has the common sense of a magician. After all, he was summoned in the form of a Servant. It would be strange if he couldn't even understand the situation.

Driving away these strange thoughts in his mind, Mu Xiu turned his eyes and continued to look down at this ancient city that was beginning to change to the road style of the science branch of steampunk, and asked:
"Then the other Hime Daimyo, Owari Kai, etc...their power is also the same?"

"Yeah! Alchemy technology and steam technology, as well as airships, various golem crafts, strange gunpowder weapons, and some weird biological weapon manufacturing technologies... The other guys naturally got a lot There may be some differences in these techniques.”

The lord of the country glanced at him, then lowered his head to wrench his fingers and listed them one by one. There was a kind of interest in his dark eyes, but she soon became dissatisfied again.

"And the weird thing is, whether it's my side or theirs, when craftsmen try to copy, analyze, and learn to master these techniques, the progress is very, very fast-you should know that this phenomenon is actually very unreasonable .”

Speaking of this, she looked at Mu Xiu, her eyes were very calm and there was a hint of questioning.

Yoshimoto Imagawa may not have had any clear cognition before. Although it is a bit presumptuous to say so, the cognition of the ancient people is indeed comprehensively backward. They may take many things for granted no matter how abnormal they are.

Why does water flow downhill?Why do apples always fall down?Why... There is no reason for them, this is a matter of course, they don't care and have no interest in exploring the deep-seated reasons behind it.

But after gaining cognition and common sense beyond the times, the Lord of the Kingdom understands that such a thing is a bit abnormal.

Through the reverse analysis of real objects to master the complete technical concept, is this kind of thing really easy to do and appear on a large scale?
"Actually, it's quite normal, because this is some kind of...well, some kind of pan-consciousness composed of all living and non-living things that is everywhere, including you, the lord, or the will of this world itself."

However, Mu Xiu laughed disapprovingly, and then explained to the black long straight girl carefully considering his words.

"And it's also the reason why the technology gaps in the technology you have obtained can actually be bridged, whether it's steam power technology or alchemy knowledge."

Because the former is originally the next era of the historical process of this world, and the latter is an empirical science that belongs to the mystic system. As long as the rules of the world allow it, anyone or any time can learn and master it, and there is no age limit.

It would not be said that alchemy was available in the past, but suddenly it will not be available in the future.

It's just that this is the truth. After all, if the technical concepts are really too different, there is no way to achieve this level.

For example, if the technology prepared by the group of reincarnations is to mass-produce Transformers, then hehe.

The original steam engine technology can still be understood by people of this era, and the principle can be easily demonstrated. After all, who hasn't seen the scene when the water boils?
And as recently as 1679, French physicist Denis Papen built the first working model of a steam engine after watching steam escape his pressure cooker.

Basically, that is to say, even if there is no interference from reincarnators and the natural historical process of this world advances, the embryonic form of steam technology will appear in only a hundred or so years.

Therefore, for this series of scientific and technological theories developed on the basis of the steam phenomenon, people in this era actually do not have much difficulty and generation gap in accepting them, let alone the fact that there is still a green light given by the will of the world and the blessing of luck. The situation is over.

The Heichangzhi King gave a slight snort, then brushed his long hair——

"Anyway, that's it. I had already forced those guys to go into the sea, but I was disrupted by that group of people, so that now they were able to regain their footing and stalemate."

Having said that, Imagawa Yoshimoto waved his small fist angrily and slammed into the air a few times, his tone was full of entanglement and resentment.

Dominating the world, leveling the top of the country, obviously I can complete such a feat in one go, but I was interrupted at the last moment, this feeling is really maddening.

Even though the culprits were already too dead to die, she still wished she could arrest them and continue flogging their corpses.

"Go, go to the sea..." Mu Xiu's mouth twitched, this word is really bold.

However, he had learned part of the specific situation from the lord of the country before, so he naturally understood that before that, facing the powerful military power of the Imagawa family, no matter whether it was the Oda family or the Takeda family, they were indeed about to be driven away. The mainland, went to the new world through the great route...

But now it seems that because of the random entry of the reincarnators, this process was abruptly interrupted, and they were given a chance to breathe again.

Among other things, although the previous crisis has passed, it is obvious that the pan-consciousness of this world is not going to continue to remain unchanged in response to all changes, but is actively innovating and seeking change, relaxing the restrictions on various power systems, and trying to Open up a new future.

After all, under the will of the world to treat everyone equally, if other Ji Daming forces are also desperately farming and developing technology, it is really possible to seize the opportunity again in this era of change and rise again.

In fact, taking advantage of this time to attack in one go is the best choice.

However, at this time, everyone had gone through a tragic battle not long ago. Even the Imagawa clan with a strong background actually didn't have much strength to continue fighting, so they could only be forced to choose to recuperate.

"Yeah, that's why Miss Ben is so annoying. In the previous confrontation, the casualties were really heavy."

The lord of the country sighed and complained extremely dissatisfied.

"So it's really inappropriate to continue the fight, otherwise it won't be able to develop due to lack of manpower. If you haven't mastered the alchemy of using clay to make golems, even the speed at which this city can operate now is very problematic..."

"...Really?" Mu Xiu nodded slowly, looking at the strange clay golems in the distance.

He thought it was some kind of artificial life body before, after all, that kind of thing had already produced a weak sense of chaos.

With steam technology as the basis, most of the creations produced are simple in shape but complex in structure. If it is further combined with alchemy technology, there is a high probability that it will create mechanical devices with classical forms but modern functions or even beyond modern times.

— although propellers, gears, pistons, bearings, etc. stand out.

(End of this chapter)

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